Mañana puede ser tarde/Tomorrow might be late.(Esp/Eng)
Hoy pensaba tomarme un descanso por varias razones, no es que no tenga nada que decir, tampoco que no me apetezca hacerlo, de hecho, tengo algunas ideas preparadas, casi listas para compartir. Pero estos últimos han sido días muy agitados y no he podido descansar lo suficiente, es por eso que quería tomar un respiro, amo Hive, lo confieso, pero demanda mucho de mí, y la demanda no la hace la plataforma en sí, la hace mi mente en sus procesos de creación, que por lo general arrancan justo al poner la cabeza en la almohada, por lo tanto, no me permite descansar como es debido, ni el tiempo que me gustaría.
Today I was thinking of taking a break for several reasons, not that I have nothing to say, not that I don't feel like doing it either, in fact, I have some ideas prepared, almost ready to share. But these last few days have been very hectic and I haven't been able to rest enough, that's why I wanted to take a break, I love Hive, I confess, but it demands a lot of me, and the demand is not made by the platform itself, it is made by my mind in its creation processes, which usually start just when I put my head on the pillow, therefore, it doesn't allow me to rest properly, or for as long as I would like.
Lo que pasa es que hace un rato, antes de echar una siesta que necesitaba, estuve leyendo un post titulado si me extrañas... del amigo @shiftrox que me gustó mucho y comenté, que me animó a ahondar un poco en el tema. Por supuesto, después de leerlo y comentar, ya mi mente estaba haciendo de las suyas, en complicidad con el corazón, ambos querían ser escuchados y aunque pude dormir algo, no fue suficiente una vez más, aunque si me levanté motivado a escribir.
What happened is that a while ago, before taking a much-needed nap, I was reading a post entitled If you miss me... from my friend @shiftrok that I really liked and commented, which encouraged me to delve a little deeper into the subject. Of course, after reading it and commenting, my mind was already doing its thing, in complicity with my heart, both wanted to be heard and although I was able to sleep a little, it was not enough once again, although I did wake up motivated to write.
Mientras Puedas/ Till you can.
Foto de Ante Hamersmit, Unsplash.
Andamos por la vida con una dinámica un poco loca, siempre apurados y con montones de cosas por hacer, debo resaltar que, al menos en mi caso, es resultado de una constante lucha por mejorar las condiciones de vida de mi familia y mía. A veces, tantas ocupaciones y tanto trabajo duro nos consumen la mayor parte del tiempo y vamos pasando por alto ciertos detalles importantes relacionados con nuestros seres queridos.En ocasiones por falta de tiempo, o mejor dicho, por falta de organización en el tiempo, porque la verdad sea dicha, uno siempre hace un hueco en su agenda para hacer y atender las cosas que ama y le importan, no detenemos la prisa con la que andamos, para pasar un poco de tiempo de calidad con nuestros familiares, personas que nos importan, que hacen mucho bien a nuestra vida, que necesitamos a nuestro alrededor por los aportes positivos que nos brindan, o quizás con otros, como nuestros hijos, que necesitan de ese tiempo con nosotros, que tal vez a pequeñas edades no entienden y se preguntan ¿porque papá o mamá nunca esta en casa y siempre llega tarde, porque nunca nos lleva al parque o juega con nosotros los domingos?
We go through life with a somewhat crazy dynamic, always in a hurry and with lots of things to do. I must emphasize that, at least in my case, it is the result of a constant struggle to improve the living conditions of my family and myself. Sometimes, so many occupations and so much hard work consume most of our time and we overlook certain important details related to our loved ones. Sometimes due to lack of time, or rather, lack of organization in time, because truth be told, one always makes room in their agenda to do and attend to the things that they love and care about, we do not stop the hurry with which we walk, to spend a little quality time with our relatives, people that we care about, that do a lot of good to our lives, that we need around us for the positive contributions that they give us, or perhaps with others, like our children, that need that time with us, that perhaps at a young age they do not understand and wonder why dad or mom is never at home and always arrives late, why do they never take us to the park or play with us on Sundays?
Considero que es ahí donde debemos detener la marcha y organizar mejor nuestras vidas que no pueden girar entorno al trabajo y al sacrificio, si uno se está esforzando por el bienestar económico de su familia, es lógico que también se esfuerce por el bienestar espiritual de ellos, algo que además contribuye al nuestro. Cada momento que se pierda no regresará y será uno que pudiéramos lamentar en el futuro.
I think that this is where we must stop and better organize our lives, which cannot revolve around work and sacrifice. If one is working hard for the economic well-being of one's family, it is logical that one also works hard for their spiritual well-being, something that also contributes to our own. Every moment that is lost will not come back and will be one that we could regret in the future.
Hay una canción de un cantante country, Cody Johnson que me gustó mucho al escucharla y que tiene un poco que ver con esto que comparto, y aunque este no es un post musical, les dejaré aquí el tema, en caso de que quieran chequearlo.
There is a song by a country singer, Cody Johnson, that I really liked when I heard it and that has a little to do with what I am sharing, and although this is not a musical post, I will leave the song here, in case you want to check it out.
Till you can´t
Adiós es la palabra más triste/ Good bye´s the saddest Word.
Como el subtítulo anterior, este también hace referencia a una canción de Celine Dion, un poco triste, pero que también me encanta y que pueden chuequear aquí.
Like the previous subtitle, this one also refers to a Celine Dion song, a little sad, but that I also love and that you can tune in to here.
Adiós es una palabra triste sí, pero creo que es más triste que alguien que amas se vaya repentinamente de este mundo si que puedas tener la posibilidad de decir adiós, y cuando digo esto no me refiero a que te sientes y hagas una despedida, me refiero a que el tiempo que pases con esa persona valga la pena cada vez como si fuera la última vez, que no dejes nada por decir, nada por agradecer si lo amerita, porque un día pudiera pasar que no tengas la oportunidad.
