Empowering People Through The Blockchain. New Year Plan



Hello everyone, hope you are fine today. Today I will be telling you about our first project for the year. The year just began and it is wise to start working on plans immediately so that towards the end of the year there will be less rush and we will instead count our blessings.

In my first post of the year I made mentioned that we will be sponsoring people to learn diverse skills.

Learning skills in this 21st century is important as it will help to reduce the level of dispense on government jobs. I was making a discussion with a woman yesterday and she said for now she doesn't have an android phone but will get one when she gets a job with the government, I responded by telling her that my prayer for her is to get established so that she can employ another.

There is this illusion about having a government job, but my desire is for us to have a shift in our way of thinking, and for the mind of people to be renewed so that they can do well and even better with their God-given skills.

Presently we will start with 5 persons that first show interest and meets the requirements.

The requirements are simple.

  • Beneficiaries must be serious and be willing to commit themselves to the skills for the next 2 years or more depending on the duration of the program. I put this rule in place because many people showed interest and some people don't take free things seriously. So anyone that falters will refund the tuition fees within 2 weeks.

  • They will report their progress every month: Yes, I will like to get to know the progress report so this will require them to get back to me every month with evidence of how far they have gone.

  • They will bring someone who will stand in for them in case of any misbehavior we will know who to hold responsible.

  • They will choose their skill center: We will not want to enforce a particular skill on anyone, we have allowed them to make their choice.

As I said for now we will be starting with five people. We have required that they go and negotiate with the skills providers and get back to us with details, we will go and confirm what they said and also know the location, this will help for proper monitoring of their progress.

It is my wish that will be part of this skill acquisition program will take it will all seriousness.

Thank you everyone for your support so far to us in helping people using different means.
