[ENG] HiQ №27 | Smart, Stylish & Sexy | Hive Review, CraftInk, MuTerra, GM:FRENS, Liketu a.m.m.m
Info für deutsche Leser: Die deutsche Ausgabe wurde unter @hiq veröffentlicht. (Anm. d. R.: Ihr findet sie hier.)
By: @quekery
HiQ №27 has finally made it into "print". And this time it even fits into one block. You can not blow up the chain every month. But we certainly have the longest...
... Post on the Chain. And we are already going into the 27th iteration. The publishing loop already seems like half an eternity. And while we're reminiscing: In this issue we have some Hivelights of the year 2022 for you, which round off the HiQstory of the last issue.
And we don't want to stay stuck in 2022 forever either. The year 2023 will also have a lot to offer. We have big plans like CraftInk, for example. That's why you'll also find an article on CraftInk (Editor's note: gap filler?) in this issue, along with a small competition.
And while we're on the subject of competitions. We have gone to the alpha of the despotic world of MuTerra for you. The MuTerra preview also includes a competition for you. There are Booster Packs. And who doesn't want booster packs? But you have to buy the crates yourself, LOOL.
And do you know where you also can find crates? That's right, at @psyberx. @dynamicrypto is offering a few keys for the Steam version and the following users have managed to fulfil our complicated competition conditions:
@ksam, @hannes-stoffel, @kheldar1982, @mypathtofire, @beeber, @dragon-ti, @danielhuhservice und @bitandi
Have fun with your winnings. We would also like to shoot a friendly GM Frens into the head of you and all other users. (Editor's note: This isn't PsyberX, LOOL.) But the best way to find out what this is all about is to read our article about GM Frens. (Editor's note: Has anyone seen how many tokens we already have on our stylish hiq1magzine Wax wallet?)
Not quite as intuitive as sending tokens to our Wax Wallet, which by the way has the wonderful address hiq1magzine, is apparently the usage of Liketu. But you'd better read up on that yourself. Where? In this issue, of course.
A special treat, as is so often, is our MVP. What? You haven't found it yet, then you either haven't seen the cover or haven't read the MVP article in this issue. (Editor's note: Or both, LOOL. But that's unlikely, because you usually read a HiQ issue from top to bottom.)
And you can only find out what else is in this issue. But if you can't find the table of contents, we can help you a little. In our column, for example, you can read how @kvinna trades bulls and bears.
If you now feel like trading, we can only warmly recommend our hot Commentary Discount Sale 1/4. We start February with a 40% discount on the current HIVE price of HIQS (Editor's note: 0.642 SWAP.HIVE). That means you can buy up to 270 HIQS for the price of 0.385 per HIQS. Write the following
!HIQS HereYourRequestedAmount
in the comments. After 3 days, we will publish a post at @hiq.shares handling the sale.
Of course, in HiQ №33 you will also find lots of Hivestyle for Hivian, Gossip, readers' letters and much more.
PS: Vote HiQs Witness. Now. LOOL!
GM:Frens ★
➀ HiQs MVP - @tengolotodo
➁ The Column - Excurse through the Bullmarket
Cover Story
➂ Hivelights - Hivestory 2022
➃ CraftInk - THE Trading Card Game 2023
➄ MuTerra - The Hive RPG
➅ GM:FRENS - "Good Morning Friends!"
➆ Liketu - Instagram, but with more Hive
➇ Gossip
➈ Hivestyle for Hivians
➉ Readers' letters ★
By: @smooms
➀ HiQs MVP
For a while now, HiQ has been posting its issues in English. The professionalism of the English translation used to be top-notch too, but of course it could be better...
The year is 2022: an event takes place in Amsterdam that will rewrite the history of HiQ as we have known it until then. A presentation at HiveFest, where our roving reporter (Editor's note: and presenter) @smooms pulls out all the stops of flufftalk and stirs the hearts of some Hivians with his call-to-action.
So @tengolotodo also contacted us to become part of the world's biggest hive magazine team. (Editor's note: Apart from the fact that we are the only one. LOOL) For almost half a year now, he has been correcting all texts for us that are even remotely close to being English in nature.
For Ecency he hosts the Meetup every Tuesday and does a really good job. (Editor's note: Regardless of the fact that he always massively pitches our projects there. LOOL)
His manpower is a valuable addition to our team and for this reason we are awarding him the title of MVP this month. ★
By: @kvinna
You can read about how to get through the crypto winter in my column today. Brevity is the spice of life, so today it's short and compact. Whether it's less funny than usual, you can see for yourself now.
The hive is still climbing and descending, at the bottom, however, and far from the top. When I climb a mountain, I think against my better judgement that it will be easier going down, that it won't be as strenuous. While I'm giving it my all when I'm climbing up the summit, and especially when it's really strenuous, I sometimes ask myself why I'm actually doing this and laugh at the sentence that the view and the feeling of reaching the peak should compensate for all the exertion.
