Positive entrepreneurship. [Eng/Esp]




Hello, dear hivers. My always esteemed inhabitants of this ecosystem. I am happy to live in this prodigious Orinoco region. The atmosphere in this geographical context is hot. The waters of the Orinoco River started their descent in this period from winter to summer. The atmospheric tension is hot. In these conditions, I decided to visit some friends outside the locality to carry out a diagnosis of a project that is in full execution. It is worth remembering that I received the reward of my retirement about ten years ago. At that time, the country's economic crisis did not allow people to have a chance to think about what to do with five hundred bolivars. It is a calamity to have clear thinking to know what to do with that amount of money.

Hola, estimados hivers. Mis siempre estimados habitantes de este ecosistema. Me siento feliz de habitar en esta prodigiosa región orinoquense. El ambiente en este contexto geográfico es caluroso. las aguas del rio Orinoco iniciaron el descenso en este periodo del invierno al verano. La tensión atmosférica es caliente. En esta condiciones me decido visitar a unas amistades fuera de la localidad a efectuar un diagnostico de un emprendimiento que esta en plena ejecución. Es necesario recordar, que hace una decena de años recibí la recompensa de mi jubilación. Para ese momento la crisis económica del país no permitía que las personas tuvieran una oportunidad para pensar que hacer con quinientos bolívares. Es una calamidad tener claro el pensamiento para saber qué hacer con esa cantidad de dinero.

On a positive note, with good personal poise, I decide to invest in eight heifers. With that amount of money I receive from the Ministry of Education, I invest them. This investment in livestock has had a development in my personal income with advantages and disadvantages. With this expectation I communicate with my friend's son, where my livestock enterprise is located. Obviously, I agree and we decide to travel on a motorbike to the place.

En positivo, con buen aplomo personal decido invertir en ocho novillas. Con esa cantidad de dinero que recibo del ministerio de educación los invierto. Esta inversión en la ganadería ha tenido un desarrollo en mis ingresos personales con ventajas y desventajas. Con esta expectativa me comunico con el hijo de mi amigo donde está mi emprendimiento ganadero. Obviamente, me pongo de acuerdo y decidimos viajar en una moto hasta el lugar.



The departure is on Saturday morning, I go to Vice's abode, where I agree that I will go there. It is my way of agreeing with all the people when I am going to make a personal meeting, it is my personal style so that the other person does not feel pressured by the purpose for which I am going to be benefited.

La salida es el sábado por la mañana, me desplazo hasta la morada de Vice, donde acuerdo que hasta allá voy a llegar. Es mi manera de acordar con todas las personas cuando voy a realizar un encuentro personal, es mi estilo personal para que la otra persona no sienta presionada por el propósito para el que voy a ser beneficiado.

The goodwill guides me to go out on the national road through the light channels of the beautiful nature. It's a spectacle of the Maigualida mountain ranges of the Guiana massif. This is a cattle region. The sector where I am going to visit is jungle and savannah. The specific location of the farm is close to the mouth of the Cuchivero river. This river discharges its torrent of water into the Orinoco. At present, the savannahs are unoccupied due to the overflowing of the rivers during the months of July and August.

La buena voluntad me guía para que salgamos por la carretera nacional por los canales luz de la hermosa naturaleza. Es un espectáculo las sábanas de la serranías Maigualida del macizo guayanés. Esta es una región ganadera. El sector para dónde voy a visitar es de selva y sábana. La ubicación especifica de la finca es cercana a la desembocadura del rio Cuchivero. Este descarga su torrente de aguas sobre el Orinoco. Actualmente, las sábanas están desocupas por el desbordamiento de los ríos de los meses de julio y agosto.

It is a natural, recreational walk through green vegetation. After ten minutes we turn left off the road and drive along a trail. We stop in front of a wire gate. I get off, open the gate to pass the motorbike. I close it and get into the back of the vehicle. We continue along the trail and arrive at the home of my friends. We are greeted with joy and greetings from family and friends. Once we are seated in the chairs, we talk about family matters, health issues, children, grandchildren, about him and everyone of good thoughts and good manners. Here in this family it has been decided not to mention bad words, not to mention people who are not in keeping with the good manners of the community where the friends I am visiting live.

Es natural, este paseo recreativo por el mundo verde vegetal. Después de transitar diez minutos giramos a la izquierda de la carretera y nos movilizamos por una trocha. Nos paramos frente a una puerta de alambre. Me apeo, abro el portal para pase la motocicleta. La cierro, subo a la parte trasera del vehículo. Seguimos por la trocha y llegamos a la morada de mis amistades. Somos recibidos con alegría con saludos familiares y amistosos. Una vez apoltronados en las sillas, conversamos de los asuntos familiares, temas de la salud, los hijos, los nietos, de aquel y todo aquel de buenos pensamientos y buenas costumbres. Aquí en esta familia se ha decidido no mencionar malas palabras, mencionar personas que no son cónsonas con las buenas costumbres de la comunidad don habitan las amistades que estoy visitando.

