As a young lady, I have always fancied being a parent since I was a little girl, and it was due to many reasons; however, the major reason for me was that I simply love children. I love how innocent they look and how adorable they are; seeing them alone gives me the feeling of wanting to be a parent. Well, it took me some time before I realized that just finding them adorable wasn't all that there is to parenting, because one day things will change with them as they grow older.

I was privileged to enjoy the love of a parent, and I knew that I wanted the same for my own child; this instilled in me the need to acquire some traits to help me through that stage when I get there. There are quite a few things that I am building in myself to prepare for what's coming, and I will mention just the three that are of utmost importance to me in response to the beautiful topic suggestions by @amberkashif for the ladies of Hive week 186 contest.

  • Accountability

One major trait I am building in myself as a future mother is accountability. In our world today, it's almost a norm that some parents, especially mothers, are very carefree when it comes to how they handle the bundle of blessings they have been given. They now concern themselves more with how to put food on the table and forget almost completely their role in training up their children. Children are blessings to any home, but they are not there for decoration; they are there for you as a parent to train them up to become useful to themselves, their families, and the world at large.

So as a parent, you should be able to be accountable for every action of your child. I have heard a lot of people say that a child can deviate from the way they have been brought up, but I don't buy that at all. As long as you as a parent never neglect your duties in training up your child, then that child will most likely never deviate from that training. And to train up a child requires a lot of things, and only one mistake might cost you a lot. So as a lady aspiring to be a parent, I believe that I need to be ready to be accountable for my child for my parenting to be successful.

  • A good source of income

As a parent who has brought a new being into this world, you have to be able to cater to that child or children. Some might not see this as important, but I do because I have seen cases where a parent has to give away their child to someone just because they were indebted to such a person, and in the end, that child's life gets ruined. This might also fall a little under accountability, but I think it deserves to stand alone. Money is very vital in our world today, and it helps to curb some excesses and also helps parents from taking some drastic decisions.

Our children deserve the best we can give to them, and having financial independence can help save more time for parents to focus more on achieving their goal of actually training their children and not just having them around. A lot of parents today are doing poorly in taking care of their children because they have an unstable source of income, and that has affected how they had planned to bring up their children. So looking at it from this angle, I would try my best to be financially independent to a great extent before thinking of bringing a child or children into this world.

  • Godly foundation

The last but not the least is having a solid foundation, and for me, no other foundation can be as strong as that which is built on a rock. Having a good bearing with the Almighty God and building everything on Him is one sure way to be successful in parenting. In as much as we try to take away the spirituality in most things, it's only a matter of time before we will agree that there is more than meets the eye.

For me, Christ Jesus is my firm foundation, the rock on which I stand, and I so much believe that anything built on Him is safe and secure. Having such a foundation as a parent, I believe that parenting won't be a hassle for me at all. All I need to do is trust the One who leads the way, and I will be just fine.

That's all for my response to the first topic for the ladies of Hive contest. Please feel free to leave your thoughts and contributions.

The images used are mine


This is a mother in making😍

Hope leave school, and go and marry😩


Eii!!! By now you know how much this made me laugh and also feel good 🥹.

I’m glad you think I’m ready but I’m not yet 😂🏃‍♀️‍➡️


I guess my top 3 that I want to instill will be being responsible, loving, and respectful.... those form a good foundation in a family.

Reading your thoughts about the matter, you sure will be a good mother in the future 😊



Yeah, you have really good points too Jane 🥰.

I’m glad you think I’d make a good mother, that’s my prayer 🥰


Hello friend how good that you are preparing to assume this great role, personally I would have liked to follow these steps of planning, but I had my son without planning it and it has been a great responsibility, one thing if I tell you is not as we imagine it is always more beautiful and more complicated, but with these steps that you are studying I think you were doing great when you get the opportunity to be a mother. Thank you for sharing this very helpful information, greetings!


Yeah, there are some things we might not plan for that will still happen and that is why the last point I mentioned is very important to me.

Thank you so much for your best wishes and I hope you get your motherhood figured out the more you learn 🥰


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I am hopeful that you will be able to instill 3 traits to your future generation. Those three is enough to make life simple and happy. Let's hope for the best 🙂.


You’re right, we just hope for the best 🥰.

