The $2 Heist: A Failed Plan and a Lesson Learned

When we're young, we often get into situations that are a blend of mischief and naivety. I was seven years old when I unwittingly became a mastermind criminal—or so I thought—in my own home. The setting was our old house in Caloocan City, where I lived with my family, including my grandmother.


This is me when I was a child :)

The Heist

One day, temptation got the better of me, and I took $2 from my grandmother's wallet. At the time, it seemed like the perfect crime. However, the next day, my grandmother noticed the missing cash. I watched in trepidation as she called all the kids in the house and interrogated us one by one. My heart was pounding, but I remained silent, convinced my secret was safe.

The "Clever" Plan

As guilt consumed me over the next 24 hours, I decided to return the money. But how? I couldn't just admit my crime; I had to be clever about it. So, I devised a plan. I would "discover" the $2 in a rarely visited part of our backyard, making it seem like the money had been there all along.

The Climactic Moment

The peak of my comically failed plan came when I executed it. I planted the $2 and yelled as loud as I could to indicate my shock at finding the lost money. My aim was to come across as the household hero who'd discovered the missing dollars. Proudly, I handed the cash back to my grandmother.

The Twist of Irony

However, instead of becoming the hero, I ended up being branded the thief. My grandmother, seeing through my amateurish plot, yelled at me. My "ingenious" plan had backfired spectacularly.

The Lessons and The Laughs

The experience was both embarrassing and enlightening. While my misadventure has become a funny family story that we occasionally revisit, it taught me valuable life lessons about honesty and the pitfalls of "smart" schemes.

To the Hive Community

I expect that many of you have had similar misadventures in your own lives. Sometimes our best-laid plans don't just go awry; they lead us into comical situations that we never see coming. And while we may not recognize it at the time, these incidents often hold essential life lessons.

So, here's the moral of the story for me: Honesty is simpler, and usually more effective, than the most elaborately planned deception. Oh, and never underestimate the intuition of a grandmother!

I hope this tale serves as a little nugget of humor and wisdom for the Hive community. Let's celebrate the messiness of life; it's where all the good stories come from.


This is my participation on topic of Hive Learners called A Funny Story

Tell us a funny story. It could be true, it could be fiction, but it must be yours. If it's a true story, tell us what the event meant to you or what it was. And if it's fiction, tell us what inspired it.

Who am I?

My name is Hiro a loving husband, a Hiver since 2017, a world explorer, a Hive marketer, a cat lover, and a proud Christian of the MCGI.

I discovered Hive back in 2017 when I was doing my research. My goal on Hive is I want to use the stake power up to be able to help the community. I prayed to God to help me to be able to become a cheerful giver to anyone who is lacking like food, medicine, and livelihood. Hope you can follow my journey


We all do these sorts of activities in our childhood. I also had stolen something from the wallet of my grandmother but I shall not disclose it here. 2$ return will not prove your hero but it was good to return as a guilty boy. I love your childhood story man, have a good day.


yeah, 2$ return is one the funniest thing I have in my childhood, even me and my wife are having so much fun of this memory


I cannot count how many times I have stolen from my grandmother's wallet but it is
I was also little then
