[ENG] HiQ №24 | Smart, Stylish & Sexy | Birthday contest, Play2Earn, Genesis League Goals, CBRS, IRL Hive Meetups a.m.m.m.
Info für deutsche Leser: Die deutsche Ausgabe wurde unter @hiq veröffentlicht. (Anm. d. R.: Ihr findet sie hier.)
And another month has passed, your eagerly awaited HiQ is back on and all of Hive is freaking out. Plus, we're celebrating a birthday and giving away about 400 Dollars worth of stuff!
As in every issue, the Most Valued Poster (MVP) is not to be missed. Admire and worship this month's MVP, @minigunner, who has been causing a stir since HiveFest along with @artakush and their project @coldbeetrootsoup.
As usual, we continue with The Column, which was written by @kvinna as she has often done. Once again, she gives us a deep insight into the day-to-day work of the editorial team and reveals a secret or two from the HiQ editorial team.
The editorial team is turning 4 and that means you once again have the chance to win some big prizes. To be more precise: STEEMillu was founded 4 years ago and later became HiQ. We want to celebrate this occasion, so we're giving away some really hefty prizes. Be smart and pick up the fat prizes!
In the article "Happy Birthday to us" we celebrate ourselves again. Or rather, our birthday. Because nothing is better than us. Of course. Celebrate with us by upvoting this article, reblogging us (with 100% of course) and above all telling all your friends about us. A small birthday donation would also be nice. After all, what would a birthday party be without presents, right?
But enough about us, because in this issue we have also ventured out of our cellars and looked around a bit in the Hive cosmos for you. Actually, we thought we'd do an interview that was mostly about CryptoShots. But things always turn out differently. Classic. Instead, we found a cryptogaming community from Turkey (Editor's note: Play2EarnTR) whose project is almost as smart as those of the HiQ team.
Our new English editor @tengolotodo has moved out of his comfort zone in this issue and has now also gone amongst the authors. He makes his debut in our digital glossy magazine with an article on Genesis League Goals. (Editor's note: Of course, only glossy if you have a clean monitor with no flyspeck on it.)
Because, as we all know, you don't play just one game, King of Duels is added to the list. For all those who believe in the heart of cards and are real Yu-Gi-Oh fanboys, this game is a must. If you want to know more, just read the article.
@smooms also initiated a conversation with the soup dudes themselves, much to the defiance of his core team mates. In this conversation, they talked about existing and upcoming projects of the @coldbeetrootsoup pals. The article is summarised for you and broken down into bite-sized chunks in this issue.
Our freelance reporter @manncpt, who prefers to talk to real people rather than a machine, really hits the ground running in this issue. His article about Hive Meetups, but in real life, is about, well, Hive Meetups, but in real life. Crazy, isn't it?
After a well-deserved break, our community correspondent is back with fresh content. With the Amazing Nature Community, she promises to increase HiQ's readership by 420% in this issue. (Editor's note: The figures are only estimates. In real life, these figures could differ marginally. But probably a maximum of 69 %.)
Of course, at the end of the issue we again have our All Time Favourite Classics of Life for you. The leaderboard, on which landing has become an uphill battle, Gossip, Hivestyle for Hivians and of course the Reader's letters. Speaking of letters to the editors: Write more comments so that we can fomo more into the Reader's letters. That would be magnificent.
And now check out our freshest masterpiece.
PS: Philistine, anyone who doesn't vote for the post with 100 %.
PPS: Vote for HiQ's Witness. Now. LOOL! ★
➀ HiQs MVP - @minigunner
➁ The Column - @kvinnas rad new column
Cover Story
➂ Giveaway - HiQ turns 4
➃ Happy Birthday to us
➄ Interview with Play2EarnTR
➅ Genesis League Goals scores
➆ It' time to duel - King of Duels
➇ CBRS - More than soup
➈ IRL Hive Meetups
➉ Amazing Nature
➀➀ Gossip
➀➁ Hivestyle for Hivians
➀➂ Readers' letters ★
By: @smooms
It's not all soup that simmers. He also puts his energy into other things. He's also a huge HiQ fan. His CBRS colleague too, of course, but this isn't the last issue that needs an MVP, is it?
But today it's all about @minigunner. At HiveFest, we made @minigunner more work than he would have liked. The guardian of the physical HiQs had his life made difficult by @mary-me and @smooms. Turning over the physical HiQ left his life on a knife edge as we risked execution on the part of @roelandp by decapitation. So the songs tell it, sung from lore.
In reality, it turned out well after all. He is still alive and still involved in projects around Hive. (Editor's note: But also far outside of it.) We also think it's really stylish that he (@minigunner) and his buddy @artakush come by our server so often.
We'll find out very soon what else is simmering with him. Maybe even in an article in this issue?
Are you the next HiQ MVP and can call yourself the most stylish user of the month?
NEW: Send 10 HIQS & get 100% votes for 1 MONTH!
Every month we look for the most stylish Hivian of the Hive. You can submit your photo too! Send 10 HIQS (+ possible bribe) to @hiq with the memo "HiQ MVP + link to your profile".
We will then publish your picture in one of the next issues. In addition, we will add you to our auto-voter for one month. That means: at least 28 days of 100% upvotes from the smart HiQ trail. ★
(only 1 vote per day)
By: @kvinna
Shaken by the hardfork and many new ideas, this month went by quickly for the HiQ team. I'll tell you some of what happened behind the scenes here.
HiveFest has been over for a while now, but the aftermath is still clearly felt in the rooms of the HiQ editorial office. We have new followers, supporters and guests. What is particularly exciting is that they all prefer to speak English. A good opportunity for us to improve our language skills. A breath of fresh air really sweeps through the halls of the editorial office when @minigunner and @artakush from @coldbeetrootsoup drop in or @dynamicrypto and @bookerman grace us with their presence.
But a special enrichment is our new team member @tengolotodo, who perfects the translation of our texts into English. It is a great pleasure to work with him. We are now so on a roll that the editorial meeting post was once written only in English and not in German. The German text was simply deleted again after it was translated - what a waste, wasn't it? Wasn't that inconvenient for you and did you really like to do without the funny German puns? Things like news in short trousers for "short news" - admit it, you missed it.
The core team was on the verge of starvation at times because their Witness didn't get any blocks for a while. @quekery must have been the hardest hit, as he had to go hungry all the time during the trip to Amsterdam. The server costs kept running, but no more blocks came by. Oh, guys, this isn't called Hardfork for nothing, because if it were a piece of cake, it would be called Easyfork, wouldn't it?
The two gamers @quekery and @smooms are currently playing the Nintendo Switch game Splatoon3 and the voice channel is sometimes taken over by the heckling. If I imagine them doing this for real, it would be really very funny, so @quekery would tip a bucket of paint over @smooms' head for example, LOOL. But when they're not spilling paint on themselves and the virtual world, they're working procrastinating diligently on HiQ, LOOL.
