Got The Worst Instead


We always believe that the best will come to us. With this believe we walk around daily with a high hope. A times it comes to pass just the way we planned it and in some cases it works out in direct opportunity of what we hoped for. When it works well we get so excited and feel it will keep going in the positive direction. If everything we hoped for work out the way we wish it we will become super humans and our ego may even lead us to make some statements that will paradventure land us into trouble. This is to say that both the good and the bad events are needed to keep us in check and help us to be at alert.

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During my service year I made a resolution that I was not going to purchase a phone with my allowance, from the time I grew to understand myself I knew that I have passion for business. So I made that statement because I felt there was no need for an Android phone reason being that I don't have a business to run online at that time. After my service year I felt it was time to get myself one

A friend suggested I go for an Itel A+ phone, I agreed and went for it. I don't just know what transpired that just after about 3 weeks the phone crashed. Whaaaaat, the insidence was too bitter for me to handle because that was my final allowance. How can I convince someone that what I went for was the best at that time.

When all these were happening I was already home and was already linked to Fiverr by a friend and was trying to explore the platform. It was a serious matter at that time and had I know was the order of the day. Now, I there not mention to my mother to get me a new phone or my fiance at that time.

One day, I went for a program and I meet someone that agreed to assist me work on the phone, I handed it over to him and till date there was no solution to that phone. This is how u lost my 20k thousand naira without. From then I dislike any itel product because I feel they have lots of issues. I know there are factory errors but the percentage should not be too high, though presently my husband is using an Itel phone and it's serving him well. When he was about getting it I tried to discourage him but he was too convinced so I allowed him have his will. Shaai, it was so painful but I learnt some lessons from the experience.

The first lesson I learnt is to own my risk. To this before I go for any product no matter the testimony around it I should do my own research to be convinced about it.

The second bitter lesson is that nothing is 100% perfect, everything that is man made have there limitations. This has helped me reduce my expectations on things in a drastic way.

This is my response to the hive learner's contest edition 3 for week 74. I do wish you a happy weekend.

Stay blessed

1.323 NEOXAG


From then I dislike any itel product because I feel they have lots of issues.

Exactly what made me to dislike Tecno. The first, second and third I used showed me pepper 😅

0.000 NEOXAG

Isthe show pepper for me?

It's well jor

0.000 NEOXAG

Hehe, I understand your speaking from ecmxperience but that must have been hard for you

0.000 NEOXAG

Hard is an understatement, it was terrible because I lost many contacts. Well, we moved

0.000 NEOXAG