Update On The Hive-Woodpeckers



Good evening folks

It's been a bit quiet this week on the wood group front. I am currently going through 10 pallets of wood, breaking them down, sanding and planning them ready for the kids to be able to use them.

Currently lacking enough tools to make quick work of the prep work but I am hoping to remedy this at a later date.
With any luck I am trying to get a belt sander with the hope of cleaning up these boards a lot quicker, But funding is at zero at the moment so it's a work in progress.

I have ordered the PVA glue ready for the Halloween building that the kids have asked to do in the next session.
So far they have requested we make some ghosts, gravestones and pumpkins. How it ends will be a bit of entertainment as I said they can paint it however they want. I'm assuming there's going to be some bright pink ghosts at this rate!
As always I will post what they get up to over the next few weeks. I am currently still doing the meetings on a 1 to 1 basis to see how they all are in the workshop.

I want to say a big thankyou to @thisismylife for her amazing work on our new logo! It's a beautiful piece and fits the group so well.

If you are reading this post and wondering who the Hive-Woodpeckers are, click the link and check out our introduction post.

I want to say a massive thankyou to everyone who has supported us so far, from words of encouragement to upvotes. You are helping change kids lives and it is an amazing thing to be a part of.

Big up to @bitcoinman who's been a great help too and also @stickupcurator for being awesome!
Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Step by step, you'll get there.. And it's really smart to do these one on one sessions first to get to know them better and see if they would work well in a group. Great thinking!

You're welcome for the logo, let me have a look later when I have time to make it fitting as the Hive avatar as well. The text is a bit cut off now. I will sort it when I have time to check it..

Keep up the good work! !LUV


Keep up the good work, slow and steady wins the race