But I'll let you in on an exciting little secret: The core team will meet again and what does that mean for you? You can get the physical HiveFest edition of HiQ with the authors' signatures, because at their meeting they will decorate some issues with their autographs and you can then buy them. ★
The older, the better. Life only begins at 4. Four is always better. Yes, we have something to celebrate. And you can win something. We don't want you throwing eggs at us.
Our magazine activities turned 4 years old on 22nd October 2022 and we have to celebrate that. After 4 years, we still can't afford Lambos and we'll be much poorer after this giveaway, but what wouldn't you do to celebrate your signingversary?
We'll save our story for our signingversary, we've already told it so many times. But you can also read it. (Editor's note: For example in our print edition, which you can buy for only 5 HBD + shipping.) For this issue we have concentrated on the current projects and you can read about them in our cover story.
But since we don't want to strain your eyeball muscles, we'll get straight down to the condensing. No, there is no soup or food porn today. There are over $400 worth of prizes to be won. Don't miss your chance to get one step closer to the Lambo.
How Lambo?
- Tell us something nice in the comments (obligatory) (Editor's note: Anything, but if it's about us, even better, LOOL.)
- Tag 2 friends (obligatory)
- Reblog this post (optional)
- Upvote this post (optional)
- Follow @hiq.magazine (optional)
- Follow @hiq.redaktion (optional)
The optional actions will increase your chances of winning and are not compulsory to enter the competition.
How much Lambo?
1st | 1 Crypto Shots Starter Pack | 1 WOO Alpha Pack | 12000 WOO | 1 CBRS-Avatar | 50 HIQS | 50 HIVE |
2nd | 1 Crypto Shots Starter Pack | 1 WOO Alpha Pack | 8000 WOO | 1 CBRS-Avatar | 30 HIQS | 30 HIVE |
3rd | 1 Crypto Shots Starter Pack | 1 WOO Alpha Pack | 5000 WOO | 1 CBRS-Avatar | 20 HIQS | 20 HIVE |
4th | 1 Crypto Shots Starter Pack | 1 WOO Alpha Pack | ||||
5th | 1 Crypto Shots Starter Pack | 1 WOO Alpha Pack | ||||
6th | 1 Crypto Shots Starter Pack | 1 WOO Alpha Pack | ||||
7th | 1 Crypto Shots Starter Pack | 1 WOO Alpha Pack | ||||
8th | 1 Crypto Shots Starter Pack | 1 WOO Alpha Pack | ||||
9th | 1 Crypto Shots Starter Pack | 1 WOO Alpha Pack | ||||
10th | 1 Crypto Shots Starter Pack | 1 WOO Alpha Pack |
We will draw 10 people who will be showered with fat prizes. So increase your chances of winning by performing the optional options.
From when no Lambo?
Deadline for entries is 2nd November 2022 0:00 UTC+2.
Many thanks to our sponsors: @wrestorgonline, @coldbeetrootsoup, @keys-defender (Crypto-Shots) and @hiq.magazine (us).
May RNGsus be with you. ★
By: @mary-me
It's the HiQ's birthday. Not quite, but its predecessor, the STEEMillu, would be 4 years old these days and because we generally like to celebrate, this anniversary will also be celebrated extensively.
We often wonder if the readers of HiQ, the most stylish magazine ever, even know what we do on our beloved Chain apart from the editorial work. In this article you'll find out what we're working on at the moment and which projects could possibly be realised in the future. A lot has happened since the beginning of STEEMillu. Learn more about the current status of the HiQ projects exclusively and only here. Let's raise our glasses together and toast to Hive and HiQ!
1. Print HiQ
Do you know that there is also a HiQ you can touch? Like a real, actual magazine that you can flip through... there is, yes. In this first ever print HiQ we're going to give you some exclusive shit like an interview with the one and only Dan from BlockTrades and the WHOLE story of Hive including Ninja Stake and Custom JSON Justin.
Are you wondering how to get your hands on a copy? It's easy: Send us an email to hiq.redaktion@protonmail.com and we'll clarify everything else there. The fun will only cost you a measly 5 HBD + shipping. Be smart, stylish and sexy and don't miss out on this unique offer.
Photo by @schmidi
HiQ - THE (digital) magazine on Hive
As you probably already know, HiQ - THE Hivestyle Magazine is a satirical infotainment magazine that provides you with the most important Hive news once a month. Here you get the full load of updates and background information about the Hive Blockchain. We provide you with the stuff you want: boring dev stuff, games, communities, tips, tricks, gossip and much more.
The following release dates are planned until the end of the year:
@hiq - German:
@hiq.magazine - English:
Please don't stone us if your much sought-after HiQ appears a day late. (Editor's note: We are procrastinators and proud of it.)
HiQ-Subscriber Badge
Do you know the HiQ-SUB badge? If you write +ABO or +SUB in the comments, the HiQ Smart Bot registers this and only a few minutes later you can admire the super-beautiful HiQ badge on your Hive profile. In addition, you will receive a notification when the new issue of HiQ is published, the editorial post is dropped or the HIQS discount sale takes place.
Are you aware that if you stake HIQS, you can get on the stylish HIQS leaderboard, which can be admired below? In addition, the top 5 stakers have the opportunity to place an advertising banner in the HiQ. So be smart and secure an advertising spot for yourself or your project. (Editor's note: If you don't want your own banner, you are also welcome to give your advertising space to another project.)
After we have upgraded our weekly editorial post a little, it will also be possible to place a banner there. Every week, a lucky winner will be drawn from the top 5 stakers, who will then have the honour of shining in the editorial post. Just as in the HiQ, the winner can also pass on their place. (Editor's note: The FOMO is real.)
HiQ Witness Node
Most of you will already have noticed that we run a Hive Witness Node. (Editor's note: Vote for our fucking Witness!) We're not just editors, we're tech nerds too. How else could we report on all the blockchain stuff? That's why, and because we care about the chain, we run our own node, which could possibly be expanded to an API node in the future. What do you think of that?
"What the hell is curagement?", you are probably wondering. It's very easy to explain: If you have at least 10 HIQS staked, you can trigger the HiQ Smart Bot with the command !hiqvote. Simply write !hiqvote under a post that you particularly like and if the bot has enough mana and you have staked enough, then you will make the post happy with juicy upvotes from our HiQ trails. Smart, isn't it? (Editor's note: Rhetorical question... The answer is of course: "Yes!")
A special clue from HiQ Curagement is that our script also reads the tags. Depending on the tags, the Smart Bot script then decides which trail will vote. So far, we have 8 curation tribes. (Editor's note: @hiq.bee, @hiq.photo, @hiq.fun, @hiq.oneup, @hiq.pimp, @hiq.weed, @hiq.spt und @hiq.sport. Stylish, isn't it?) You can of course join our trails or delegate to get 80% of the liquid rewards. Sexy, isn't it?