Likewise, I feel the effluvia in the family compound. Hot coffee arrives. It is a friendly cup with a settled coffee taste. Afterwards, we go out to see how the cattle are organised and to look at my undertakings. The drought of the summer months, the herd's mistreatment. We agreed that they are recovering. I have two mautes for sale and decide that I am going to sell them. Eventually, I compare the investment of the venture and the balance is always positive.

Asimismo, siento los efluvios en el recinto familiar. Llega un café caliente. Es una taza amistosa con sabor asentado a café. Posteriormente, salimos a observar cómo están organizadas las reses y mirar mis emprendimientos. La sequía de los meses del verano, maltrato al rebaño. Coincidimos que se están recuperando. Tengo dos mautes para la venta y decido que las voy a vender. Eventualmente, comparo la inversión del emprendimiento y siempre el saldo es positivo.



My friend, shows me the number of cows and heifers. Undoubtedly, the balance I have on the land is in the green to continue improving my effort of my first investment. In this sense, we move on to sit at the table, to eat a delicious beef stew with rice and parboiled yucca. The service has two quality contents, one has the flavouring of tacamajaca and the other has the flavour of the aljibe. I tell my friend, the owner of the farm, that I have a maute and a cow on another farm near here. We agree that I will bring her soon to join the herd of my enterprise.

Mi amigo, me muestra la cantidad de vacas y novillas. Sin dudas, el saldo que tengo sobre el terreno es en verde para continuar mejorando mi esfuerzo de mi primera inversión. En este sentido, pasamos a sentarnos en la mesa, para comer un delicioso guiso de carne con arroz y yuca sancochada. El servicio tiene dos contenidos de calidad, una tiene el saborizante de tacamajaca y la otra tiene el sabor del aljibe. Le comento, a mi amigo, el propietario de la finca, que tengo un maute y una vaca en otra finca cerca de acá. Acordamos que la voy a traer pronto para que se sume al rebaño de mi emprendimiento.

The thermal stress tightens the sweat and we leave the dining room up to the leafy branches of the fine mango tree. He is accompanied by one of the remarkable trees that make it possible to resist this climatic bombardment in the geographical centre of the Orinoco. I am cradled in a wicker chair where I relax and snooze. Once the afternoon hours are over, I say goodbye to my friends and promise to come and help in any way I can.

La tensión térmica aprieta el sudor y salimos del comedor hasta las frondosas ramas del mango de la fina. Él, está acompañado de una de notables árboles que permiten resistir este bombardeo climático en el centro geográfico del Orinoco. Me acuno en silla de mimbre donde sesteo relajadamente. Una vez superadas las horas de la tarde me despido de mis amistades prometiendo venir a ayudar en lo que sea necesario.



Positive highlights from my entrepreneurial experience

Positive mindset: Despite the country's economic difficulties, one has to remain proactive and optimistic, transforming a challenge (a small sum of money in the midst of a crisis offers the opportunity to invest purposefully in new ventures).
Connection to nature: The natural environment and the importance attached to life in the countryside highlight the imperative connection to the environment and the values associated with rural life.
Hard work and perseverance: The effort and dedication of the positive protagonist to the venture is evident, as is the ability to overcome obstacles such as drought and climate change.
Solidarity and community: The relationship with friends and neighbours, based on mutual respect and reciprocal help, is another positive aspect that is imprinted in the venture project.
Positive economic impact: The venture has generated additional income for my quality of life and that of my family.

Aspectos positivos destacados de mi experiencia emprendedora

Mentalidad positiva: A pesar de las dificultades económicas del país, se tiene que mantener la actitud proactiva y optimista, transformando un desafío (con una pequeña suma de dinero en medio de una crisis se ofrece la oportunidad de invertir con propósito en nuevos emprendimientos.
Conexión con la naturaleza: El entorno natural y la importancia que se le otorga a la vida en el campo resaltan la imperativa conexión con el entorno y los valores asociados a la vida rural.
Trabajo duro y perseverancia: Es evidente el esfuerzo y la dedicación del protagonismo positivo con el emprendimiento, así como la capacidad para superar obstáculos como la sequía y los cambios climáticos.
Solidaridad y comunidad: La relación con amigos y vecinos, basada en el respeto mutuo y la ayuda recíproca, es otro aspecto positivo que se imprime en el proyecto del emprendimiento.
Impacto económico positivo: El emprendimiento ha generado ingresos adicionales para mi calidad de vida y la de mi familia.

