
For humans, change is something that should be constant, why? Well, that is because we are not perfect beings and every now and then we get to understand that we have learnt some new things about ourselves or some situations and it’s only right to implement those things in our daily life just to keep giving the best results. And we get to discover that, sometimes when we fail to embrace the changes that comes, we most times regret it for a very long time because it made us lack some things to help us keep moving forward in the right direction.

There are so many areas where we are required to learn and change. One major areas is in our work life. No matter what it is we find ourselves doing, and no matter how flexible or fixed our routines are, there is always room for more because you will definitely learn in the process and most of these things learned will require you to change some things. For me, I’m a full time writer for now and prior to now, I have struggled with the best approach to making quality and consistent write-ups. To some, it comes more easily but I know it doesn’t for most of us and that is for the obvious reasons.

Most of us had to learn on the job and we are still learning, while some others are too busy juggling two things at the same time, that they struggle to give their best. Well, I discovered that my writing wasn’t as consistent as I wanted it be and instead of my flexible schedule of creating a post whenever I wanted, I made a few adjustments and so far, I’m way more impressed by my writings than before. The truth is, I have the freedom to do things anyhow I want to but then, realizing that this is something that I do to survive for as long as possible, I believe it is just right to give it an ample amount of my time and energy.

Moreover, it is also a way of building myself and I believe the best form of investment is the investment in self. Ever since I made the decision to have a fixed routine of how to make my write ups, a lot of things have changed with me and they are mostly good changes. Due to my consistency in my writing style and most importantly, my writing time, it is quite easier for my followers to know when I create my contents and engage with them. Unlike before, it was hard for them to follow up well because my post always drop whenever.

So yes, I’d rather change my style of working when necessary and I believe that will yield some changes too in the results. As someone once said, you can’t keep doing one thing the same way and expect a different result. If you want changes, you have to also make changes in the mode of approach. I know there are some other ways to improve in my work life and I’m very much willing to learn and apply those changes, and make sure I keep getting better at what I do.

For now, my fixed routine is giving me what I want and though it is almost in a certain way but then, due to the fact that I write about different things, it makes it fun all the time and not boring at all. I mean, I always look forward to what I have to pen down everyday and that was different some months back. Now, I’m always happy reading through my works over and over because the ideas are more profound than it used to be.

Thanks for stopping by ❤️.

Images used are mine

372.747 NEOXAG


Complacency can truly result from non flexibility of work. Even amidst routines, creativity/flexibility is still encouraged.

Thanks so much for sharing this with us

0.000 NEOXAG

Yeah, flexibility is very much needed every now and then.

Thank you for your input.

0.000 NEOXAG

Reading your post, I just realized we interpreted this question from different angles. Since I have not started working (real work), I interpreted “work-life” from the perspective of a student. I guess that works too.

You have come a long way, Hope. I’m really happy about that. I remember that time when you post very late or whenever you get the chance to. I don't know what made you change your routine, but you did. As you mentioned, there are many areas where we are required to learn and change. You know, restrategize.

I agree with whoever told you that you can't keep doing something one way and expect a different result. You need to CHANGE.

Thanks for sharing.❤️

0.000 NEOXAG

Yeah, I thought about that too but then, Hiving is working too because it pays the bills, so it’s definitely working.

And yes, changing is growing, if you are not changing, it only means you are not growing.

Thanks for your thoughtful input, love ❤️.

0.000 NEOXAG

Yeah, I thought about that too but then, Hiving is working too because it pays the bills, so it’s definitely working

Yup. It works either way.

Thanks for receiving my thoughtful input, evol.🤭

0.000 NEOXAG

Yeah, it does.

It’s my humble pleasure 🤭.

0.000 NEOXAG

I once had a very great schedule with my write-ups but oops, school happened and in the midst of all those exams, I left hive only to return now and honestly, I know what to write just lazy to write them😂
It sure helps a lot when you've gotten a method that works for you and much more a balanced method without infringement on either your work or life.

0.000 NEOXAG

Yeah, I agree with you.

I know schooling and hiving can be hectic, I’m experiencing it at the moment (not even medicine oo 🥲).

God will help us.

0.000 NEOXAG

I agree with you on the need to reflect and adjust our work routine in order to have a flexible balance work life, without prioritising ourselves, it'll only make things more difficult and get us overwhelmed without performing our duties effectively in both aspects.

0.000 NEOXAG

Yeah, we should always consider ourselves every now and then because in the end, someone else will replace you when you are gone.

0.000 NEOXAG