HiQ Smart Bot @ Discord
Only very few people realise how powerful the smart bot has become, because most of it runs in the background. The most important functions for us are:
- Team Cashout
- Tribe-Token Info
- Handling !hiqvote votes
- Fun functions (Editor's note: Except for @minigunner, who doesn't find them funny.)
- Processing of the Commentary Discount Sales
- Monitoring the Witness votes and updating the price feed
- Monitoring subscribers to our channels on Hive
- Reading our diesel pools
New functions are constantly being added as needed. If you are interested in using our smart Discord bot, just write to us or chat with us on Discord.
HiQuarters 2.0
Do you actually know where the HiQ people hang out every day? As @kvinna already mentioned in the column, the conversations, meetings, interviews and of course the editorial meetings take place on the HiQuarters 2.0 Discord server. Every day, the editors cavort here and one or other curious Hivians also peer into the hallowed halls.
Since HiveFest a different wind has been blowing here, because it can now also happen that we hold the editorial meeting in English. Don't be shy and just come along. We are happy to answer questions and are open to constructive criticism. We also have a post-promotion channel here where you can drop your Hive links. (Editor's note: But we can't keep up with the voting, LOOL.) Smart, isn't it?
HiQ at Web 2.0
Are you still on Web 2.0? Actually, we wanted to avoid it, but we can't miss what's happening on Twitter. Not only since @coldbeetrootsoup has been making a big fuss about Hive and launching one giveaway after another, our account has gone through the roof. (Editor's note: Well, not quite.) In the coming weeks we'll be running a giveaway there in cooperation with CBRS. Are you on Twitter too? Then follow us so you don't miss anything.
Again and again we have been asked whether we have a homepage. The time for denial is now almost over. It can only be a matter of a few days until our stylish landing page is ready. Unfortunately, we can't say publicly yet what you can expect there in the future, but be curious and put some SWAP.HIVE aside.
Now all we need are booster packs. The end. ★
This time Play2EarnTR faces our diabolical catalogue of questions. Play2EarnTR is a marketing and blogging project from the Turkish community with a focus on crypto games.
HiQ: Thank you for your time. Grab a cup of coffee (Editor's note: Turkish coffee?) and prepare for our hivigative questionnaire. Are you ready? Can you introduce yourselves briefly?
@ultimate-tool: I started getting into this in 2020 when I played Alien Worlds. I have since played many other play2earn games like Axie Infinity.
bahal: I worked on Kingdom Clash in the marketing department. Kingdom Clash is a strategy game on WAX. I currently work at Crypto Fighters, a turn-based strategy game on Polygon, in marketing and I am CMO of play2earntr.com.
@thor-cs: I work at Crypto Shots in the marketing department and have been involved in other projects as a marketing officer.
HiQ: Do you all have Hive accounts?
@ultimate-tool: Not yet, but I'm going to make an account as I want to invest in Genesis League. So far only @thor-cs has a Hive account. (Note from @quekery: Now @ultimate-tool has one. I couldn't help dropping my ref link, LOOL.)
HiQ: In the pre-talk you mentioned that you have a certain philosophy when it comes to collaborations and your community. Can you explain the philosophy in more detail?
Play2EarnTR: Many play2earn games have no economic substance. There are many examples of this and some have also collapsed and not necessarily shared their profit. I.e. our philosophy is to inform our community about long-term stable games and serious games. We are not primarily concerned with games luring us with profit. We check whether the games are serious and only then do we write articles about them. It is easy to find out about crypto games, but it is not easy to find out if a game is reputable. Therefore, we want to inform our community exactly about this. It is often the case that it is more profitable to invest in a game early on and of course it is important to know if the project is trustworthy. Genesis League would be such an example. We also plan to write about it and thus inform our community early on.
HiQ: Do you have a research team for this? You have to do a lot of research, e.g. reading white papers etc...
@ultimate-tool: We are the research team. I spend most of my day reading white papers. (laughs)
HiQ: (laughing)
Play2EarnTR: It happens that we read 10 white papers a day and can't even use one. But yes, we do a lot of research.
bahal: I mentioned before that I work with Crypto Fighters. We maintain personal contact with many projects and so we can also assess their seriousness.
HiQ: So marketing and building personal contacts is an essential part of your work?
Play2EarnTR: Exactly.
HiQ: How important is Hive in your projects? How do you react to Hive purists?
@ultimate-tool: I haven't invested in Hive projects in the past as they require a lot of attention. A good example is Splinterlands. You have to put in a lot of time to be fully involved. But starting with Genesis League, I will change this and get more involved with Hive projects.
@thor-cs: We have some collaborations on Hive. In the case of Crypto Shots, for example, giveaways. We get a lot of good feedback and if users complain, they can reach us on Discord, for example, where they are quickly helped.
HiQ: Why do you have your own blogging homepage? Do you also blog on Hive?
Play2EarnTR: There are not very many Turkish blogs and we wanted to create our own brand to connect the Turkish community with the English community. We also plan to integrate Hive as a blogging platform soon.
HiQ: What have you planned for the future? Can you reveal some delicate spoilers? (Editor's note: Only for us, LOOL.)
Play2EarnTR: Our NFT project on WAX has recently been verified on Atomic Hub. The NFTs are distributed to our community via giveaways for example. For example, if a user has a Rooky Card and sells it to a project, we put a banner of the project on our homepage. The seller can keep all the money. This way we try to create a freelancer marketing opportunity for our followers. To receive Rooky Cards, you need an Access Holder Card, which gives you special access. We also plan to do more AMAs with big projects in the future.
HiQ: Imagine we or someone else wanted to collaborate with you. How would that work in detail?
Play2EarnTR: When we enter into a collaboration, we maintain contact with our partners. If a project update takes place, we inform our community and update our blog. It is also possible to contact projects through us. In this case, we act as a bridge.
HiQ: How do your team stays in contact? Is it via Slack or Discord?
Play2EarnTR: Mostly Discord, because easy.
HiQ: The most important question: Have you already voted for our Witness?
Play2EarnTR: ...
HiQ: (Long monologue from us on the subject of Hive Witnesses.)
Play2EarnTR: We took notes. We will definitely write about that in the future.
HiQ: Last but not least. The answer to this question may determine if your projects may perform well or not. (Editor's note: Plus, we ask it in every interview, LOOL.) Let's go. If you punch yourself and it hurts, are you strong or weak?
Play2EarnTR: (laughter)
bahal: I'm definitely going to hurt myself for being so powerful.
@ultimate-tool: It's a classic dilemma - no matter what you answer. And the result is always that you are weak. If it hurts, I'm weak because I hurt myself, and if I hurt myself, I'm weak because I hurt myself.
