Badut Yang Lagi Merenung - Pondering Clown

Badut alfamart1.jpg

Terlihat seorang badut, seperti sedang termenung di depan sebuah minimarket. Entah saat itu apakah ia memang sedang termenung ataukah tertidur karena tidak terlihat mimik wajah aslinya karena tertutup topeng.

Saya pun mendekatinya sambil memasukan uang ke kaleng yang memang disediakan untuk itu. Tak lupa juga saya mengambil fotonya karena posenya yang menarik perhatian. (hpx)

There was a clown, as if he was pensive in front of a minimarket. I don't know whether he was pensive or asleep because his real facial expression was not visible because it was covered by a mask.

I approached him while putting money into a can that was provided for that purpose. I also didn't forget to take his picture because his pose caught my attention. (hpx)

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Logo happyphoenix 2024.png

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