📍📍Best Summoners So Far In The First Half Of The Year 2024📍📍

In today's episode, I'm going to talk about the best summoner in splinterlands. Our experiences in splinterlands are different, therefore, I'm going to talk about the summoners I have used and the ones my opponents have used against me since the beginning of 2024.

📍📍The Following are The Best Summoners in 2024📍📍:

Zaku is awesome to use in some battles such as keep your distance and close range rules. Though, the legendary Summoner is good in the majority of the battles in splinterlands. One day, I was paired up with players that used Zaku Summoner, and I was defeated many times, which made me start searching for the best strategy to defeat Zaku.
What really pains me was that players with level one of Zaku defeated me. I began to think that it wasn't normal for level one to defeat me.
I also defeated players with Zaku but my chances of defeating them were slim in those days.
All the abilities of legendary Zaku are spectacular- blast, +1 range attack and +1 health to all friendly monsters. Zaku is not like Alric Stormbringer and Obsidian, in which a player can use a monster with silence ability to reduce the magic attack of opponent monsters. There is nothing a player can do to make the blast ability ineffective in a battle. Therefore, the ability of Zaku will still be effective in battles.
One of the best strategies a user of Zaku summoner was using against me was high speed and snipe ability monsters. Before my monsters could attack, snipe monsters have already damaged my monsters in the middle. I started to understand how to defeat Zaku summoner the day I used taunt, reflection shield and swiftness monsters in battles. Snipe monsters and all other monsters continued to attack taunt while I kept on attacking from different angles.
In those days, it was very easy to guess your opponents’ strategies because I could see their collection power (CP). the name of my opponent was written and I could see them.

Possible The Wise

We all know the abilities of ‘possible the wise’- +2 additional health to all friendly monsters, trample and reach abilities. I don't like to come across ‘possible the wise’ in battles because of the trample and reach ability. This is because any melee monster can be in second position, the reach ability of this summoner will make such melee monsters to attack in the second position.
Morealso, the trample ability is activated when it kills a monster.
There was a battle where a monster killed two of my monsters at the same round because of the trample ability. When ‘possible the wise' is used, and a melee monster killed or eliminated, the trample ability is triggered which makes the same monster to attack an adjacent monster; and if the adjacent monster is eliminated, the monster with trample has the ability to attack the third one.
This summoner is good when ranged and melee monsters are allowed in battles. But, a user of possible the wise may not see the best of this summoner if magic monsters are allowed. When an opponent uses magic monsters, i.e. a player uses more of magic monsters than any other attacking monsters, it may not be good to a player that uses ‘possible the wise’.
From my experiences, there were days I used magic summoners and monsters while my opponent used possible the wise summoner; I added a monster with protect ability (Venari Wavesmith) to my lineup, since Venari have additional 2 armor to all friendly monsters while my opponent use melee monsters, it became difficult for opponent’s monsters to eliminate my monsters. That was how my monsters kept on attacking health directly, and eliminated all opponent’s monsters

Conqueror Jacek

Legendary fire summoner is one of the best Summoners that can give victory in battles.
Most times I encountered Conqueror Jacek in battles, the monsters were the ones that attacked first. The reason was the +2 additional speed given to friendly monsters. Giving +2 speed to friendly monsters simply means that, if the speed of a monster is 4, using Conqueror Jacek will make such a monster to have 6 speed.
The last time I fought a player with Conqueror Jacek, five out of 6 opponent monsters attacked my monsters before the monster with the highest speed attacked in my lineup.
The scariest part of this summoner is the scattershot ability. irrespective of the taunt of a monster; it attacks any monster at its own will. Even though there is a taunt monster, it does not respect a monster with taunt ability.
There are many monsters with scattershot ability, but summoner with scattershot ability gives all friendly monsters in the lineup.
When a summoner with scattershot ability is in battle, friendly monsters have the ability to attack any monsters in the opponent’s lineup.

piercing is another rule that doesn't respect armor; if the damage is in excess of the target’s armor, the reminder will damage the target’s health. But, piercing ability is only applicable to melee and ranged monsters. When a monster with magic ability is used as a friendly monster when Conqueror Jacek is used, such a magic monster will not damage the armor.

Scarred Llama Mage

Recently, I was paired up with a player that used Scarred llama Mage and Kron the Undying. you know, both worked together most of the time I encountered them in battles. My last encounter was a shock- my opponent used Fungus Flinger and Venari Markstra in the front and back of Kron the Undying.
The moment both monsters with Martyr ability were killed, Kron the Undying became indomitable- its magic attack increased to 7. Kron the Undying eliminated all my monsters in the battle.
Scarred llama Mage is one of the best summoners that gives victory in battles.


Many time had destabilized my lineup. several times I have used monsters with high number of armor believing that it would hold my opponent for sometimes; but felt disappointed when I saw immortalis. The shatter ability had destroyed my armor that I thought would help me in the battle. There were battles I used Uriel the Purifier or Diemonshark due to their armor! unfortunately, my opponent used immortalis that destroyed the armor of Uriel the Purifier or Diemonshark at first attack of which it was part of my plan to use against my opponent.
Immortalis is a good when magic monsters are only allow in battles. the void ability will make it difficult for opponent to eliminate it.
I came across this summoner several times; and most of this time, my opponent used silence monster. the highest ! magic attack from my lineup was 2, which made it difficult to destroyed Prismatic energy which was the first monster in my opponent lineup.
Since then, I learned how to strategize very well against any summoner.

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The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
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