Then again I remember that the way is also the goal and look around, taking in everything around me and enjoying both the ascent and the beautiful opportunities it offers me. Of course, the descent doesn't get any easier, it just uses different muscle groups. One trick is to keep the knees loose. You could also take the sled or the bike, so you can still use the momentum to go back up the next mountain a bit.
What I want to tell you is to relax and not get stressed. Remember that the view is supposed to be the most beautiful thing, but how we get there is also up to us. Just think in the right currency, namely HIVE! A HIVE is a HIVE, no matter how the Dollar is doing. It will certainly go up again, as it has been and maybe more. However, it is not only the view from the peak, but also on the way you can experience many beautiful things.
Until HIVE reaches dizzying heights again, you, dear Hivians, can let the bear tap dance on the Hive Blockchain or even the bull on the bear market. Take advantage of the many great offers such as competitions and contests, or keep your fingers crossed for when the next game will finally be released. Support all those who are still posting and contributing new things by reading, participating, voting and commenting. This is a great way to distract yourself from the non-essentials, namely the current exchange rate.
Hive on! ★
Hive will soon turn 3 and we are at least reviewing the year 2022. A Hivestory that we had to cut down massively. We want to fit into one block at least this time.
A lot happened in 2022 (Editor's note: Not only for us, LOOL.) and we want to take this opportunity to briefly rehash some events for you. After all, 2022 was so hot that we don't want you to burn your fingers.
In the year 2022, a lot has happened in terms of gaming on Hive. For example, Splinterlands 2022 has also entered the bear market. They have even laid off almost half of their staff. Nevertheless, a lot has happened at Splinterlands besides the current booster pack edition Chaos Legion. (Note from @quekery: I was sure that this one would be sold out after a short time. With Fomo you are obviously not always right...) The SL team made some new announcements like a tower defence game and a football game called Genesis League. The SL year culminated in SplinterFest in Las Vegas. Rumour has it that it even had more visitors than HiveFest. We are curious to see where the SL journey will go in 2023.
@PsyberX was able to generate a lot of hype. There were also critical voices, but by now we are so smart that there is even a playable multiplayer version of PsyberX. Will 2023 be the year of PsyberX or will the critics be right? Our PsyberX reporter @solymi will keep you up to date.
Another hyper in 2022 was definitely WOO aka @wrestorgonline. WOO showed the whole of Hive how to approach clever marketing. And the sale successes of WOO are also impressive. We are looking forward to seeing what the finished game will be like. Until then, let the WOO Land Battle begin.
@KingofDuels has crept like a shinobi into the hearts of Trading Card Game fans. A veritable shadow drop of a playable version of the game came out of nowhere and already has a dedicated following.
@Ragnarok was the talk of the town at the beginning of 2022. (Editor's note: We are sure that's because of the airdrop based on Hive and HP, LOOL.) And then there was no news about the game for a long time after the announcement. But shortly before the end of 2022, Ragnarok dropped a first pre-release version of the game. Will we still be able to enjoy Ragnarok in 2023?
We should also not forget Crypto Shots. After all, Crypto Shots is the first shooter on Hive. Crypto Shots also got some updates in 2022, like new levels. In 2023, players will probably have a hard time with all the games to choose from.
We mentioned it last issue, but HiveFest was an absolute highlight of 2022. Not only was it the first physical HiveFest, but it also had a variety of highlights from 2022 on offer.
For example, we were able to admire the trailer for FreeChain. FreeChain will be a professional documentary film about the Hivestory and will be financed with the help of Hive's DAO Fund. The film will even be broadcast on streaming platforms like Netflix. The anticipation of this film alone is a highlight of 2022.
At HiveFest we were also able to learn more about @Podping and V4V from @brianoflondon. For us, both apps are also a worthy Lightlight of 2022.
Another killer app is of course HAS by @arcange. We also got a live demonstration of HAS at HiveFest. Let's hope that more dApps will support HAS in 2023.
In our search for Hivelights 2022, we were able to discover a few more things. For example, did you know that the 20% APR on HBD Savings first saw the light of day in 2022? No? Now you know, LOOL. Let's see if we can still speculate with such a juicy APR on the HBD long into 2023.
The Twitter version of Leo also saw the light of day in 2022. LeoThreads is still small. But maybe we will see a BOOM in 2023. After all, the world needs a censorship-free version of Twitter. (Editor's note: We wonder what Elon Musk would say about this? LOOL)
Like every year, we had a few scams in 2022. For example, the account @hamna mysteriously had access to some master keys of Hivians and emptied various accounts. In addition, Steem Engine was hacked and the culprits tried to hijack Steem Engine. What scam attempts can we expect in 2023?