But if we were to hit each other, we would definitely be crushed.
HiQ Thanks for your time. Any last word for the readership of HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine and your possible future playerbase?
Play2EarnTR: We are really excited to have done this interview with you. As you can see, we don't have that much expertise in new blockchains. A new opportunity. We will continue to gather information about new blockchains and new projects e.g. Genesis League and the Hive Witness system.
The Hive Blockchain is very interesting and so are the projects, as well as the opportunity to inform people about them. Our most important project is our NFT project. We want to create an opportunity for people to make money and learn marketing. Let's work together. ★
By: @tengolotodo
Splinterlands have another gaming company Genesis League Sports. Their first game Genesis League Goals will be a soccer game and packs are now in pre-sale for $5 each.
New kid on the block Genesis League Sports is actually not that new to us Hivians at all. The new sports gaming platform is from Web3 development company Splinterlands, who of course are one of the backbones of the Hive ecosystem.
Their Major League Soccer Players Association (MLSPA) partnership game Genesis League Goals (GLG) will be the flagship title in the company's extensive gaming portfolio which will be developed in the coming months.
The main platform token GLX, will be usable between all games in the Genesis League Sports portfolio.
Some of you might have noticed some GLX in your hive-engine wallet, this is because a year long airdrop for stakers of the Splinterlands token SPS started on October 25th.
Genesis League Sports have released their GLG whitepaper which details the game roadmap, the tokenomics system, gameplay, MLSPA player information, and the enhancements to gaming that blockchain technology brings with the Splinterlands experience.
2023 will see the launch of Genesis League Goals but you can get your FOMO hands on packs already LOOL.
GLG sold 127,320 packs out of the 500,000 packs in pre-purchase. The remaining 372,680 packs were put up for sale in the pre-sale on 10/18 at 4 pm EDT.
Packs cost $5 and will be openable in 2023. Buying packs early in Genesis League Soccer means that you are eligible for the following:
- Purchase 100 packs and get 10% additional packs as a bonus
- Purchase 500 packs and get 15% additional packs as a bonus
- Purchase 2000 packs and get 20% additional packs as a bonus
- 100 packs purchased will open closed Beta access
- Every 100 packs purchased will receive a free manager's license
- Every 500 packs purchased will receive a limited edition NFT title
- Every 1000 packs purchased will receive a special promotional NFT
- The top 10 purchasers in pre-sale will get their likeness on a coach card and be part of the design process of their card
If you missed out with Splinterlands, can you afford to miss out on GLG as well? FOMO plays on our minds in the crypto world, and I for one am waiting to score this crypto goal, LOOL. ★
By: @quekery
A new trading card game from South America is making the hive chain unsafe. Are we perhaps in for a Splinterland competitor? (Editor's note: competitor of the competitor of the competitor, LOOL.)
Yu-Gi-Oh Duell Links King of Duels (KoD for short) is a Yu-Gi-Oh-Duel-Links-Like. But they make no secret of that. So anyone who has ever played Yu-Gi-Oh will feel at home with KoD pretty quickly.
KoD was written by @lavino, a web developer and student from Argentina. In Yu-Gi-Oh style, you fight with your deck against another player. You have 8000 life points and your goal is to reduce your opponent's life points to 0. You can play up to 3 "monsters" and up to 3 "trap or spell cards."
If you want to play, you can start right away here. We bought 3 booster packs for our play session. For normal booster packs you need the Hive Engine Token KOD. For 100 KOD you are in.
That was not the worst pick by @quekery. The user experience is functional but not the prettiest. But we were able to buy packs and play. We had an average waiting time of 1 min, which surprised us in a good way. Although @quekery had many defeats, he also won 4 times despite his bad cards. (Editor's note: Heart of Cards? We feel.)
We had our fun and will definitely continue to follow the game. Is the game a good investment? We will see. The white paper warns against fomoing too much into the game with irreplaceable assets. That sounds sympathetic. You can also read a lot about tokenomics and NFTnomics. But we'd rather play a round. Our heart of cards is crying out for it right now.
With 3 booster packs however, we were not particularly well positioned. I.e. good cards are quite important to be successful in the game. There are also packs with more than 3 cards. However, you have to pay 20 &dollars for those.
The cashback model is also not yet very mature. However, if you just want to play a round of Yu-Gi-Oh KoD, then don't let that stop you. Who knows how the game will develop. The heart of the cards will certainly not stop beating so quickly. TIME FOR A Du Du Du Du Du Du Du DuDuell! ★
Ad (Sponsored by @reiseamateur)
By: @smooms
The soup dudes from @coldbeetrootsoup have not only met the tastes of the HiveFest visitors, they also please us. What else do they have up their sleeves? We'll tell you here.
Our secret reporter @smooms went on a secret mission and initiated a conversation with the two soup dudes @minigunner and @artakush. They talked about various projects that are either in the pipeline or already exist.
Games to be expected from their video game forge Any% Studios include "Lament of Kyoto" - a bullet hell wave shooter that has been wishlistable on Steam for a few days. There is also an introduction post about the game on Hive.
And of course we also have the trailer video on YouTube for you:
A Hive blockchain game is also being considered, but there is no specific idea yet. The soup dudes want to involve the community more and are open to all ideas from the community. Just comment your ideas under this issue right now and mention the smart @coldbeetrootsoup dudes.
But wait, there's more:
There will also be a comic in the future. Will this comic be a HiQ Exclusive? Or will we see it in print at the next HiveFest? (Editor's note: After all, we at HiQ are the frontrunners with our physical HiQ.) We can only be curious.
Since 27th of October, giveaways have also been added to the to-do list of the CBRS buddies. They have now also drawn the first one. They gave away no less than 50 HIVE to one lucky winner. In the future, more money will certainly be squandered and distributed to the community. Hopefully we will also get hundreds of HIVE from them. That would be awesome.
To what extent we will work with the CBRS project in the future, only time will tell. In any case, we are looking forward to meeting the two rascals again soon. Until then, keep your spoons stiff (Editor's note: So you can eat the soup better.) and beet happy. ★
By: @manncpt
Do you know when the next Hive Meetup will take place near you? In the coming issues we will try to list all IRL Meetups. (Editor's note: Which turned out to be not so easy.)
We found a website by @hivecreators that has been around for a few months: https://hivemeetup.online/. The question now is how Meetups can get to the website. Currently there is only an official redirect, but no other way to interact with the site.
In the German-speaking world, we definitely have the #HiveMeetupVienna, which takes place every first Thursday of the month. @swisshive is the Swiss anchor for get-togethers, under #swisshive you can find the events like the last chillout.
