Another type of coffee / Otro tipo de café


Hello, greetings to all cannabis culture lovers. I hope everything is going well or getting better. Yesterday I was analyzing the results of my 2022 season which was not one of the best. I had more problems than ever with Powdery Mildew, which I hope to solve this year. I also did not get the desired amount of weed and the buds were not as big as in previous years. Honestly, I have had better results. One of the things I changed with respect to other years is the pH of the water. Until last year, I had always corrected the pH of the irrigation water, but last year I stopped doing it because it takes too much time. Keep in mind that in summer I water up to three times a day. So I thought I could save myself all that work. Now I think it was not a very wise decision.

Cannabis likes a slightly acid pH and the pH of the water I irrigate with is between 8 and 9, it's basic. On the other hand, I don't use any fertilizer to feed the plants, only worm humus, so the pH of the water doesn't change at any time. I fooled myself into thinking that the humus was acidic and would correct the pH without checking :). To get out of doubt, today I checked the pH of my substrate (humus). To check the pH of the substrate I used an old coffee pot, distilled water and some substrate. Before making the coffee of substrate, first I have cleaned the coffee pot and verified the pH that gave the water without substrate, only destilled water. Although the color is not appreciated well in the photo the pH is 6.5.

Hola, saludos a todos los amantes de la cultura cannábica. Espero que todo vaya bien o que vaya mejor. Ayer estuve analizando los resultados de mi temporada 2022 la cual no fue de las mejores. Tuve más problemas que nunca con el Oidio, los cuales espero solucionar este año. Tampoco conseguí la cantidad de hierba deseada y los cogollos no eran tan grandes como en años anteriores. Sinceramente, he tenido mejores resultados. Una de las cosas que cambié con respecto a otros años es el pH del agua. Hasta el año pasado, siempre había corregido el pH del agua de riego, pero el año pasado dejé de hacerlo porqué me consume demasiado tiempo. Hay que tener en cuenta que en verano riego hasta tres veces al día. Así que pensé que podía ahorrarme todo ese trabajo. Ahora pienso que no fue una decisión muy acertada.

Al cannabis le gusta un pH ligeramente ácido y el pH del agua con la que riego está entre 8 y 9, es básico. Por otro lado, no uso ningún tipo de fertilizante para alimentar las plantas, solo humus de lombriz, por lo que el pH del agua no cambia en ningún momento. Me engañé a mi mismo pensando que el humus era ácido y corregiría el pH sin haberlo comprobado. Para salir de dudas, hoy he comprobado qué pH tiene mi sustrato (humus). Para hacerlo he utilizado un vieja cafetera, agua destilada y un poco de sustrato. Antes de hacer el café de sustrato he limpiado la cafetera y comprobado el pH que daba el agua sin sustrato, solo agua destilada. Aunque no se aprecia bien el color en la foto el pH es de 6,5.


Once cleaned the coffee pot I have made the coffee with the substrate. I have collected a little of substrate (humus) of each one of the bags that I have prepared for this year.

Una vez limpia la cafetera he hecho el café con el sustrato. He recogido un poco de sustrato (humus) de cada uno de los sacos que tengo preparados para este año.






This is the result. Around 8 of pH.

Este es el resultado. En torno a 8 de pH



Conclusion: tomorrow I buy citric acid and begin again to correct the pH. Bufffffffff my joy in a well.

Conclusión: mañana compro ácido cítrico y empiezo otra vez a corregir el pH. Bufffffff mi gozo en un pozo.


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Pretty cool way to test the soil PH! Yeah get the PH down some and you'll do better! Good luck!


I think it will be the best thing to do. I'll have to find a way to do it that takes as little time as possible. Thanks for stopping by.

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Great job King @anewyorkminute79, happyfrog420-new(2/15) is truly impressed by the amount of time and effort you put into creating this post. Keep up the good work!

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good job!
maybe i need to start testing pH too...
i measure by sense :D hehe
but in the backyard there's a big pine 40+ years old, which makes the whole ecosystem - forest like :)
a do have separate compost and bed for other plants tho :)


I had stopped checking the pH and correcting it because of the work involved but I am going to do it again. It also depends on the pH of the water where you live. Here the pH of the water is not good for cannabis, it needs to be corrected. Thanks for stopping by. !WEED


That's a good point! maybe I need to check our water too...


A mi me gusta el café XD, un poco ácido y amargo, también dulce.



Outstanding job King @happyfrog420-new, morenow(2/9) is grateful for the care and attention you put into crafting this post. Your efforts are truly valued.

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Este es el café de las plantas que también lleva el residuo del que yo tomo. Con un poco de miel de naranjo es como más me gusta. Gracias por pasarte. !WEED !KING

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Great job King @morenow, happyfrog420-new(2/15) is truly impressed by the amount of time and effort you put into creating this post. Keep up the good work!

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