Phonography || Phone Photography -27 Catalina's puppies//Los perritos de Catalina

Happy and pleased to share a new publication here in the weekly contest number ~27 of #PhonePhotography where we show our capabilities as photographers and at the same time we must always be attentive to show the best photographs we can but I do love showing nature But today I will make an exception to show you this little dog who is just a few days old and what he is about where I work on the weekends.

Feliz y complacido por compartir una nueva publicación aquí en el concurso semanal número ~27 de #PhonePhotography dónde mostramos nuestras capacidades cómo fotógrafos y al mismo tiempo debemos de estar siempre pendiente para mostrar las mejores fotografías que pueda pero eso sí me encanta mostrar a la naturaleza pero hoy haré una excepción para mostrarles este perrito de pocos días de nacido qué es del lugar dónde trabajo los fines de semana.

A few days ago I shared Catalina's puppies in another publication but when I got to work this Saturday this little friend was near me and I grabbed him, but I should have been careful since the mother is very jealous and although she has never done it, she could tell me bite; I couldn't tell if it was a male or female, but it did have a scared face when I raised it. Greetings and let's continue supporting the initiative of our friend @untilwelearn with more and better photographs.

Ya hace unos días compartí a los cachorros de Catalina en otra publicación pero cuando llegaba a trabajar este Sábado estaba este pequeño amiguito cerca de mí y lo agarré eso sí debía estar pendiente puesto qué la mamá es muy celosa y aunque nunca lo ha hecho me podría morder; eso sí no pude distinguir si era un macho ú hembra lo que sí es que tenía una carita de asustad@ al elevarla. Saludos y continuemos apoyando a la iniciativa del amigo @untilwelearn con más y mejores fotografías.


Mothers are often very protective of their offspring, especially when they are young, So there is no doubt that the mother of this puppy can bite someone if she feels threatened. But it seems that these puppies have now become friends with you. :)
