Street Art #702 Tbanbox & Terrorizer (Part I), Montreal


Some artists don't take vacations during the summer, as is the case with Tbanbox and Terrorizer. They took advantage of the Mural Festival to stick some of their works on Saint Laurent Boulevard. A great way to get some publicity, as the street is pedestrianized for the 10 days of the festival.

Certains artistes ne prennent de vacances pendant l'été comme c'est le cas avec Tbanbox et Terrorizer. Ils ont profité du Mural Festival pour coller quelques unes de leurs oeuvres sur le boulevard Saint Laurent. Très bon moyen de se faire un peu de publicité vu que la rue devient piétonnière pendant les 10 jours du festival.

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On this long-closed store, Tbanbox and Terrorizer have pasted some of some their works.

Sur ce magasin fermé depuis de nombreuses années, Tbanbox et Terrorizer ont collé quelques unes de leurs oeuvres.



On the corner of boulevard Saint Laurent and avenue Duluth in Montreal. The building has been empty for several years and is seriously deteriorating. I don't understand why the site hasn't been taken over, given its ideal location. It's a shame to leave it like this.


Au coin du boulevard Saint Laurent et de l'avenue Duluth à Montréal. Le bâtiment est vide depuis plusieurs années et commencent sérieusement à se détériorer. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi l'emplacement n'est pas repris vu sa position idéale. Cela fait tâche de laisser cela en état.

🗺️ Position on OpenStreetMap




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On rue Mont Royal, below an old diamond-shaped mirror from Diamantaire, I spotted this collage "Fads is the only thing you never regret" by Tbanbox with a poem by Pablo Neruda, the Chilean poet, written in the center 🔽

Sur la rue Mont Royal, en dessous d'un ancien miroir en forme de diamant du Diamantaire, j'ai aperçu ce collage " Les folies sont les seules choses qu'on ne regrette jamais " de Tbanbox avec au centre écrit un poème de Pablo Neruda, le poète chilien :

EN :

He or she who does not turn things topsy-turvy,
who is unhappy at work,
who does not risk certainty for uncertainty,
to thus follow a dream,
those who do not forego sound advice
at least once in their lives,
die slowly.

FR :

Il meurt lentement
celui qui ne change pas de cap
lorsqu'il est malheureux
au travail ou en amour,
celui qui ne prend pas de risques
pour réaliser ses rêves,
celui qui pas une seule fois dans sa vie
n'a fui les conseils sensés.
Vis maintenant,
risque toi aujourd'hui !

126 - TBanbox sur Mont Royal.jpg

Works that make you think are always interesting. Tbanbox is a duo that has been sticking skulls on the streets of Montreal for some time now. It's all about the character of Billy, a skeleton "without color, without gender, without age, without religion, without fear" (source: Instagram). But their style is evolving... Cool to see their new ideas.

Toujours intéressantes les œuvres qui font réfléchir. Tbanbox est un duo qui colle des têtes de mort dans les rues de Montréal depuis quelque temps. Il s'agit du personnage de Billy, un squelette " sans couleur, sans genre, sans âge, sans religion, sans peur " (source : Instagram). Mais leur style évolue... Cool de voir leurs nouvelles idées.

On boulevard Saint Laurent with Terrorizer / FR : Toujours sur le boulevard Saint Laurent avec Terrorizer

Close-up in on one of his helmeted skulls / FR : Zoom sur une de ses têtes de mort casquées


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Terrorizer continues to paste characters from horror films, as here with a Terminator as a policeman. I had already posted about this artist StreetArt #662.

Terrorizer continue de coller des personnages de films d'horreur comme ici avec un Terminator en policier. J'avais déjà fait un post au sujet de cet artiste StreetArt #662.

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It's cool to see artists working together to paste their works side by side on the streets of Montreal. It feels like an open-air art gallery accessible to all. We close this post with new ideas from Tbanbox. A favorite? Part 2 tomorrow on these two artists...

C'est cool de voir les artistes travailler ensemble pour coller leurs œuvres côte à côte dans les rues de Montréal. Cela fait comme une galerie d'art à l'air libre accessible à tous. Nous terminons ce post avec les nouvelles idées de Tbanbox. Une préférée ? Surement la deuxième partie demain sur ces deux artistes...




  • 2024.



Mural Festival

Instagram :

My Previous Posts about Street Art


#701 Legal Wall de Rouen (June 2024 Part II)   >
Street Art Contest #208 Jamie Janx Johnston
#700 Cemz & All's Good, Montreal
Street Art Contest #207 Kezna Dalz
#699 Garage Door VIII, Montreal
Street Art Contest #206 SNIKR
Sticker Art #061 Special Color
#698 Legal Wall de Rouen (June 24 Part I)
Street Art Contest #205 Bryan Beyung
Sticker Art #060 Baze & Cess Pool
#697 OnoArt Restaurant O'Noir, Montreal
Street Art Contest #204 Monk.E
Street Art Contest #203 Robe & Fore
CCC's Street Art Contest #201 Rabagliati
#696 Legal Wall de Rouen (May 2024 III)
Street Art Contest #200 Ankhone
#695 Killa & MASP, Montreal
#694 Legal Wall de Rouen (May 2024 Part II)
Street Art Contest #199 DFEK & Zen
#693 Senck & Snipes (ArtGang)
Street Art Contest #198 Carole Arbic


Have a great friday full of Street Art / Bon vendredi à tous

5.590 NEOXAG



0.316 NEOXAG


0.000 NEOXAG

My roommate keeps saying that our house is haunted.
But I've lived here for last 216 years, and haven't heard anything unusual.

Credit: reddit
@nialalolleur, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of cryptoyzzy

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

0.000 NEOXAG

Thats great collection bro. Gling to check out the other StreetArt, phone is broke been hard to keep track of it lately.


0.020 NEOXAG

You just got DOOKed!
@fonestreet thinks your content is the shit.
They have 11/200 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩

0.000 NEOXAG

Don't worry... Yep great paste-ups done by these artists, always cool to see their new ideas.
Have a great day (not too hard ?)

0.000 NEOXAG

Cool they work together. Interesting works. And I agree it is always nice when art makes you think.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a lovely day 👋🏻😊

0.020 NEOXAG

and I like this poem by Pablo Neruda... getting out of your comfort zone, always interesting but so hard to do.
Have a great day

0.000 NEOXAG

The poem is nice indeed.
Have a great weekend 👋🏻😊

0.000 NEOXAG

I feel painting serves as vacations for those artists😁😁
Nice artworks!

0.020 NEOXAG

Yep for sur, when it's your passion, there's no notion of work/vacation.
Have a lovely day

0.000 NEOXAG

Curation depuis PC alternatif, donc sans la signature habituelle :)

0.020 NEOXAG

Merci beaucoup... sans la signature, cela fait bizarre. C'est incroyable comment on s'habitue aux belles choses 😀
Bonne journée à toi... j'espère que tu peux sortir un peu de ton lit.

0.000 NEOXAG

Awesome! Very cool!

0.020 NEOXAG

Thanks... Have a great week

0.000 NEOXAG

You're very welcome and thanks. Have a great week as well. :)

0.000 NEOXAG

I love the poem by Pablo Neruda and art by Tbanbox. Do something! Live your life! don't just be a spectator to life following good advice to the boring end. btw shout out to Slow Poke Rodriguez in that last frame haha cousin of Speedy Gonzales.

0.019 NEOXAG

I saw the collage not long ago with the 2 Speedy and his cousin. Really good to see these two characters.
Have a great day under the rain 😀

0.000 NEOXAG