Review | Guthlee Ladoo


When we get something without working hard, we don't appreciate it. No matter how valuable something is, if it is within our reach, it is not valuable for us.

This is exactly what happens to many people, if they are getting the resources to get an education, they don't use those resources and make it appear to
people that they don't need an education or they don't want to study.

But the movie i have brought today is a movie that makes us realize how important education is for us. The movie shows the struggle of a young child who is here to get knowledge. There are many scenes in this film that will make you cry. This film is so emotional that the viewer can't control their tears.


The story of this film revolves around the son of a cleaner who is not allowed to go to school because of his low caste, whereas in India and every other country it is a law that every child has the right to education. But still, because he belonged to the lower caste, he was denied to get admission in any school. At the same time it also shows how much he was fond of acquiring knowledge.

The Story

The movie starts from the Guthlee running while chasing a truck, Guthlee's name was writen on the truck that's why he was chasing the truck to learn how to write his name.

While on the other side Guthlee's father was cleaning the gutter of someone's home where he has found a cute cycle and due to admiration he has touched that cycle but the owner of the house has created a huge issue and make him realized he has no right to touch this cycle.

Guthlee had a partner in this movie and this partner is non other than ladoo, both ladoo and Guthlee was of same age and same low caste but still one of them has alot of interest in studies while the other had fond of food only.

Guthlee mostly takes Ladoo to school along with him where both of them just stands outside the window of classroom and listen to the lectures that different teachers are delivering to class students. Guthlee was really a sharp student he remembers all the things teacher's were teaching even by standing out of the class.


Guthlee's family was not in support of high education of their kid mainly because they have never seen any person from their low caste to attend school. But Guthlee never felt disappointed and kept doing efforts for getting admission in any school.

But later his father also realized that there is no future of people belongs to to low caste untill or unless they get education and win a good post at any office. Behind his realization of the importance of education there was a government officer who also belongs to their caste but everyone was saluting him because he was educated person and holding a good post.

From that day Guthlee's father has decided to do every possible effort for giving education to his son.

First he went to his wife and convinced her about the his wish of sending his son to a school for getting education. And after convincing his wife he went to the school professor for asking him about the admission process.

The professor has told him about the high fees of the school and tried to convince him that he can't afford this and it's better for him to stop thinking about his son's admission. But Guthlee's father agrees to fill the fees of school that's why the professor has to say him that he will give him admission when they pay the fee.

In this scene we find Guthlee siting in the room in the corridor where his father was talking to the professor when his father has left the place he had listned the conversation of professor with his clerk where he was saying he will not give admission to that low caste boy and he is damn sure that his father is not able to pay the fees.

After hearing everything, Guthlee came out and stood in front of the professor and said that you are a liar, you have gave false hopes to my father. And by saying this he runs from that school.

On the other side Ladoo's father has convinced him that cleaning gutters and roads is not a bad job and if he will help him in work he will buy him food. Ladoo was just a kid so he got convinced.

When Guthlee came to him for taking him playing outside he simply refused it and told him that he will do work with his father from now on.

Ladoo starts going with his father and Guthlee's father for cleaning and Guthlee only sees them from a distance because his father wants him to get educated and not to do this work.

But accidentally Ladoo lost his balance and he fall into the gutter and he dies. It was the most emotional scene i must say, his deadbody was folded in white fabric and his parents were hugging him with sobbing.

After Ladoo's death Guthlee's father was more productive about his son and he went to the professor once again. This time the professor was quite humble to him and told him about his basic rights and also told him that getting education is his basic right no matter from which class or caste his son belongs he has right to get education and no one can stop him.

After listening that the Guthlee's father tried to collect people of their caste to go to education office and complains about the the schools in their area. After a huge drama peopel of the village agrees to him and agrees to go to education officer for complain.

The next day they went there and they complained about the schools in their area. Luckily the minister has went to the person who is responsible about all the activities in the schools of that village but God knows what that person has told to the minister he just went from there without even looking at the Guthlee's father and other people with them.

And the person who holds the responsibility of all the schools has asked his guards to kick them out of his office.

And here Guthlee's father realized that his son has no right to get education. That's why after coming back to home he has just burned the unifrom shirt Guthlee was holding.

And also ordered Guthlee to go and clean the toilet pipes of the school. Guthlee's mother tries to stop him from doing this but he didn't stoped and sent Guthlee to clean the pipes.

And Guthlee being a good kid obeyed his father and went their to clean the pipes. Again this scene was super emotional, Guthlee was holding a cleaning bag and for the first time he was at this school for not learning something but for his job.

Here the professor has seen him doing this and he really felt bad for Guthlee. That's he made a plan to help him out.

A day before annual games day he went to Guthlee's father and shared his plan with him. The next day on games day he invited media on the event. And between the media he has announced that we have a kid between us who belongs to low caste but still our minister sir wants to help him get free education in our school but only if he wins the today's race.

The minister was shocked because it wasn't his plan. But the professor has told him few lies and convinced him that the boy is not able to win the race that's why you don't need to be worried.

But in the end Guthlee has wined the race even after falling once and also his feets got hurt too.

But still he was smiling because finally no one can stop him from getting education.

And here a great movie of struggles and emotion dies with smile on face.

The Review

The movie is really awesome and a must watch. I have never seen such a great story and emotion before.
It's a 10 /10 movie from my side.

You can watch this movie at dailmotion. Here's is the link👇

Images without source are taken as screenshot from the movie

That's it for today will be back with another exciting idea soon bye bye 😁 👋

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