@detlev will have to tell us what happens next with the #HiveMeetupAachen in Germany. We have a vague recollection that Detlev said at the HiveFest in Amsterdam that he would like to revive the Aachen Meetup. We are curious.
There is also something to be found under #HiveMeetupArgentina. The organisers of the Hive Community in Venezuela seem to be better connected with @hivecreators, because the events are listed on the website mentioned above.
@coldbeetrootsoup have announced to take on the #dutchmeetups and the 1st Meetup in The Hague will already take place on 29th of October. You can find more info on their Discord.
If you know where and when Hive Meetups take place, please write to us or @manncpt. You can spam him with your invitation posts, he will not only vote for them and leave a comment, but also mention you here in the community section in the next issue. Because that's his job as HiQ editor now. ★
By: @themyscira
As always, we sent our community correspondent on a search for the most exciting community on Hive. She came back with stunning images, but see for yourself.
Let us take you into the fascinating world of the Amazing Nature Community. You don't need an encyclopaedia here, the users of this community will show you what there is to discover in nature.
And once again we embarked on a community journey and were picked up straight away by the first impression of the community. Travelling by plane? Impossible with the current policy of expropriation, so we have the opportunity to look out into nature via the visualisation of the users. Luckily, this is easy as we are so internationally positioned here on Hive.
From animals to plants and beautiful landscapes from all over the world, we wanted to see for ourselves and started to visit this community. LOOL and of course to concentrate on the beautiful contributions that Amazing Nature has to offer.
We have a dreamlike nature in the world, if only it were not deforested or had to be cared for according to government regulations that make it susceptible to pests. Nature has always regulated itself and regulates symbiosis on its own. We humans, through our actions, have helped to clean up and use only enough of nature to get by.
There were no people coming around the corner selling pesticides to keep the forests in line. People in times past treated nature responsibly and certainly did not have oil-based plastic that they incessantly threw into nature because they were too lazy to throw it in a bin and now favour an expropriation tax for their own unconscious actions.
A give and take seems to be of utmost importance here, because we only take and do not give back to the earth by our own actions. The balance has been disturbed and this cannot be remedied with a tax, we need personal responsibility... which we have completely lost in the current climate.
Well, that's another topic (Editor's note: Good thing we only digressed in homeopathic doses here, LOOL.), let's get back to the wondrous diversity of nature, because that's our focus in this report. So we want to present to you what the users of this community have to offer, so that you directly get the pleasure of writing a nice contribution to present it at Amazing Nature. (Editor's note: A blue rabbit told us that you should definitely use the tag #photography for such PHOTOS.)
@suzana (https://peakd.com/hive-127788/@suzana72/amazing-day-rk0ois-hive-127788)
@ewkaw (https://peakd.com/hive-127788/@ewkaw/fall-fruits-european-spindle-tree)
@wbrandt (https://peakd.com/hive-127788/@wbrandt/new-grape-harvest-at-home-or--by-wbrandt-eng-esp)
@bundaahnaf (https://peakd.com/hive-127788/@bundaahnaf/playing-with-the-great-eggfly-on-my-backyard)
@ratel (https://peakd.com/hive-127788/@ratel/chipmunk-stocks-up)
@buckaroobaby (https://peakd.com/hive-127788/@buckaroobaby/lily-of-the-valley)
What do you think of these breathtaking photographs? We find them absolutely enchanting and enjoyed an adventurous journey through the Amazing Nature Community. Since the Earth is close to our hearts, we want to take the opportunity to point out another community, namely CLEANPLANET, where personal responsibility is put into action, which can lead to a new contribution and a cleaning action of nature right away. Don't hesitate, get right on it and fomo really hard into saving the world. ★
Do you also want to fomo into the competetive leaderboard of HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine? Then stake HIQS like there is no tomorrow! The 10 highest stakers are determined anew in each issue via snapshot and then immortalised here. If you also want advertising space in the HiQ, then stake yourself in the top 3 and send us a banner in the format 728x90. You can send us the banner via Discord or by mail to hiq.redaktion@protonmail.com. ★
1st | wrestorgonline | 2245.60027119 |
2nd | balte | 2090.30924368 |
3rd | points-fr | 1420.01997952 |
4th | kenechukwu97 | 1314.92611547 |
5th | reiseamateur | 1071.00000001 |
6th | powerpaul | 1025.6294931 |
7th | psyberx | 500.0 |
8th | blue.rabbit | 422.82859916 |
9th | danielhuhservice | 372.0 |
10th | umuk | 300.0 |
By: @quekery & @themyscira
Welcome to the Halloween special in the Gossip category. Okay, you caught us. That was clickbait. Or was it? Are we spreading gossip? We would never do that, would we? Yes, we would. Have fun with gossip.
Stop saving the whales
Some LVL whales are immortalised as bots at @PsyberX. So if you've always wanted to slaughter whales or even give @balte a headshot (or, as we say in German - Volltreffer.), you can look forward to it. This much we can tell you - @balte feels honoured.
coldbeetrootsoup hot and not cold
@balte, the self-proclaimed Baltic expert, would now say that you can't eat that cold. But we were proven wrong at the HiveFest. On Twitter @coldbeetrootsoup does not cook cold tweets.
Congratulations on the 3rd place.
Don't fall for scam
The latest scam is that scammers are posing as Splinterlands team members and asking users for money via Discord. Splinterlands advises its community that they would never do such a thing.
Don't lose your keys
Unfortunately, we have another victim in terms of stolen keys. Apparently @globalschool was under attack. However, it is possible that they were able to save their assets.
Let's hope so, after all, we have the influencer roles on their Discord. (Editor's note: Deserved!)
After further research, it turned out that the account @hamna sends the HIVE on to @skullpog, who buys DEC in return. If we get more information, we will report on it in the next issue.
Edit: At first glance, one could think that affected users simply entered their key into a scam mask and thus lost their keys. But many of the affected accounts have been inactive for a long time and were claimed at Steem times. At the same time, the attacker seems to have access to the master key. The most likely scenario is therefore that a dApp wrote passwords unencrypted into a database at Steem times and the attacker gained access to this database. Now this seems to be systematically stripping all assets. (Editor's note: HIVE, HBD, HP, HE tokens, SL assets, STEEM assets etc.) Let's hope that the dApp in question was not an account creation app, but that careless users logged in with the master key. ★
Ad (Sponsored by @balte)
By: @themyscira, @quekery & @mary-me
Shortly before the end, some HfH news still trickled into the editorial office. Even though we hardly have any feeling left in our fingers and our eyes are burning, we didn't miss a second of work for you.
Free beer booster packs
@wrestorgonline has something for your to-woo list. The official WOO Alpha Pack sale starts on 31st of October. If you want to win WOO, make a little video and tell them how many packs you want to win. You're sure to get some juicy upvotes. WooWoo! (Source)
Shortly before the editorial deadline, WOO is doing another one. There are 20 Riftwatchers Packs and 50 000 WOO in the prize draw pot. All you have to do is reblog this post, like, follow and tag 3 friends.