Then we had Hard Fork 26. (Editor's note: 26 already? We're starting to feel old.) Gone are the days where you had to delegate HP and miss out on APR on HP. Also cool that there is no more dust now. Now voting on comments is a lot more fun.
What can we expect in 2023? If you don't want to miss anything, we have a tip for you: In 2023 you'll still get the hottest shit every month in HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine. ★
What would the HiQ be without CraftInk content in text form specifically tailored for the HiQ? That's right. The HiQ too, but without CraftInk content. So here it is...
In addition to stylish magazine issues of the one and only Hive Journal, we have also recently gone under the games developers and are working in our HiQellar on the play2earn-play2support NFT TCG banger CraftInk. We currently have our hands full designing stylish cards. This means that the first Booster Pack Edition is within tangible proximity. (Editor's note: Or clickable or touchable proximity. LOOL) And tangible packs should also have a cool pack design that makes you want to tear it open right away.
Of course, it will be up to you whether you want to rip packs open immediately and sleeve valuable cards instantaneously or you want to go among the pack scalpers.
If you want to have a lot of packs early, you could stake INK. Because we plan to give stakers access to booster packs earlier, and at cheaper rates too. But even now it's worth staking INK, as you will receive weekly HIQS with a minimum stake of 200 INK. The APR is currently approximatly 12%. Staking is therefore worthwhile for two aspects.
There is also a giveaways running from @craftink where all INK stakeholders can increase their chances of winning the competition depending on their stake - higher stake = higher chances. If you win, you will be the idea provider for a stylish character card that will find its way into the first booster pack edition.
Besides staking, we also have 2 Diesel Pools: HIQS:INK and SWAP.HIVE:INK. If you fill these with liquidity, you can get juicy rewards every day and you can also increase your chances of winning with every share in the pool. We will take a snapshot of the stakes and liquidity providers in our pools in the coming days and then announce the winner at @craftink. So there is still a little time left to increase your INK.
Pool Rewards and buying INK are not the only way to get new INK. There are also giveaways every now and then. For example, @acidyo is currently planning a giveaway with various tokens. Do you want INK? Then all you have to do is to vote this comment. If you also want to make an INK giveaway, just contact us.
And because we are in a giving mood, you can win a few INK here and now. Stake at least 200 INK and write us how much you have staked in the comments. We will raffle 2000 INK among 10 Hivestylers who did StakeInk and distribute them in staked form to the winners. As usual, the deadline for entries is the end of the countdown.
There are even already other pool(s) that include INK as a reward. For example, the CCD:SWAP.HIVE pool. So, as you can see, there is plenty of FomoInk and usability for INK. And we are in talks with further projects. You can expect one or two HiQellar token flips in the near future.
During this month our website playcraftink.com also came online. As soon as it is ready, you will also be able to play the game on this website. When the first boosters are ready, you can also buy them on the site. As you can see, we are not standing still in the production of CraftInk.
So what are you waiting for? Go for the meatballs (Editor's note: or Fleischwröäwr, as they're called in Austria) and get into the pools. ★
By: @quekery
It's been a while since we wrote about MuTerra. Back then, you could only play MuTerra on Discord. But what about MuTerra today? We have summarised all the news for you here.
Attentive readers will have noticed the current sale promotion by @MuTerra. If not, here it is again in brief. There will be a total of 1 000 000 crates to buy, with the first 100 000 costing $1 each, the 2nd tier $2 etc.. Each tier will only be unlocked when the previous one is sold out.
"But why should I buy Crates?"
You've probably never heard of MuTerra, if you're asking yourself that question. MuTerra is an upcoming game on Hive. What makes it special is that there will be 2 games in one: MuTerra is a turn-based RPG and a Trading Card Game.
There is even a playable alpha, where you can get a small impression of the game. (Editor's note: Link in the description, LOOL.)
The game is being developed in Unity and can be played in the browser, similar to Crypto Shots. The alpha already makes a good impression, even if you can't do much yet. But that will change in the next version. Even the developer is looking forward to playing it himself. (Editor's note: This is what our "sources" told us.)
"But I still don't know why I should buy Crates."
At the moment you cannot open Crates. As befits an RPG, you will be able to collect Raw Materials in the finished game. But if you don't have the time or patience for that, you can buy Crates instead. The crates can also contain special drops. In addition to the special drops, you also get MUT for your crates.
"Oh, what's MUT? Will I be muted then?"
MUT is the ingame token of MuTerra. Recently, a MUT Airdrop started, which will run for another 1815 days. You can get MUT for MuTerra assets every day. You can get MUT Airdrops for Mutees, Crates, Booster Packs, Tamer, Tamer Licences and for staked MUT. (Editor's note: Assets on WAX do not generate MUT.)