Goodbye is a sad word, yes, but I think it's sadder when someone you love suddenly leaves this world without you having the chance to say goodbye, and when I say this I don't mean that you sit down and say goodbye, I mean that the time you spend with that person is worth it every time as if it were the last time, that you don't leave anything unsaid, nothing to be thankful for if it's worth it, because one day it could happen that you don't have the chance.
Sin ánimo de entrar en dramas personales, esa es una lección que aprendí a la fuerza y por partida doble, cuando mi hermano partió de este mundo, estaba lejos de mi y a aunque en los últimos años, cuando había la posibilidad, pasábamos algún tiempo junto, conversábamos, nos aconsejábamos y nos poníamos al día, esto desafortunadamente no se podía hacer con la frecuencia deseada porque el estaba fuera del país.
Without wanting to get into personal dramas, this is a lesson I learned the hard way and twice over. When my brother left this world, he was far away from me and although in recent years, whenever possible, we spent some time together, talked, gave each other advice and caught up, this unfortunately could not be done as often as we would like because he was out of the country.
Con mi mamá paso algo similar, ella si estaba al alcance de mi mano, por decirlo de alguna manera, pero a veces era absorbido por la vida y los días pasaban sin que pudiera disfrutar de tiempo de calidad con ella, incluso, días antes de que falleciera, habíamos tenido una pequeña discusión en las que a veces decimos cosas que realmente no sentimos, debido al calor del momento y a la molestia que te afecta en ese instante. Días después yo había ido a un viaje de trabajo y me llamó una doctora, me dijo que habían tenido que llevar a mi mamá de urgencia al hospital, por una taquicardia severa, yo regresé de ese viaje directo al hospital, pero todo se fue complicando rápidamente, el corazón, los pulmones, inconsciente, intubada, nada, no pude hacer las paces y menos despedirme.
Something similar happened with my mom, she was within my reach, so to speak, but sometimes I was absorbed by life and the days went by without me being able to enjoy quality time with her, in fact, days before she passed away, we had had a small argument in which sometimes we say things that we don't really mean, due to the heat of the moment and the annoyance that affects you at that instant. Days later I had gone on a work trip and a doctor called me, she told me that they had to rush my mom to the hospital, due to severe tachycardia, I returned from that trip straight to the hospital, but everything quickly got complicated, my heart, my lungs, unconscious, intubated, nothing, I couldn't make peace and much less say goodbye.
Así que, amigo(a) que me lees, si tu vida es similar a como la he descrito y de alguna manera sientes que estas desatendiendo un poco a los tuyos emocionalmente, que el tiempo o te alcanza…,mi sugerencia es, detente, reflexiona, reorganiza tus prioridades y trata de revertir esa situación mientras puedas, de lo contrario podría pesarte en el futuro.
Y como siempre, si sientes que quieres intercambiar sobre tus experiencias en este tema, si quieres opinar, compartir,…hablar, te leo debajo en los comentarios y regresaré a ti lo más pronto posible. Hasta entonces me despido.
So, my friend who is reading me, if your life is similar to what I have described and in some way you feel that you are neglecting your loved ones emotionally, that time is not enough for you…, my suggestion is, stop, reflect, reorganize your priorities and try to reverse this situation while you can, otherwise it could weigh on you in the future.
And as always, if you feel that you want to exchange your experiences on this topic, if you want to give your opinion, share,… talk, I will read you below in the comments and I will return to you as soon as possible. Until then, I say goodbye.
Amate y ama, respetate y respeta, siempre entrega lo mejor de ti sin esperar nada a cambio y recuerda...nunca le he a nadie lo que no te gusta que te hagan
Texto traducido al ingles con DeepL App/ Text traslated to english with DeepL App
Great reflection my friend, it's exactly that, creating time, having quality time with our families, today I didn't even turn on the computer during the day, only now around 7 p.m.
I spent time with my family watching videos on youtube, then we went to eat açai and ice cream and finally, we went to a square for our children to play. Sunday is the day we all have to be together and enjoy it, and that's what it's all about, enjoying every moment, every second with those we love! A big hug.
Thank you my friend, once again you inspired me with your post and we both are completely right, that's the time that counts in life.
That's because I've learned a lot about you and have never told you, I remember the first time I read you, it was a post in wich you talked about being ourselves in hive at the time to create a post, that time you gave some advice to newies(I was one of them), even gave some advice to me in a comment, that's when I started following you and learning about you, that's why I use Unsplash very often when got no image of my own to back up the post, so, thanks for that too. I'm glad you spent a very good sunday with your family. Well done!!!. A big hug back to you.
That's a great thing to read, I'm glad it helped you in the beginning and inspired you, I think that's the best thing I can do for the people here at the hive, teach what I already know, because I remember in the beginning how complicated it was for me kkkk, a lot of mistakes and hesitations, but now with experience I can help people!
Your story is an inspiration to me too! 😀
Yeah I know how's like to make mistakes and being insecure, I've get a bit better, I'm managing this a bit more calmed and focused on being just my self, my thoughts and my words just as hey come out, but still have a lot to learn, I'm almost still starting, but I'm grateful. Hive has helped me mindfully a lot. Thanks again.🤜🤛
Over time you'll get all the information you need! If you have any questions, you can ask me and I'll help! And finally, thank you for all your support and interaction, I really appreciate it!
I guess I will, some of this stuff is hard to get in my head, I have read as much as I could but sometimes it overwhelms me, it's so much information and a whole new world I didn't know. Thanks for offering help, sure I will need it.
Excelente reflexión amigo
Muchas gracias.
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Well, thank you, I don't know what else to answer, hahaha, still a bit new here.