209 blocks remain Until Bitcoin halving/ Anticipation of Splinterlands Community


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Hello everyone, what are you doing today? As the date set for Bitcoin halving is near, many investors, communities and crypto enthusiastics are happy about it.
There is a downward trend of Bitcoin since last week, and it makes some crypto enthusiasts unhappy. There were crypto enthusiasts that lost thousands of dollars in the recent dip of crypto.
I was reading articles this morning and one of my friends wrote that “avoid future trading or leverage”.
I didn't understand why he said that, but I realized that it might be the effect of Bitcoin halving that is about to happen in a few hours.
I understand one thing about his message ‘a critical time to stop future trading in order to avoid loss of money’.

It is very important at this period to stay calm, if you know that you are losing money, you can convert your money to stable coins for hours, checking the moment of Bitcoin. When you see a green light, then, you can start trading. Believe me! spot trading can be good at this period, but don't trade beyond your limit. If you are an expert in trading, you will get your money back from spot trading.

Well! Rumor can be of good and bad. The dip could be as a result of rumor or tension from the Whales. I'm sure that some people sold large volumes of Bitcoin because of the negative impact and high volatility of halving.
Also, we all know that a few days before halving, there is usually a decrease in Bitcoin value; It happened in the year 2020.
Someone wrote that, “you guys should withdraw or sold your #BTC if you have it because #Bitcoin will fall in the next week”. I saw the message last week and I thought it was just a rumor or his opinion.

I also heard that the conflict between Israel and Iraq could be a factor that makes Bitcoin fall. “Anywhere your treasures are, is the place your heart will always be”.
To avoid losses in trading, people may sell their Bitcoin to buy assets that are safer.

209 blocks Remain Until Bitcoin Halving
According to the history of Bitcoin halving: the event happens every four years.
At the moment I wrote this post. It remains 209 blocks to complete 210,000 blocks for Bitcoin halving to happen.
Bitcoin halving circle occurs in every 210,000 blocks mined. A single block is mined every 9-10 minutes; it takes 6.6 or 6 blocks to be mined in an hour; 158.4 or 144 is mined in a day; 57,816 or 52,560 in a year; and 231,264 or 210,240 blocks to be mined in 4 years.

Anticipation of Splinterlands Community
We know that Bitcoin is built on blockchain, splinterlands is also built on blockchain.
Note: splinterlands is built on hive blockchain.
As we do #Bitcoin transactions on a decentralized network which is blockchain; we also perform all the transitions of splinterlands assets on blockchain- cards, splinterlands Governance Token (SPS), Dark Crystal Energy (DEC) credits and more.
Hence, we can say Bitcoin is a mother of all cryptocurrencies and #NFT’s.
On that note! Splinterlands team is happy to celebrate the upcoming Bitcoin halving. They came up with a plan to sell two important cards to celebrate Bitcoin halving.
They are:

Baron Fyatt: it is a death and fire unit legendary monster. It can be used in both fire and death splinters; it is a 5 mana monster with magic ability. The higher in level, the stronger it becomes!
Baron Fyatt has four abilities:
Halving- when hitting the target, the target's attack is cut into half.
Scattershot- Range and magic attacks hit random enemy targets.
Even though the opponent uses a Taunt monster, a monster with scattershot attacks in any direction.
Ambush: This unit gets to act before the battle begins.
Blind: All enemy melee and range attacks have a 15% higher chance of missing their target.
Henchling Enforcer: it is a life and water monster. It is a range monster with 6 mana.
Well! I'm happy to get this monster today. I bought two Henchling Enforcer and I'm planning to buy more before the end of the campaign.
Henchling Enforcer abilities:
Halfing- when hitting the target, the target's attack is cut into half.
True Strike- this unit’s attack cannot miss.
Monster with true strike ability don't miss attack.
Camouflage- The unit cannot be directly targeted for attacks unless it's in the first position.

Why Should I buy The Promo Cards?
It is an opportunity: after the end of the campaign, you may not get the promo cards at cheaper rate again. Both cards are not available in any pack, and the moment the campaign is close, you can only get it from market or players.

Prizes: you are not just buying, but also getting prizes. The more you purchase the higher your chances to win bigger prizes. Read the following announcement announcing the Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event! to understand better.
There is a detail of the event in the above link.

What are you waiting for friends! Whoever wants to earn passive income, you can get the details of this @play2earn game from @splinterlands blog or click My Referral Link to register. It is a game that provides passive income. It is a game that changed the lives of many people; and I am one of them. @Splinterlands have saved me from debt, borrowing money from banks and cooperatives.
Register today, and you will thank me later.
Do you want to win cards, SPS, subscribe to Splinterlands TV. Many programs are going on in the SplinterlandsTV. You can also join Splinterlands Discord Channel where you can ask anything about Splinterlands.
I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale
The pictures in this post are taken from Splinterlands
Thank you for reading my post.
Watch out for the next battle challenge