MuTerra will be free2play, but in order to enjoy all the functions such as play2earn, you must also have at least 1 Tamer Licence. This currently costs $10, as there is a 50% discount at the moment.
The Maldives Booster Packs have been sold out for a long time. You could help the scalpers on Hive Engine, but we have a better idea.
WIN Maldives Booster Packs NOW!
Write in the comments what aspect of MuTerra you particularly like. (Editor's note: And tag 2 friends!) We will draw 10 winners from all participants. So with a bit of luck, you could win Maldives Packs. The competition will run for as long as the countdown continues. (Editor's note: How many times are you going to use countdowns? Yes!)
"I want MUT!"
By the way, MUT contains another interesting concept. MUT is also the governance token of MuTerra. It should even be possible to vote on game-deciding issues with staked MUT.
RPG and TCG fans should definitely keep an eye on MuTerra. Those who have acquired a taste for it should also take a look at the White Paper. ★
By: @tengolotodo
If you go down to the threads today you'll be in for a big surprise. A GM:FRENS surprise. Simply by being social and saying "Good Morning Friends" in GM:FRENS format you can mine 6.9 tokens.
GM:FRENS is a greeting that we can give and receive when we are on Threads on leofinance. Threads is a microblogging element in Hive, where we can post threads of upto 240 characters. It is fun and you never know, you may be curated.
If you like twitter then you may well like threads, we do because we are sexy and stylish! Have you seen our threads? But, enough with that, we want to investigate GM:FRENS. This is a project that is the brainchild of @l337m45732.
The first ever cross-blockchain social NFT project
Built on Threads
GM:FRENS let's break it down first into simple terms. GM well that is a greeting standing for Good Morning, but it also works equally well in German standing for Guten Morgen. FRENS well that is crypto for FRIENDS. So the GM:FRENS is a social greeting that you can say anytime because there will be someone somewhere who is in their morning! (Editor's note: In the same way, it's always 4:20 somewhere in the world. LOOL)
Is there a benefit to saying GM:FRENS? FOMO of course! Yes there is. Do you see the screenshot of the example thread? In it @tengolotodo used his alt .leo account (Editor's note: Now he is just showing off his different Hive accounts. LOOL) and wrote the tag #gmfrens.
When you use the #gmfrens tag you can mine GM tokens once per day. If you connect your WAX wallet then you will receive 6.9 GM tokens.
Why WAX chain? Firstly to experiment with cross chain projects but secondly and more importantly it was cheaper than using the Hive Engine. LOOL
How to mine GM in simple terms:
- Either signup with LeoFinance to get a Hive account or use LeoThreads with an existing Hive account.
- Update your WAX address on your GM:FRENS profile by logging in with Keychain or by adding your WAX address in your Hive profile so it can be manually updated.
- Use the #gmfrens tag in a LeoThread.
Many Hivians use WAX already especially if they are a gamer or NFT collector. It is incredibly simple to create an account there, just visit How to Get a Free Custom WAX Wallet for details on how to create one. When we say it is simple we mean it is simple, @quekery even created a live on air wallet during Talk Time with Tengo for @hiq.magazine so all donations can be sent to hiq1magazine. LOOL
Can you trade GM? GM is available for buying and selling on the Alcor Exchange. Alcor is a WAX DEX (decentralized exchange) and all tokens traded are for WAX. To get WAX from Hive, you can use Tribaldex or a Diesel Pool to buy SWAP.WAX and send it to your WAX wallet to be traded for GM using Alcor.
The whole idea behind the project was and still is to encourage users to use Threads, and interact with one another on a daily basis.
The project launched a little over 4 months ago and there have been nearly 200 users that have used the tag at least once. There have been over 1200 NFTs minted on WAX and that number should only skyrocket even higher as more and more Hivians discover GM:FRENS. The #gmfrens tag has been the #1 overall trending tag on Threads literally since launch and we don't see that changing any time soon.
We have our GM tokens and in next months issue we shall explore how we are able to get some of the sexy and stylish GM NFTs for our collection. GM FRENS! ★
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By: @themyscira
In this issue, we not only checked out a community, but also sent the technologically challenged into the app test (on PC). A hard crash course straight into the deep end.
After getting to know all kinds of communities, the editorial team was crying out for a new kick. After careful consideration and some time off, we set our technologically challenged tester (Editor's note: @themyscira) on the task and had a new frontend tested to discover the Fomo world of Liketu.
A risky job for someone who is tuned into a different front end. Nevertheless, the challenge was mastered with flying colours and some stones rolling in the way were removed. Now our technical noobette is ready for a holiday. LOOL
Well, where should the rollercoaster ride of confusion begin? We can already see your smirks. But let's get into the fray. The first thing we did was to look for the function to be able to write a post. This proved to be extremely difficult, because our guinea pig could not find the button. Without asking anyone, this point would probably have remained open and the article would have gone into the drawer.
