Jewelry| Beaded Bracelet


Life is something we can't predict, even our happiest day can turn into the saddest one in just few seconds.

When i woke up i was happy, everything was same as every morning of my life but still there was something peaceful in this morning and i thought my day is going to be my happy day or atleast i will not get any sadness today but within hours, life made me realize that i can't predict it.

Whenever i feel sad i made something artistic that diverts my mind from that specific sadness.
I don't know about others but in my case the process of making anything with my hands helps me to forget every pain in life.

I have seen this Bracelet at my classmate's small business ~ she was selling this in cost of 300pkr which is approximately 1$. I know this is not much but why would i spend 1$ for something i can make in few minutes. So i started making one for me...


I had small box of beads that i have rarely used but still i love to collect beads. So I'm gonna use beads from this boss. Secondly i used plastic thread and Bracelet hook for making my Bracelet.

To start the process of making bracelet, i have attached the hook to the end of my sketch book so it will not move. And then attached plastic thread to it.

After securing the base of bracelet i added one small bead in thread. And then added one big bead to the right thread. As shown in the image below

After that i have added 6 beads to the left side of the thread.

To secure both these sides together, i have added another small bead in both threads (left and right)

Now repeat the process but this time on opposite sides, add one big bead to the left side and 6 small beads to the right side.

Then i Secured these beads with the help of one small bead as i did in step 3.

Now keep repeating the process until you will get your desired size.

At last attach some chain to the end of bracelet.
Using chain in the end will help you to change the size of your Bracelet according to your need.


I had a plan to make flower between the Bracelet, and i made it too but it wasn't looking as beautiful as i was expecting.
I have spent almost extra 20 min on making a perfect flower but it was just impossible for me that's why i skipped the idea of making flower and made a smooth Bracelet.

Final look

I had pink watch that's why i have used pink beads to make this Bracelet. I don't know about others but i cares alot about matching...

Here's the final result 👇

Another one👇

That's it for today will be back with another exciting idea soon bye bye😁😁


Wow!! Your coping mechanism is mind blowing and I applaud you for channelling your sadness into something this beautiful. If you can pull this of when you were sad how much more when you are happy😃 Good job!


Hehehe, to be honest I'm nothing but a lazy person whenever I'm happy.
But sadness is my motivation, when I'm sad~I'm more productive 🤣🤣


This is beautiful enough to make you forget you pains
It's true getting busy with your hands could actually ease you
This is pretty and I'm actually waiting for the next one you'll come up with


Hehehe thanks alot... yes getting busy with something you actually like helps you to heal.😁😁


Wow this is lovely. I love this. Thanks for sharing
