Insulted and attacked with no reason


It's just life.

Have you ever be insulted or attacked with no reason? These things happen.

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Once as a kid, we were playing football at the local playground as we always did after school. It was a great day, sunny and everything seemed right. This playground was situated in the middle of the living area with small houses all around.

This older man came from his house, went directly towards me and starts pulling my ear. It was so painful I didn't even hear what he was saying about someone being rude to his kids or something in that direction. Obviously he got the wrong kid, I knew that but I wasn't sure he understood it. Off course I left home crying, my whole world crumbled.

It's just life, these things happen. And it happens more often than you think. At least from my experience this list of insults and attacks with no reason whatsoever goes on. Most of them happened in my childhood and teen years and as an adult things are different.

Once when I was 1st grade in high school, after classes sometimes I walk through park to go home. That night lights were out in the park and as I walked these older guys, 3 or 4 of them came from other side, passing carelessly until we were very close and one of them kicked me in the head. It was dark, I was alone, they laugh and that's it.

It's just life. NO, it's not just life. These are not normal life things. I never go around insulting people and kick them just because I can. People I know don't do that. This behavior is deviation, a disease we don't need. You know these things happened 20-30 years ago but I still remember them. I will always remember them. They define me in some way. They showed me what the world really is.

Don't be that guy. Especially towards kids. They will remember.

Do you have similar experience? I would like to know, please comment.


I have an incident in a shopping center when i was a kid. I was standing near toy/kids watch rack then suddenly the sales lady come and scolded me. Apparently there are some watches that has been either misplaced or not in proper condition after been played by other kids i suppose i not sure as its not my fault nor is it my problem i only confuse why i get scolded for something that i dint do.


And you never forgot this event, that's what I'm talking about.
Maybe we become stronger people after all but that doesn't change the fact those who did that, sales lady in your case, was an idiot.


Yes, plenty. Teachers, parents or elder siblings of classmates, classmates themselves, older kids in school... Sometimes I managed (with the help of my parents) to get an apology from the adult who'd misbehaved, but never from any of the kids. And of course, an apology is just words, it doesn't restore any trust one might previously have had for that particular adult.


At least you got some apology, but yes that's true trust is very hard to recover.