It did not quite make sense to our editor to click on the camera in the top right-hand corner; it seemed more like a function for uploading your own photo or taking one of yourself than for making a post. It should also be taken into account that one is otherwise attuned to other front-ends and this option then seems strange. And guys, we love emojis, but they just can't replace words, maybe there are some noobies who feel the same way.
Continuing on the new frontend of Liketu, we went into post creation with the option to upload images, which is easy to see. The post can be written as usual and the interface is clear. Divided into two columns, the editing window is on the left and the preview is on the right. The image upload is limited to ten images, which is more than sufficient. Once the images have been uploaded, the appropriate tags have been selected and the text is ready, there is nothing to stop you from publishing. Now your Liketu post can find its place on the Liketu frontend and of course also appears on PeakD, Ecency and all other Hive frontends.
And because we wanted to give our tech-noobette another reason for an unauthorised holiday, we let her test one more option on Liketu. Namely, she was to make a post on the Liketu frontend in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCE Community. LOOL
You will not think it is possible, but that went completely to shit the first time, because the community has to be selected separately. Accordingly, the post fizzled out and did not reach the WEEKEND EXPERIENCE community. The second attempt worked and the post found its way to the correct community after setting which community the post should go to. (Editor's note: LOOL)
The WEEKEND EXPERIENCE community is filled with many exciting weekend experiences and maybe you too have had great weekends and would like to share them, then this is the right hive place for you. Whether you want to do that on the Liketu frontend is up to you. For brave Fomo Sapiens, of course, that's no problem. Let us see something of you on Liketu and present your weekend photos. ★
Do you also want to fomo into the competetive leaderboard of HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine? Then stake HIQS like there is no tomorrow! The 10 highest stakers are determined anew in each issue via snapshot and then immortalised here. If you also want advertising space in the HiQ, then stake yourself in the top 5 and send us a banner in the format 728x90. You can send us the banner via Discord or by mail to hiq.redaktion@protonmail.com. ★
1st | @wrestorgonline | 2245 |
2nd | @balte | 2150 |
3rd | @reiseamateur | 1471 |
4th | @points-fr | 1420 |
5th | @kenechukwu97 | 1386 |
6th | @danielhuhservice | 1250 |
7th | @cryptocompany | 668 |
8th | @alex2alex | 601 |
9th | @psyberx | 500 |
10th | @blue.rabbit | 463 |
Not having a lot of gossip can be a beautiful thing. (Editor's note: Or a bad thing for us, LOOL.) Nevertheless, we don't want to deprive you of anything and nail a little gossip in your eyes.
The Handyman nailed it
@danielhuhservice, the industrious craftsman, has presented us with his 2022 year-in-review in this post. Attentive (Editor's note: and curious) as we are, we took a closer look at everything and discovered the HiQ in one of his videos at minute 2:23. Very exemplary, isn't it. However, we wonder whether the craftsman NAILED the highly sensitive and extremely valuable print HiQ on the wall 😱
Keychain token precision 3 LOOL
The headline says it all. Keychain has the stylish feature that app builders who want to integrate Keychain support also have the option of using Hive Engine token transfers natively. The stupid thing is that Keychain only allows a token precision of 3 decimal places.
Just stupid that most Hive Engine tokens have a higher precision. Yes, Hive and HBD have a precision of 3. We will offer you 8 guesses as to what SWAP.HIVE has a precision of. Of course, app builders could also build their own transaction, but then Keychain could have stuck with native support. Besides, you can also use Keychain as a wallet. And then it would be cool if you could also send the token with its appropriate precision.
Of course, we are complaining at a high level here, because Keychain is an ingenious app. A fresh user has also pointed out the issue to Keychain and they promise to do better. So we'll hold off on a bad Playstore review and be patient until Keychain's next update. ★
Ad (Sponsored by @balte)
By: @quekery, @kvinna & @mary-me
The best comes at the end. If you've made it this far, you're a true Hivestyler. Congratulations, you are now officially "Smart, Stylish and Sexy". Keep reading, you'll get through the rest.
@dlearnhub wants to bring a learning platform to the Web3.0 and that too on Hive. It is supposed to rewarden both teachers and students and include gamification. @quekery can't wait to get started with a maths community. But until then we have to be patient. For more information, take a look at their post.
Pinmapple Proposal
Summer 2023 is coming and you'll want to link your holiday posts to Pinmapple. Then you should vote for Proposal 253! You will also be supporting the development of Haveyoubeenhere, Buymeberries and Hiverrr.
