The house in woods

The sun started to go down, the sky started to get dark blue. The sun made the shadows darker and longer. Mia took a longer walk, deeper in the woods. She had her airpods on and her chill playlist was on, Mia had that walk to clear her mind and get some peace from all the stress for some hours, But who knew she was going to experience something she never going to be able to forget.

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BIld av Robert Balog från Pixabay

Mia was deep inside the woods, so she decided to go back home because it would take time. When she turned around to go back, her airpod just dropped. Mia was going to take the fallen airpod when she heard something, it was a voice saying something but she could not recognize the words, she heard it again, and the second time she heard it say “ Come closer, closer “ She picked her airpod and disconnected them and started walking and ignoring the voice. She started to walk faster and faster. Mia looked back and heard it again. She started running when she saw someone far away, she slowed down. She walked and saw it coming closer and closer, her clothes were dirty but the same as Mia. She had blood on her clothes but exactly the same outfit as Mia. Mia got freezed, her eyes widened and she could not move. Mia saw her mirror or I will say she saw her twin. The other girl looked like Mia but the only difference was that it was not Mia but her ghost. Mia woke up at 6 in the morning and was still in the woods. Mia tried to get up but she had a pain in her neck, as well her foot was injured and a knife was stabbed several times although she does not remember anything.

Mia was taken to the hospital and the police listened to Mia but as the result came, her parents got to know by the police and doctor that she wasn't attacked by anyone. The doctor said that Mia was mentally sick because of the pressure at the job and she saw her twin killing her but actually it was herself attacking herself.


Wow, nice one Hamza 👻 nice story
Poor Mia 😅 taking too much stress 🤓


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  • We accept two kinds of short stories in The Ink Well: fictional stories and creative nonfiction stories. We are all about quality, and we expect writers to carefully review their work before posting. Not doing so will result in low curation rewards or posts being ignored. You can see our article on checking your posts for grammar here.
  • You can find some great articles on story writing in our catalog of storytelling tips.
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And please be sure to engage in the community by reading and commenting on the work of other community members. We ask everyone who posts in The Ink Well to read and comment on at least two other stories for each one published.

As for today's story: You do a good job of building suspense, @hamza-art. You have a good imagination and obviously can visualize the scene you imagine. You share that vision with readers. There are issues with this story, however. For one thing, the girl ss stabbed. It's not a brutal scene, but we do have guidelines that prohibit violence. This scene isn't really graphic, but tread lightly when it comes to violence in this community. It is best to avoid such things as stabbing and murder. It is essential to avoid violence that involves children, animals or women. Refer to this post on violence in the Inkwell.

You have the makings of a good writer. With a little polish and practice (for example, exercise more care in ending a sentence with a period) you could be a really good writer.

Again, welcome!