Brave Brave
For many of us, Brave is the browser of choice when it comes to the proper crypto shinobi or crypto kunoichi experience. Brave now also wants to block cookies popups by default. That's worth a report for us.
Multi Sig
Many of you may not know it, but our beloved Hive Blockchain also offers the possibilities of multi-signatures. I.e. for example, for accounts that are managed by multiple people, like the HiQ accounts, you can have operations signed in such a way that multiple accounts have to give their approval. @stoodkev, also known as Mister Hive Keychain, now wants to make multisig available to a wider audience. There is a proposal for this. If you want to support this, follow this link.
Dutch Meetup
@coldbeetrootsoup is hosting an IRL Hive Meetup on Saturday 29th October. If you don't want to miss it, check out their Discord. (Editor's note: Unfortunately we didn't find a post we could have linked to. Next time, please make a post, guys. We can also spare some mana.)
Larynx claim, ticked off
We almost forgot. But every month you can pick up your Larynx Claimdrop. So click, click, click here. (Editor's note: By the way, we received news shortly before the editorial deadline that some users were unable to claim their drops. Has the hardfork devil crept in?)
Meetup Vienna
As usual, the Vienna Meetup takes place on the 1st Thursday of the month. You even get a cool Hivebuzz badge for participating. More information can be found here. We are curious to see which HiveIPs will be there this time.
HAS gets offspring
We don't want to do too much brown nosing on @arcange (Editor's note: But maybe we do. We could be a handful of places higher up in the Witness ranking.), but we do celebrate HAS and we wish more dApps like Hive-Engine or Splinterlands would support HAS. Anyway, the current proposal to fund HAS is about to expire. (Editor's note: Or it has already expired.) And so now there is a new one. Long story short. Vote! Here! Now!
Let's Posh
Posh, a project by @acidyo has a small but nice update for you. You can link your Hive account to Twitter at https://hiveposh.com/ and get a stylish icon on your PeakD blog. We couldn't look as fast as @mary-me, our Twitter representative, did it for us.
New Witnesses
@keys-defender, the man behind Crypto Shots (Editor's note: You can win starter packs in this issue. Just saying.) and Keys Defender, just announced his brand new Hive Witness node. If you want to support him and his project than just vote it.
On top of that there is also a new Hive Engine Witness Node from him. The Witness account is @cryptoshots.nft.
Sandwiches and cookies for cryptos
What are we seeing? Subway is going cryptos crypto. In Berlin's Subway branch on Chausseestraße, you can pay for your food with Bitcoin since August. We want more of it.
NFT domains?
Shortly before the editorial deadline, we stumbled across Unstoppable Domains thanks to @solymi. Do you want your domain to really be yours, for life, with no fees and no annual renewal payments? The Unstoppable Name Service (UNS) is based on Ethereum and uses Polygon as a layer 2 scaling solution. So far we haven't tried it out, but we probably will soon. Be curious to see what we'll pull out of the hat again.
No Polygon on Hive Engine
Due to a technical issue the deposit for Polygon token on Hive Engine is delayed. You should consider waiting to deposit until the problem is solved. ★
We didn't have many submissions, but we responded to them lovingly. So dear community, put more engagement on your to-woo list. Otherwise we will soon have to fake entries and nobody wants that.
@priyanarc is a big fan of our Magazine (Editor's note: The physical one.):
You guys did really a wonderful job. Love the Hivefest Magazine.
Thank you for the flowers. The next one will be even better.
@artakush wants to see us getting rewarded:
OMG, you guys are one of the spotlight to reward people for work. I admire inventing and integrity!
But our wallets speak a different language. (Editor's note: If Hive doesn't suit you right now, we also accept BTC, LTC, ETH, BNB and many more. LOOL)
@minigunner a real flex buddy:
Geeez luiz 😱 That's like one of the longest articles I have seen in a long time 😁 And yeah you guys kept on flipping those magazines 😤😂 Kept me busy lol 😝 Beautiful article, keep it up 😎
Yes, we have the longest. But it is also quite pleasant when others do the flexing for us.
@nickydee buzzes into the comments with...:
Brilliant work! I would so love to be a fly on the wall and watch you work your layout. Outstanding! 🔥 I even took the trouble to see it in the mobile version :) I'm that awestruck. I won't beg for your secrets. And the content is great too. Well done. You're getting even better and better. 👏
@smooms had better not take his electric fly swatter to work. Our Editorial Board Meetings are open for everyone by the way. You could be more than a fly on the wall but the Hivian in the Discord channel. (Note from @tengolotodo: And get some practice for your headbanging podcast.)
@ksam was now on the HiveFest too:
Oh my! Did I just attend the Hivefest by mere reading through this awesome piece? The summaries are outstanding and prompts one to click on the various presentations to learn more. I remember watching the presentation of Rising Star, live. I love the short comedy intro they made with the amateur guitarist, who was chased away by a "police". Hahaha, it was funny. At first, I didn't understand it, but with the explanation I got the joke and laughed hard. This magazine is one that all Hivians should definitely take their time to read.
And we don't even cheat. Nature has simply given us these skills. We had to live through the HiveFest 5 more times to create this issue though.
It seems I am lacking with my holdings of HIQS, I hope I can purchase more via the commentary purchase so that I can add to my Staked HIQS tokens. Maybe, I could be among the richlist someday, you know 😉
You forgot to pay for your order. But let's not be like that. Feel reminded with this.
@dragon-ti just never gets enough:
My English is not perfect, so I read the magazine in English without knowing what some words mean 😝 After that the German one, it's fun. You did a great job! Keep it up 👌
Achievement unlocked! Our English is extraordinaire. (Note from @tengolotodo: solely down to my proofreading capabilities LOOL) Full with inside jokes and technical terms for ages. Sometimes we even don't understand each other when weed talks. LOOL
@tdctunes road to collectors edition:
Amazing post and summary of HiveFest. And the physical edition at HiveFest was SOOO good too. Keep up the great work!
Sleeving and grading will only cost you 1000 HIVE. So grab it fast. It will be worth it in the future. You got the limited 1st Edition on the HiveFest as well. It's in no way different to the remaining ones. (Editor's note: Apart from some remaining ones that may or maynot get autographed. )
@lemouth all the way from France:
Thanks to the team for this edition! I didn't know about the magazine and I was pleased to read about it at HiveFest!
Hopefully we will meet next year.
Math is the hidden melody of our world, isn't it? ;) [Thanks for the mention and the nice summary by the way]
[@quekery] I hope so. But this is an unsolved mystery, isn't it? (Note from @quekery: And physicists are not mathematicians, LOOL.)