Thank you for being in the atmosphere of my proactive entrepreneurship.

Gracias por estar en la atmosfera de mi emprendimiento proactivo




The photographic samples taken with my realme Pro 7 phone are my property || Las muestras fotográficas tomadas con mi teléfono realme Pro 7 son de mi propiedad patrimonial.

Language: Post written in Spanish and then translated into English through DeepL || Idioma: Post escrito en español y traducido al inglés con la ayuda de DeepL

Caicara del Orinoco, Bolívar, Venezuela


A positive mindset is always the key no matter the challenge. Congrats on your achievements so far and may a lot more keep coming :)



An unstake (power down) is scheduled to happen in 24 hours (~4,504.659 HIVE, remaining 12 weeks)

Received: 2,313,498 HP
@blocktrades 2,313,441 HP Aug 16, 2020
@nwjordan 24 HP May 27, 2018
@gillianlienmap 23 HP Aug 18, 2020
@epicgames 6 HP Jul 2, 2019
@drax 5 HP Sep 1, 2024

Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote4502.341 HIVE
6 days ago
Started power down58,560.565 HP
(99793944.302947 VESTS)
13 days ago
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7318.996 HIVE
16 days ago
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23 days ago
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7309.809 HIVE
Sep 7, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7305.210 HIVE
Aug 31, 2024
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Aug 24, 2024
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Aug 17, 2024
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Aug 10, 2024
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Aug 3, 2024
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Jul 27, 2024
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Jul 20, 2024
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Jul 13, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7269.056 HIVE
Jul 6, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote7264.567 HIVE
Jun 29, 2024
Started power down95,278.448 HP
(162365443.299664 VESTS)
Jun 22, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Jun 5, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14633.721 HIVE
Jun 3, 2024
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May 27, 2024
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May 20, 2024
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May 13, 2024
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May 6, 2024
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Apr 29, 2024
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Apr 22, 2024
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Apr 15, 2024
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Apr 8, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote14560.143 HIVE
Apr 1, 2024
Started power down192,345.916 HP
(327779581.808452 VESTS)
Mar 25, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Mar 18, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote16041.485 HIVE
Mar 18, 2024
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote16032.945 HIVE
Mar 11, 2024
Started power down212,156.692 HP
(361539424.824836 VESTS)
Mar 4, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Feb 28, 2024
Started power down209,841.631 HP
(357594293.715841 VESTS)
Feb 28, 2024
Stopped power down0 HP
(0.000000 VESTS)
Dec 5, 2023
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote13463.479 HIVE
Dec 5, 2023


Sent to alpha-4,317.000 HIVE
3 days ago
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3 days ago
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17 days ago
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Sep 6, 2024
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Sep 2, 2024
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Sep 2, 2024
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Sep 1, 2024
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Sep 1, 2024
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Aug 29, 2024
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Aug 27, 2024
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Aug 27, 2024
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Aug 27, 2024
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Aug 27, 2024
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Aug 27, 2024
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Aug 22, 2024
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Aug 22, 2024
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Aug 22, 2024
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Aug 15, 2024
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Aug 7, 2024
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Aug 3, 2024
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Aug 3, 2024
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Aug 1, 2024
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Jul 31, 2024
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Jul 24, 2024
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Jul 22, 2024
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Jul 17, 2024
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Jul 14, 2024
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Jul 9, 2024
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Jul 3, 2024
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Jul 3, 2024


Sent to itzchemaya-15,000.000 HIVE
15 days ago
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Sep 2, 2024
alpha - ithildin - y2guealsj70cw5rkrrbbph
Sent to hivefest24-3,546.000 HIVE
Sep 2, 2024
blocktrades - ithildin - e9e3qh1kl1uecne2am6tzv
Sent to valueplan-141,243.000 HIVE
Aug 29, 2024
Loan of Hive to valueplan
Sent to nahupuku-2,232.000 HIVE
Jul 27, 2024


Sent to gogreenbuddy-0.172 HBD
Jan 20, 2024
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Jan 20, 2024
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Jan 9, 2024
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Dec 28, 2023
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Dec 26, 2023
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Dec 26, 2023
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Dec 9, 2023
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Dec 1, 2023
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Nov 17, 2023
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Nov 17, 2023
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Nov 14, 2023
Sent to gogreenbuddy-118.221 HIVE
Nov 2, 2023


Received: 567,425 HP
@blocktrades 567,410 HP Aug 16, 2020
@windkc 15 HP Jan 4, 2023





I suggest to check this one out guys www.minepi.com/zdigital huge airdrops, it will go live in early 2025.
