The Prepared Celebrates Success


Brett Jordan in Unsplash

Let me share with you from the wealth of thoughts.

Success can come to anybody but only the prepared can handle it. Just today I was discussing with a friend she kept telling me how those she is sure are not better than them are just making it and moving up. While she spoke I was just searching my heart to get the best words to suit her Experience, what am about to share with you now is what I told her that gave her a stronger heart.

  • Every man's call and weight of achievement is different

What I am meant to achieve and another man's own is not the same thing so the earlier we understand this the better we will become. There is lot is persons comparing themselves with others because of the lack of understanding of this

  • Let opportunity meet with Preparation

Don't say you are waiting to become an engineer before learning the fundamentals, that is why people go to school to study a particular course. What you wish to become, keep preparing yourself for that so that when an opportunity comes you can easily walk into it

  • Cut down your friends to keep focus

Some friends are unnecessary, everyone must not be close to you. Infact anyoñe not seeing to your direction and no value to add to you is not qualified to be numbered among your friends. It is an intentional thing, no time to play sympathy.

  • Make sure not to make a living with yesterday's glory, there is always more

Always think of a way to improve on yourself if it means taking a course or going for seminars or studying fine. But always learn because it will help you stay ahead of every situation. Know something about everything.

  • Make list of the errors you see and a list of how you want to remedy it

A times we see things that are not going the way it should be, when we keep complaining of such we get to be bitter and the pain will be unbearable. The best thing, have a solution to the problems you see, and trust that one day you have the opportunity to put somethings in the correct perspective.

I hope the write up be a blessing to someone today


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 176 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