@mary-me: what a positive reaction to your stolen bag. I would have been in a so grumpy mood for a week, in that situation...
[@mary-me] The joy of the first meeting with all the nice people prevailed. Also, that the physical HiQ became so beautiful and the people celebrated it made up for the loss. I was also a little comforted by the new company mobile phone ;)
@smooms: camping is great, but probably not during rainy days in Amsterdam in September. I agree thus with your conclusions ;)
[@smooms] It was like the weather was hitting the drums and is calling for war. I never heard anything as base heavy as the rain hitting my tent. I had like maybe 10 hours of sleep the entire HiveFest. And then the first presentation on the Saturday. But all in all it was epic. Even the stolen bag didn't hold us down.
@daltono new with us:
I can tell a lot of time went into this blog. It looks great! Tons of awesome stuff here. My favorite thing is the scoreboard at the end. This is elite-level Hive stuff here and I'm all for it. I'm now voting for your witness. 😎
The scoreboard is the best way of creating FOMO for our HIQS Stakers of Love. We put a lot of brainpower into the layout to make it as stylish and fresh as possible. We are happy, that you like it. ★
Immeasurable thanks go to all the donors, delegators, upvoters, rebloggers and subscribers!
Thanks also to the authors and content creators, which are @quekery, @smooms, @mary-me, @themyscira, @tengolotodo, @kvinna & @manncpt
Not to list, but still worth mentioning are of course all the little touches, ideas and tips from the community. Thanks for that! You guys are great!
All writers' opinion are their own and do not constitute financial advice in any way whatsoever. Nothing published by HiQ constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or content published by HiQ be relied upon for any investment activities. Hiq strongly recommends that you perform your own indipendent research and/or speak with a quialified investment professional befor making any financial decisions. Image material or raw image material is, unless otherwise stated, from pixabay.com or is screenshoted. HiQ does not make any representation as to the accuracy or suitability of any of the information contained in advertisements and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the conduct or content of those advertisements and the offerings made by the third parties. If you are interested in placing an advertiseemnt with HiQ please refer to: hiq.redaktion@protonmail.com.
Editorial Core Team/Publisher: @quekery, @smooms & @mary-me.
HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine is a project of the HiQuarters 2.0 Team.
If you're stylish and smart, you're subscribed to us: @adedayoolumide @adncabrera @alex2alex @alucian @andy-plays @atra-aranea @balte @bananofarmer @bechibenner @beeber @bitandi @blue.rabbit @btcsam @carolinmatthie @chaosmagic23 @chappertron @chrislybear @cloudlynx @coldbeetrootsoup @cultus-forex @dafusa @danielhuhservice @dauerossi @dieradikalemitte @ditsch @dragon-ti @dynamicgreentk @dynamicrypto @ervin-lemark @failingforwards @flamo @florian-glechner @fredfettmeister @ganjafarmer @hatoto @hiq @hiq.magazine @hiq.redaktion @ischmieregal @jeenger @joseph23 @kadna @kaeptn-iglo @kenechukwu97 @kheldar1982 @klausklaus @konstice @kryptodenno @ksam @kvinna @lammbock @lauchmelder @leosoph @louis88 @madame-cyntaia @manncpt @mario89 @markus.light @mary-be @mary-me @miketr @mima2606 @misan @mrdalle @mryoung1979 @mwfiae @nessos @nkemakonam89 @oesterreich @photomoto @platuro @points-fr @powerpaul @pundito @queker-bee @quekery @quelled @querdenker @r0nny @rachaeldwatson @reiseamateur @remotehorst23 @saffisara @satren @schmidi @sebescen81 @shakkei @simsibee @smooms @smoomslive @sodom @solarwarrior @solymi @stickupboys @stresskiller @syalla @tengolotodo @thatcryptodave @thatgermandude @thoth442 @tibfox @tribemieregal @twicejoy @twinner @untzuntzuntz @vasupi @vugel @ynwa.andree @yoshi-and-family @zockerpeine
@tengolotodo was involved in:
- Only watched our presentation
- Liked our presentation
- Follower of "Call to action"s
- Quota Scotsman
- Genesis League scores
- English-lector by conviction
- this, that, pineapple
@manncpt was involved in:
- Womanizer
- "I wear my sunglasses at night"
- "so I can, so I can"
- IRL Hive Meetups
- Workation Beauftragter
- Forgotting people because of being high as a kite
@kvinna was involved in:
- Brings, if present, her own winemaker
- The Column - @kvinnas rad new column
- Hivestyle for Hivians
- Meetup commissioner
- Relaxed about the HIVE prices
- Permanently astonished
- a.k.a. the decent one
@mary-me was involved in:
- Emergency shelter + munchie storage
- Editorial
- Happy Birthday to us
- Giveaway - HiQ turns 4
- Interview with Play2EarnTR
- Hivestyle for Hivians
- Everything for the quota
- Proofreading until the splinterlands burn
- Correcting jokes and insiders
- Ctrl expert
- Procrastination officer
- Secretary of beebay
@quekery was involved in:
- Drill Sergeant
- Math-Nerd-Tipps
- Giveaway - HiQ turns 4
- Interview with Play2EarnTR
- It' time to duel - King of Duels
- Hivestyle for Hivians
- Gossip
- Reader's letters
- Text & Layout
- CEO of Hivestyle
- CEO of beebay
@smooms was involved in:
- "I'm Batmaaaan"
- Graphic, Rebranding & Logo Creation
- Translater
- HiQs MVP - @minigunner
- Editorial
- CBRS - More than soup
- Reader's letters
- Meme Lord of HiQ
- Hivestyler
- Chief of beebay
@themyscira was involved in:
- maxed out Witnessvoting
- Hivestyle for Hivians
- Amazing Nature
- Foodies Bee Hive
- Lost... of Keys
- fomoed hardly into Hive
- Translator 0.03: Rise of the Kunoichi
- Stuffily
I wanted to put this story in a separate post, but I'll publish it here exclusively for you, my favorite magazine on Hive HiQ!
How much do you believe in luck or coincidence? I do, because I've seen a lot of lucky bastards who have taken out 0.1% time and time again in front of me. Whatever that may refer to... But it never happened to me until recently.
I recently got a job, and a few days later a new girl came in, and we got to talking. That same day I felt like I knew her, half of my life. Okay, I thought she just looked like someone I knew, but decided to ask when her birthday was.
A day later, another new guy comes to work. We reminisce about the story and tell him and a few other people. Someone asks again, what was the date? I answer that it's the 18th. And that's when the new guy says: Oh, yeah? Me too... I'm hysterical again. (A few minutes before, the girl said she never believed in such stories. And then she got a combo! 😜😅)
God, how can that be? In 39 years, I've never seen a single living person born on my birthday. And in four days, I saw two at the same time in the same place. Accidentally. Accidentally? God...
