Understanding emotions


Emotions are a set of organic reactions that an individual experiences when they respond to certain external stimuli that can be: joy, sadness, fear, anger, among others.

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Emotions produce various organic reactions that can be physiological, psychological or behavioral, therefore they are reactions that can be their own or be influenced by previous experiences or knowledge.

Physiologically, it is the first reaction to a stimulus and they are involuntary: breathing increases, hormonal changes, facial expressions, muscles, voice change.

Psychologically they alter attention, raise the range of certain response behaviors of the individual and activate associative networks in memory.

Behaviorally, they serve to establish how we behave with the people around us. Causes a change in behavior: facial gestures, body movement.

Cognitive: Information is processed at the conscious and unconscious level. It influences our subjective experience.
There are different types of emotions:

Primary are those that we express naturally in the face of a stimulus, which are: happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise and anger...

Positive: they are the reactions that cause us well-being, benefit the way of thinking, acting and reasoning of people.

Negative: negatively affect the well-being of people, although these types of emotions in small amounts are not harmful, and are part of the learning process.

There is something very interesting that happens with emotions and that is that from when they are produced until the moment they decompose, their effect lasts for 6 seconds in our body. Except for a situation of risk or danger, the hormones continue to release chemical discharges that provoke those types of emotions linked to fear....

Posted via proofofbrain.io
