Hello everyone it's a great time here today i hope you had a nice time. Today I shall be talking about air and burning in this video session.
Air is a mixture of gases. These gases which are divided into two main part which is, the active air and the inactive air.
For the ACTIVE AIR: it is needed for burning in much quantities and this gas is what is called oxygen (O²) gas. It is in a gaseous form.
The second is the INACTIVE AIR: This is needed for burning in a minimal amount and it is called the nitrogen gas(NO²) gas also in a gaseous form.
Oxygen forms the one fifth of air while nitrogen forms the four fifth of air needs for combustion.
To burn fire in air, you will need some portion of air which will trigger the burning of fire in air because air supports combustion. You can see in the video is a typical example of how fire burns in air and how it is when there is absence of air.
I hope I made an experiment you quite understand. Thanks for your time and enjoy the rest of your day ahead.
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