Game Over Rabona
In case you haven't noticed, Rabona has stopped goaling. Yes, really. We're still in shock. Nevertheless, we wish the makers of the game all the best and thank them for their work, because for a few weeks the game was fun. LOOL
24 days in a row @sagarkothari88 is now working on an open source Hive mobile app and the progress is fascinating. Every day he posts screenshots and updates. Here you can find the announcement. Check him out and send him our best wishes. We are excited to see what happens next and wish @sagarkothari88 every success.
3speak x LeoFinance
Will we soon see TikTok-style shorts on LeoThreads? Anyway, they are already working on it. You can find more info about it here. On the new LeoThreads UI it will be possible to upload 30-60 second long videos in the style of "shorts". We are excited.
A Hivian needs help
Most things in life turn out differently than you think. Some people don't have it easy and need the community's help. @travelingcrafter has had a tough year and needs support. Check out her blog and send some love!
Ecency Update
The mobile app of @ecency has received an update. The most important change besides some bug fixes is the addition of favourite Hive Engine tokens. Of course we tested this for INK and HIQS right away. Shortly before going to press, @ecency rolled out another update, which fixes minor problems.
Hive Meetup Vienna
On 02.02.23 the Hive Meetup Vienna by @manncpt will take place at the Hive Bar, as it does every month. (Editor's note: By the way, the bar is only called Hive by chance. Still, it's the perfect name to host a Hive Meetup there.) If you want to join in, leave a comment here.
More Meetups
On 16.02.23 another Meetup will take place in Austria. This time not in Vienna, but in Graz. This time not organised by @manncpt, but by @reiseamateur and this time not in the Hive Bar, but in the lab10 coworking space. You can find more information here. @reiseamateur also provides a handy overview of some meetups that are sure to take place or could take place.
PS: There is also a Meetup in Graz on 26.01.23. But by the time you read these lines here, it's probably already too late. We hope all participants had a lot of fun. There is always something to win at the Graz Meetups. So come and visit it.
Last Minutes Meetup
Shortly before the editorial deadline, we discovered the Meetup by @jnmarteau in Belgium. This will take place on 29.01.23. The account @hivebelgium already exists for this event. You can find the invitation to the Meetup here.
And more Meetups
On 28.01.23 there will be another interesting Meetup: Hive Meetup Ghana. To stay up to date with this Meetup group, you should follow the account @hive.ghana. All important information about the current Meetup can be found here. (Editor's note: Don't forget to grab your freebees Hive shirt if you attend this Meetup.)
Charity on Hive
Imagine someone donates money and you get to choose what it's for. There is no such thing, you think - oh yes there is, @kheldar1982 does it. He introduces you to different projects and you vote on which one should be supported by him. Here you can find his last post and if you hurry you can still vote and support with your votes.
Superhive is a blog engine by @bambukah that is completely based on Hive. You can find more information about the latest update here. By the way, @bambukah has other cool apps like https://hivelive.me/, a tool with which streamers can receive Hive asset donations (Editor's note: @solymi, read this very carefully.) and https://stake.hivelive.me/.
@threespeak is planning a rework of 3speak. The code is to be refractored and some improvements are planned. Especially because we also use 3speak with @hiq.smartcast, our podcast format, we are looking forward to the new, better 3speak. You can find the exact change plans here.
New library incoming
Are you looking for a stylish JavaScript library for Hive? Then we have just the thing for you. @therealwolf introduces you to dhive-sl in his current post. The cool thing is that this library also supports Hive Engine.
The Heart of the Token
@kingofduels will launch the presale of their governance token FUSION on 30.01.2023. This will only be available to buy in the presale and the number is limited to 1500. After that, you can get FUSION if you burn KOD. ★
We have to end the first issue of the new year, as we have done before, with the "Readers' Letters" section. Last month we had some great comments to respond to. Have a look for yourself.
@flauwy is scrolling, scrolling, scrolling...:
Ohh, the very much anticipated reading of the week has arrived. Took a while to scroll down to the comment section to send some love and upvotes. I guess this day will not get boring at all.
On PeakD, if you click the speech bubble you get sent right to the comment section. But you miss out on all the great stuff we have written. So... Keep scrolling. ;)
@dreemsteem is fluffing more natural than anyone else:
hehehe what an amazing shout out for DreemPort!!! thanks so much for sharing the word and for being such a huge part of the teem @tengolotodo! hehehe
@tengolotodo is great in every teem but also in the HiQ Editorial Staff. His wit is indespensable for his work in the journalistic depths of Hive and its projects. Also: It was nice talking to you on the Ecency Discord.
@samsmith1971 is wearing the best glasses of the community:
wow... this is some publication! I'll make my way through it slowly hehe. Loved the article about Dreemport, @tengolotodo 💗 Couldn't agree more! Dreemport is my favourite community and works to bring Hivers together through lots of fun challenges and engagement.
