Fortalece tus Brazos con estos 3 ejercicios [ESP/ENG]

Entrenamiento en casa para fortalecer tus articulaciones
Home training to strengthen your joints
Hola, ¿qué tal saludos?, amigos lectores, espero que todos estén bien disfrutando de un excelente día para que puedan apreciar una rutina en donde voy a compartirles varios ejercicios de movilidad con el uso de una pesa de 5 kilogramos para fortalecer tus brazos y tus articulaciones, pero sobre todo que te será de gran utilidad porque son fáciles de realizar y puedes hacerlos en cualquier parte, sin más preámbulo acá les muestro los ejercicios.
Hello, how are you? Greetings, dear readers, I hope that everyone is well and enjoying an excellent day so that you can appreciate a routine in which I am going to share with you several mobility exercises using a 5 kilogram weight to strengthen your arms and joints, but above all, it will be very useful because they are easy to do and you can do them anywhere. Without further ado, here are the exercises.
Today I started my training on an empty stomach to strengthen my biceps, wrists and shoulders, with the help of a 5 kilogram weight, where I performed several high repetition exercises to strengthen each joint and each muscle in isolation, managing to perform the biceps curl between 10-15 repetitions for 4 sets to gain resistance in the biceps and elbow, so I performed this exercise slowly, the wrist curl to strengthen the forearm between 10-15 repetitions for 4 sets and finally the shoulder press to strengthen the front and rear deltoids performing 7-10 repetitions for 4 sets.
The rest taken was 2-3 minutes per set and between exercises of 5-7 minutes remember to work in the best way to get the most out of this training, always focused but above all with the goal of wanting to improve a little more. If you have any questions, leave your comment and remember to follow me so you don't miss more unique content for you. See you next time.
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Esta muy buena esa rutina bro, cuando pueda ir al gimnasio tratare de implementarla ya que me llamo mucho la atención, y las fotografías quedaron brutales ¡Sigue así bro!🔥💪