About the issue of the magazine: Great job as always, guys! I laughed, I cried, I laughed again, I subscribed to some groups, I remembered an interesting story, I wrote to you. And that's even though I didn't have time for all that... But how could I have missed this read?
Thanks and hugs!
@deraaa @wittyzell Take part in a story giveaway!
Great story. We will react later to this. If you additional tag to friends you will participate in our giveaway.
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
Thank you for reminding me! 🙌🙌🙌
@quekery you !PIMP, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request and will start the trail now. !PIZZA
Delegate HP to @hiq.hive, BEE to @hiq.bee,
PHOTO to @hiq.photo, FUN to @hiq.fun,
ONEUP to @hiq.oneup or PIMP to @hiq.pimp
to support the HiQ Smart Bot and its trails,
and grab "massive" rewards!
If you have at least 10 HIQS staked
and your daily limit is not exceeded,
then juicy votes will follow!
Check out HiQ - The Hivestyle Magazine,
fomo into HiQs - The Support Token
& vote our fucking Witness!
This is a
semiautomatically created manual curation. !LOLCurrently this sexy Smart Bot is in the testing phase though.
For further questions, feel free to contact @hiq.redaktion via comment or Discord.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @hiq.magazine, @mypathtofire, @dragon-ti, @wilsonthe ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
You guys over did it 😻 So much good stuff about CBRS 😘 Thank you for all the kind words and a beautiful Article. May we all meet soon and have a toast to a great friendship 🙌
Hope you have a good turnout tomorrow!
I wanna try it....
Lets see if it works. Super amazing magazine again. Guys you are doing a great job. 👍🏼✨👏🏼👌🏼🎶🎶🎶🎉
[@mary-me] !LUV

@hiq.redaktion(1/1) gave you LUV.
tools | wallet | discord | community | <>< daily
HiveBuzz.me NFT for Peace
✨✨✨🎶🎶🎶💕🎶🎶🎶✨✨✨🎉Super cooooool 🙏🏼😊
well look at you, it worked!
Well well what should I say? Thanks a million my dear. Hope you are having a great day @tengolotodo 🤗✨😊🙏🏼🎉
I am akida and thank you, have a wonderful relaxing Sunday 😃
I have to be honest this is the first time i heard about the page and i find it very intresting that hive has a print lifetyle magazine. I scan through your page and your articles are very relatable and really captures my attention. Goodjob. @explorewithsasha @prettyunicorn you have to foklow this page. These guys are awesome.
I will hehe thanks @baninan
Where do I buy the print version?? LOL
[@quekery] !BEER
View or trade
.Hey @igormuba, here is a little bit of
from @hiq.redaktion for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.This is such a long post that definitely deserved to be in magazine style and really covering lot of topics and I need to come back to read more and go through all of it.
Play2Earn economy is really need to economically sustainable and it is really nice interview.
A big congrats to editorial board.
I am already following hiq.magzine and give a follow to hiq.redaktion .Voted for the hiq witness also.
Tagging @sayee @mango-juice to go though this nice magazine
Wow, great post, I really enjoyed reading it, and can't understand why it's only the first issue I've seen (question to myself !).
Congrats on the anniversary, and congrats to @tengolotodo on joing the team (plus nice article Ed).
Will be following, and probably leafing through some back issues as well.
Excellent content, well done!
Cheers @hoosie
@mypathtofire and @engilrahmn - check it out !
Cheers hoosie, I never knew about it until I was watching hivefest and then joined the call to action from @smooms
It is a great place and I am learning loads about the goings on in hive that I had no fluffing clue about!
Woow,,this is indeed a beautiful magazine...
I must commend you All and my friend @tengolotodo✅✅💕💕❤️❤️❤️
Good morning mf friend and glad you like it, you should tag two people to be included in the giveaway though😉
Okay my friend
My pleasure
See you soon, time you sleep 😴...
And happy weekend 💕💕😎
I just did that, I tagged just three heheh 🤣🤣🤣...Tengo my friend ✅🤝🙂🤝😎
It's just wonderful to see how the @hiq.magazine comes each month with all the news from our #Hive world. As I wrote already a bunch of books, I know how much work this @hiq.magazine is for the @hiq.redaktion and I like to give some KUDOS for you and for sure as well a sip of !BEER
Hey @jeffjagoe and @nevies you might like this mag as well.
Oh, yeah, it's really cool, I like it. I'm surprised I'm only seeing this now.
So you are the guys adding so much swag to Hive ;)
Good luck with what you are doing. It is wonderful to see such a team and publication on Hive.
Happy Birthday to the Mag and the wonderful team behind it.
@itsme9001 @animaya @alz190 come check what I found
I see that there is a lot more to your team then meets the eye
Happy birthday @hiq.magazine team
@thetimetravelerz @itseme9001 Check this out guys
very cool
Amazing work you're doing with the magazine! THX 🙏 It's always a pleasure to read your posts a get good overview what's going on at the hive blockchain
@gondek @dwarflordnoj @noctury you also may like this post
This was sort of what I dreamed of building 3 years ago for the gaming industry on HIVE... glad there are better than me.
Epic stuff... keep it up.
@crypticinvest @jacko21 @gael21 Have you seen this contest yet ? Take time to read also :D
This is an amazing step @hiq.magazine I read the content and it was very uplifting lol even though it was eight thousand plus words it was worth reading.
Ohhh this is indeed worthy of congratulations 🎉🎉🎉...
@hopestylist @nkemakonam89 @burlarj come check this out ❤️🥰❤️
I already did but I'm very lost 😂😂
Hehehe 🤣🤣 lolz 😂🤣 find yourself asap ✨
I hope I can, please help me out 🙂
Heheh 🤣🤣 Lolz how Look at you lol 🤣
You know how naw, Che it's you that call me here
Lolz 😂🤣 read the contest lol and tag three people lolz
I tried reading but I wasn't getting to the end so I just left abeg
Lolz 😂🤣🤣 just tag 3 people and leave
Hmm, okay oo
Where are you
That sure is a lot of talent and stylr for a 4 year old ;)
I see you are a gifted 4 year old.
Happy Birthdays guys
@cryptolucky @animaya time to wake from your slumber and wish these guys on their birthday
Such a stylish magazine with the most stylish of Hivians authoring the articles and proofreading them too!
Long may it continue!
How lucky you are that someone answered your HiveFest call to action, although it was really only to find the missing travel grinder!
Where is @atyourservice you should be reading this and what do you think @coquicoin will you join in for the giveaway!
Happy Halloween people!
I will buy some $HIQS very soon (promise) , it looks cool to have 😎
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.Yay! 🤗
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Great publication as always! @soyuntito @sexychic & @quduus1 you see this contest and magazine yet?
Got it thanks for the tag boss