I'm not @tengolotodo, yet I would like to thank you for the nice words you have. This issue is not that massive as the last one was, but same quality at least. We hope we can bring even more Hivians together. (Note from @smooms: Sorry for the glasses. Didn't know if you wanted to be shown in the HiQ Magazine. LOOL)
@bluefinstudios is pointing in one direction:
WOW! What an amazing article!, thanks for the insight into @dreemport and @dreemsteem
Well written and very cool intro to #dreemport
thanks again, @tengolotodo
Why is it always @tengolotodo to whom you are gratefull? Not that he haven't earned it, but there where others involved in the issue, too. LOOL
@willendorfia is bobbing to the CraftInk OST NOW... EPIC:
I'm super excited to hear the music that @ravenmus1c comes up with for @CraftInk!
Ask us...
@fun.farms has fun while farming HIQS:
Many thanks for the social mention, and please continue reporting Hive awesomeness!
Will do, will do. ;) Thank you for your support. And as the last Readers' Letter of this issue you will get the last sentence, too. Which is THIS ONE. LOOL. ★
Immeasurable thanks go to all the donors, delegators, upvoters, rebloggers and subscribers!
Thanks also to the authors and content creators, which are @quekery, @smooms, @mary-me, @tengolotodo, @themyscira & @kvinna.
Not to list, but still worth mentioning are of course all the little touches, ideas and tips from the community. Thanks for that! You guys are awesome!
All writers' opinion are their own and do not constitute financial advice in any way whatsoever. Nothing published by HiQ constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or content published by HiQ be relied upon for any investment activities. Hiq strongly recommends that you perform your own indipendent research and/or speak with a quialified investment professional befor making any financial decisions. Image material or raw image material is, unless otherwise stated, from pixabay.com or is screenshoted. HiQ does not make any representation as to the accuracy or suitability of any of the information contained in advertisements and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the conduct or content of those advertisements and the offerings made by the third parties. If you are interested in placing an advertiseemnt with HiQ please refer to: hiq.redaktion@protonmail.com.
Editorial Core Team/Publisher: @quekery, @smooms & @mary-me.
HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine is a project of the HiQuarters 2.0 Team.
If you're stylish and smart, you're subscribed to us: @adedayoolumide @adncabrera @akida @alex2alex @allonyx.ngs @alucian @alz190 @andy-plays @andy-vibes @andy4475 @animaya @atra-aranea @balte @bananofarmer @bechibenner @beeber @bitandi @blue.rabbit @btcsam @carolinmatthie @chaosmagic23 @chappertron @chrislybear @cloudlynx @coldbeetrootsoup @cultus-forex @dafusa @danielhuhservice @dauerossi @dieradikalemitte @ditsch @dragon-ti @dynamicgreentk @dynamicrypto @ervin-lemark @failingforwards @flamo @florian-glechner @fredfettmeister @fun.farms @ganjafarmer @hannes-stoffel @hatoto @hiq @hiq.magazine @hiq.redaktion @hive-loto @hivecurious @industriousliv @ischmieregal @itsme9001 @jeenger @jfuji @joseph23 @kadna @kaeptn-iglo @kenechukwu97 @kheldar1982 @klausklaus @konstice @kryptodenno @ksam @kvinna @lammbock @lauchmelder @leosoph @louis88 @madame-cyntaia @manncpt @mario89 @markus.light @mary-be @mary-me @melinda010100 @miketr @mima2606 @misan @monsterbuster @mrdalle @mryoung1979 @music-beatcz @mwfiae @neoxvoter @nessos @nkemakonam89 @noctury @oceanbee @oesterreich @oscarps @photomoto @platuro @points-fr @powerpaul @prinzvalium @pundito @queker-bee @quekery @quelled @querdenker @r0nny @rachaeldwatson @ravenmus1c @reiseamateur @remotehorst23 @saffisara @saggi07 @satren @schmidi @sebescen81 @shakkei @simsibee @smooms @smoomslive @sodom @solarwarrior @solymi @stickupboys @stresskiller @syalla @tengolotodo @thatcryptodave @thatgermandude @thetimetravelerz @thoth442 @tibfox @trading-tokens @tribemieregal @twicejoy @twinner @twistytango @untzuntzuntz @utopia-hope @vasupi @vugel @willendorfia @yeckingo1 @ynwa.andree @yoshi-and-family @zockerpeine
@mary-me was involved in:
- Emergency shelter + Munchie-storage
- Hivelights - Hivestory 2022
- Gossip
- Hivestyle for Hivians
- Everything for the quota
- Proofreading until the splinterlands burn
- Correcting jokes and insiders
- Ctrl expert
- Procrastination officer
- Secretary of CraftInk
@quekery was involved in:
- Drill Sergeant
- Math-Nerd-Tipps
- Editorial
- Hivelights - Hivestory 2022
- CraftInk - THE Trading Card Game 2023
- MuTerra - The Hive RPG
- Hivestyle for Hivians
- Gossip
- Readers' letters
- Text & Layout
- CEO of Hivestyle
- CEO of CraftInk
@smooms was involved in:
- "I'm Batmaaaan"
- Graphic, Rebranding & Logo Creation
- Translater
- HiQs MVP - @tengolotodo - CraftInk - THE Trading Card Game 2023
- Readers' letters
- Meme Lord of HiQ
- Hivestyler
- Chief of CraftInk
The Supporters were involved in:
- The Column - Excurse through the Bullmarket, Hivestyle for Hivians@themyscira
- Liketu - Instagram, but with more Hive@tengolotodo
- Proof reading, GM:FRENS - "Good Morning Friends!"Sneaky arses!
