Jewelry | Beaded Bracelet


Sometimes destiny takes our decision and we have to follow them. When i have decided to make handmade jewelry i promised myself to not make Bracelets because one of my childhood friend sales Bracelets like this and i don't want to be my friend's competitor even we are not friends anymore.

I have bought accessories for making jewelry online and they have sent me Bracelet making hooks as free gift...

Still i wasn't ready to make Bracelets but who's able to change his destiny.

Last week when i made Bracelet for me, i have started wearing it in my daily routine. My classmates admired it and they give me 3 orders of Bracelets.

I had the stuff too, that i wasn't ready to waste... so i have decided to make Bracelets for them. Here's the procedure of these Bracelets. I made all 3 of them in same design.

So let's begin,


I have started making Bracelet by fixing the plastic wire to Bracelet hook.
I have added one bead in both sides of wire and then added 5 small beads in the left side and 1 big bead on the right side.

Then i have repeated the same step of adding a bead from both ends of the wire and then adding one big bead in left side and adding 5 beads in the right wire.
We have to do opposite this time.

Now keep adding beads with the same pattern of left and right until you'll reach your desired length.

End the process by securing a jumpring in the end. And also cut the access plastic wire, i mostly prefers to fix the wire some where in Bracelet and avoid cutting it. This will helps me to refix Bracelet sizes and also a long wire makes them more strong.

Now it's time to attach chain and bead in the end of chain. Chain looks beautiful in your Bracelet and the biggest benefit that being a seller i finds~ of attaching chain is that, i don't need to check wrist size of customers. They can fix there Bracelet wherever they want in chain.


It's impossible to avoid some minor mistakes in our projects. I mostly prefer to highlight my mistakes because someone who is trying my design would not do the same mistake as i do.
In this design i made two mistakes.

  1. The size of the area where i have attached beads needs to be a little more bigger. When i have worn it i have realized that this is so small.

  1. The beaded area of Bracelet was little hard. It was quite difficult to shape it after wearing. Bracelets needs to be soft so it can easily move in your wrist.

Final Results

So the final result of the Bracelet is here👇

Another one 👇

That's it for today will be back with another exciting idea soon bye bye 😁😁


soooo pretty . I loved such bracelet 👌


They are so easy you can also make one for yourself 😁


They are beautiful 😍. We hope your 3 friends love them 🥰


What a beautiful bracelet, I love it , you did great, welldone