Thank you so much for stopping by !PIZZA


Money is indeed an important source for fulfilling our needs. Without money, especially in country like ours, it becomes impossible to provide the basic necessities like quality food and education to children.

Parenting is no doubt a great responsibility. We are accountable before God with what we do to the gifts He bestow us with. When this sense of accountability is rooted in us, we do our best with the task.

Building spirituality is also important to keep our kids groundd on a foundation. There are several questions in life that cannot be answered by anything but spirituality.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. !LADY

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You’ve digested all that I’ve said so well 😊. It’s a privilege reading this beautiful contribution to what I’ve said as you’ve inspired me even more to pursue with these and many more 🥰.

Thank you so much for suggesting such a thoughtful topic and thank you for the support ❤️🤗


you’ve inspired me even more to pursue with these and many more 🥰.

It's a delight I could do it ♥️


fair points to base parenting around. I agree with the accountability and source of income. Godly foundation i can agree with to some extent but personally i might expand it to a moral foundation/ moral compass. Sometimes I find organized religion to not be as moral as it should be tbh. but this is a matter of taste and having such a foundation is better than having no foundation at all.

Source of income is my top one. Don't have children if you cannot afford to take care of them. This is one place where i have issues with organized religions because they always stress on procreation and we see so many poor people keep having hordes of children to satisfy the religious guidance. these poor kids might have loving parents but they end up starting work as kids rather than have that period of study and growing up in a relaxed manner that we were privileged to get.

About accountability I hear you and agree with you completely, except for one point. We should not close our mind to deviations. Parents do have the biggest impact till our late teens, but the situation around us also have a major impact on our growth. in my generation the big bad world was open to us much later in our teens than it is for children today. There is a time in every child's life as they reach adulthood where parents turn from gods to human beings with possible failings. Sometimes these failings are just a perception, like "my dad must be a weak man as he is always compromising and never ready to fight like that don in the movies or the angry uncle down the street" Much later we understand how much of a gentleman dad was. So in this time of rebel behavior in our late teens and early adulthood we can easily deviate if we get ourselves into the wrong group, and particularly into substance abuse. I have seen too many good parents be villified for things outside their control, hence I have to disagree with the deviation point, if that's alright.

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife


Well, when I talked about godly foundation is not what we see everywhere because a lot of people are being to do it the way they want not the way it should actually be so I’m taking about the real way it should be as the Holy Bible has stated.

Even the Bible said that someone who can’t take care of his household is worst than an infidel so I wonder why those religions keep encouraging their followers to do that.

True there could be deviations and that is why we as parents have to build them on a solid foundation to help guide them even when we are not there. They are going to leave us one day so we should focus more on helping them know how to make the right choices.

Thank you so much for agreeing with me on the aspects where you could, I really appreciate it 🤗. !LUV


These are great key areas to focus on in becoming the best parent a child needs to grow and thrive in this world. Definitely, accountability is something that most parents are not good at nowadays, thinking that the child is able to do what's best for himself/herself at that very young age. I think spirituality as a foundation is more important and necessary than ever before, without it, all the work put in can amount to a little or nothing at all, in terms of the impact it has on the child when he/she becomes an adult.
Interesting post!


I’m so glad you got my point on the aspect of accountability. So many parents just do little or nothing except providing food, clothing and shelter and they think that is all to raising up a child but I do believe that there is so much more parents would be accountable for.

True, building one’s family on a solid foundation shouldn’t be overlooked because I think that would be the start of a failed parenting.

Thank you so much for your beautiful contribution to what I’ve said ❤️


Right, there's so much more to parenting that just providing the basic necessities.

You're most welcome, it's been a pleasure to read it :)


I am completely in agreement with these qualities you wrote about.
I would choose Godly foundation, meaning that my partner must be a Godly person because a strong spiritual base is very important for the marriage to be built on before the kids start coming.

Then comes money which answered all things. Without it, how does one provide for the children.
And then accountability and commitment to ensuring that the children have a sound upbringing.

I love the maturity with which you discussed this topic, and I believe you will have a very good parenting experience.


Thank you so much for your beautiful contribution to my response ma’am 🥰. You have totally digested my response to this topic and I’m so happy for that ❤️.

Thank you also for the beautiful compliment 🥹


You have made really nice points here hope, it is very obvious you will be an amazing parent. Thanks for sharing, thank you so much.