What an amazing edition! Thanks for the updates of the many things going on and congrats to Tito Ed @tengolotodo for being the new MVP, whew!🥂🍻
This is cool! I currently only have 243 INK staked and will be adding more on a weekly basis.
Thanks CJ it is a great magazine and a great bunch of people, and the source of many things on Hive for me especially from years ago!
It's great Tito Ed that you joined their team and we'll get to learn from you as well😉
Thanks for reminding me about Ragnarok! I hope I can still claim the airdrops
Brilliant! And I can only say that you have selected the best MVP. @tengolotodo is an absolute superstar.
Great issue!! 😍🥸
aww thank you Super Eli
What an honour from the sneaky so and so's!
Have a wonderful weekend 🌀💙
An honor deserved IMO ;)
Jaja! Don Modesto!!
jaja es verdad 🤣💙
!HIQS 20
Oh wow
I won the @psyberx pass 🤸♂️🤸♂️🤸♂️🤸♂️
Thank you Hiq team 🥰
I'm grateful 🙏
another great issue! thanks for the shoutout frens, much appreciated :D
Correction in the order, I have removed that double order from this publication, greetings. @hiq.magazine
Fantastic job as always guys!
At the moment I have around 273 INK staked. Increasing my balance slowly.
About Muterra, I love the artwork of their cards. It's amazing.
Check out this @gwajnberg @shiftrox
[@quekery] You have to tag 2 frens to participate.
Forgot this detail. Thanks for reminding me 🙂
Thank you for a great edition!
I am very interested in MuTerra TCG development, hopefully it will enrich the #hive TCG universe.
@fun.farms @treefrognada
Staked 200INK
@tengolotodo .. You are multi-talented..hehe.. I thought MVP are for gaming only. Haha.. You are awesome.
hehe @jane1289 that whole comment applies to you too!
We are all multitalented, hehe MVP well now it is for anything but originally only American sports yes!
Awesome well thank you and you are the ultimate in awesome sauce
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Read about Hivebits (HBIT) or read the story of Wusang: Isle of Blaq.
@jane1289, @tengolotodo(1/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki |
NFT | <>< daily
MVP stands for "Most Valued Poster". So it can be basically everyone posting on Hive.
What does that mean... "there is no more dust"?
How can you review something and not explain what you are talking about?
Are you saying that dust votes will now be paid out rather than getting stolen? If that's the case then this needs to be shouted out from the roof-tops and every street corner. That is HUGE news and important for the public to know.
P.S.: What does LOOL stand for? I know LOL = Laugh Out Loud, but what is LOOL?
[@quekery] One of the major changes of HF 26 was that there is no dust anymore. (Editor's note: Both forms of dust are history - dust for the curators and the dust for the authors) We and a lot of other accounts wrote multiple times about the changes of HF 26. !LOOL
Sagt der eine Elefant zum anderen: Wie kann er damit nur essen?
Credit: captainloken
@secret-art, ich habe dir im Namen von @hiq.redaktion einen $LOLZ Token gesendet
Verwende den Befehl !WITZ oder !LOOL, um einen Witz und ein $LOLZ zu teilen.
Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!
Just to be clear... dust votes are now paid out?
That is really great news for all the small accounts!
[@quekery] Yes, they are paid out now. And yes great news for small accounts. In the official post the explanation is a little bit confusing-
But here are some useful:
Useful explanation
THANKS! Those are great links.
Now if they will burn the pre-mine, HIVE could become a legitimate blockchain.
After 2 years of enrichment, the developers should have taken enough to allow HIVE to maintain itself. Otherwise, it maintains its status as a scam token and will not be taken seriously by other than those who seek to exploit the system. That means it can't go mainstream.
Lots of things going on!
Congratulations @tengolotodo ! True MVP 😍💙
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