We live in a world that makes it feels like its bad or wrong for a believer to live in wealth and affluence, so you see most believers live a life of mediocrity, self pity and doing minimal jobs, earning very little and living a peasant lives just enough for them and their household, meanwhile we believe in A God that owns the whole world, created the entire universe ao how Come those who are called by his name now living peasant lives allowing unbelievers controlling the wealth of nations.

The earth is the Lord and the fullness there of, we need to inculcate this understanding into our subconscious mind, teach it to our children, declare it day by day, meditate on it teach it in churches till it resonate in our mindset.

I would say based on what i have seen most believers have this chicken mindset, small mustard seed mind, is this suppose to be so?, why should a believer live small when we serve a big and mighty God who owns the heavens and the earth, he says he seats on heaven and makes the earth his footstool.

Our God is a wealthy God so we ought to live like him in all ramification, so even when we are in need or ever lack anything he says he will supply all our needs according to his riches in glory, so if a believer is in lack and doesnt know what to do that is a big mistake, because we have access to him through christ jesus when we became born again, in the book of james the scripture says if any of you lack wisdom let him pray asking God, and God will give him generously without finding fault.

But most of us do not ask instead we worry, complaining, anxious for nothing, instead of to pray and seek Gods intervention in the matter, Phillipians 4:6 says be anxious for nothing but through prayer and supplications with THANKSGIVING let your Request be made known unto God, so why complain, why worry, started a business that is not doing well?....go to God in prayers talk to him like a son talks to a father and he will asnwer you and give you ways to breakthrough.

In Due. 8:17-18 the scripture says you must remember the lord your God for it is he who giveth thee the power to make wealth, the power to create wealth there comes through ideas, creative innovative ideas through which if you diligently implement them will cause you to flourish into abundance of wealth.

But no most believers will rather choose to be pray amd fast and cry about the situations of things around them, why not engage the word daily in your life, be diligent, steadfast, consistent in your dealings and whatever business you can find to do cause there in God will prosper you and cause men to come to you,

In Proverbs 22:29 The bible says seeth thou aan diligent in his business he will not stand before ordinary men but before kings nobles, so God values diligence when it comes to business, so lets wake up and be diligent, consistent with whatever our hands finds doing cause there in is prosperity...

Finally in 3John the bible says i wish you above all things that you may PROSPER AND BE IN GOOD HEALTH EVEN AS YOUR SOUL PROSPERS....



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