Why students cheat at school?


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  It is interesting that the first thing we think about the word "cheating" directs our mind to relationships, in the Hive Learners announcement was like that, and I will be frank that it passed in my mind about it as well. And most of all, love relationships. However, if I remember well, the moments I most felt cheated by friends I trusted a lot. My last post was a bit depressive in my point of view, I exposed a lot of things that hurt me a lot. So maybe I was thinking of turning this post a bit more fun to read. The subject of cheating in school, for example, is fun and sad at the same time. What are the limits of cheating on a Test/Assignment? What makes people bad for cheating? I think I am a guy that has two perspectives, I was a student and a teacher.

  É interessante que a primeira coisa que pensamos quando ouvimos a palavra "trapaça" direciona nossa mente para relacionamentos, na postagem do Hive Learners foi assim, e serei sincero em dizer que também passou pela minha mente essa associação. E, acima de tudo, os relacionamentos amorosos. No entanto, se me lembro bem, os momentos em que mais me senti traído foram por amigos em quem eu confiava muito. Minha última postagem foi um pouco depressiva na minha opinião, expus muitas coisas que me machucaram muito. Então, talvez estivesse pensando em tornar esta postagem um pouco mais divertida de ler. O assunto da trapaça na escola, por exemplo, é engraçado e triste ao mesmo tempo. Quais são os limites para trapacear em uma prova ou trabalho? O que torna as pessoas ruins por trapacear? Acho que sou uma pessoa que tem duas perspectivas, fui aluno e professor.

  I am intelligent, but it doesn't mean that I was the best student. But one thing that I avoided a lot during my basic studies was cheating. I remember having a test where there was mass cheating in the class, and the teacher got it, so they suspended all the students that were associated with that. From a 30 students class only 4 were in the class the next day, me included. However, in the university, I faced some problems with crazy teachers that wanted me to memorize all the books for a test. For one of these tests I decided to revolt and cheat, it was a paleontology test and the teacher wanted us to memorize all Earth's geologic times names, with corresponding times and beings that existed in these times. So I just kept my notebook page with this information under my desk and made some consulting. It was totally wrong but the way how this teacher was asking from us was also wrong. This classical way of teaching where we should memorize content fails in lots of aspects, one of them making cheating more prevalent in tests. I saw good students cheating to pass some tests. In addition, most of the stuff that you memorize is just forgotten a while after.

  Sou inteligente, mas isso não significa que eu era o melhor aluno. No entanto, uma coisa que eu evitava muito durante meus estudos básicos era trapacear. Lembro-me de ter uma prova em que houve muita trapaça na turma, e o professor descobriu, então suspenderam todos os alunos associados a isso. De uma turma de 30 alunos, apenas 4 estavam na aula no dia seguinte, incluindo eu. No entanto, na universidade, enfrentei alguns problemas com professores exigentes que queriam que eu memorizasse todos os livros para uma prova. Para uma dessas provas, decidi me revoltar e trapacear, era uma prova de paleontologia e o professor queria que memorizássemos todos os nomes dos períodos geológicos da Terra, com os respectivos tempos e seres que existiram nesses períodos. Então eu simplesmente mantive a página do meu caderno com essas informações embaixo da mesa e fiz algumas consultas. Estava totalmente errado, mas a maneira como esse professor estava nos cobrando também estava errada. Essa forma clássica de ensino, em que devemos memorizar o conteúdo, falha em muitos aspectos, e um deles é tornar a trapaça mais prevalente nas provas. Eu vi bons alunos trapaceando para passar em algumas provas. Além disso, a maioria das coisas que você memoriza é esquecida logo depois.

  As a teacher, I tried not to repeat the same mistakes of many teachers that I had. I taught for 6 years in a public school in Rio de Janeiro. Public schools are focused most on students that don't have the condition to pay for a private school in Brazil since they are underrated (with rare exceptions). One of the things that I noticed is that there are students that are addicted to cheating, mostly they don't care about your regular classes. But when they face a real test, they just cheat. Since I was the only Biology high school teacher in that school, I saw students progressing throw all high school. One of them feels cheated. He was a very good student in the 1st grade of high school. And when progressed he turned into one of these students that didn't care about studies and started to cheat. I felt very bad, probably there were some problems at home, I will never know. But The thing that bothered me a lot is that I knew his potential. He could finish high school and maybe go to a university, in my school rare cases of students going to the university after. But his path led to a different way. After one year (I think) he finished school all the school commented (including teachers) that he was killed during a gunshot between police and drug dealers, he was one of the drug dealers killed. This case was extreme, a school cheater that was a drug dealer. But not every school cheater is going to turn into a robber, drug dealer, etc. I cheated on one test and didn't do anything of that. School cheating can have in my opinion a consequence of bad choices in life, people that can't differentiate was is wrong and right, but also can be performed by people that are suffocated by the education system, which knows that it is wrong but still they do.

  Como professor, eu tentei não repetir os mesmos erros de muitos professores que eu tive. Eu lecionei por 6 anos em uma escola pública no Rio de Janeiro. As escolas públicas estão focadas principalmente em alunos que não têm condições de pagar por uma escola particular no Brasil, já que são subestimados (com raras exceções). Uma das coisas que eu percebi é que há alunos viciados em trapaça, na maioria das vezes eles não se importam com as aulas regulares. Mas quando enfrentam uma prova real, eles simplesmente trapaceiam. Sendo o único professor de Biologia do ensino médio naquela escola, eu vi alunos progredindo ao longo de todo o ensino médio. Um deles se sente traído. Ele era um ótimo aluno no primeiro ano do ensino médio. E quando progrediu, se tornou um desses alunos que não se importavam com os estudos e começaram a trapacear. Eu me senti muito mal, provavelmente havia alguns problemas em casa, eu nunca vou saber ao certo. Mas o que me incomodou muito é que eu sabia do potencial dele. Ele poderia terminar o ensino médio e talvez ir para a universidade, algo raro em minha escola. Mas o caminho dele levou a um rumo diferente. Depois de um ano (eu acho), ele terminou a escola e todos na escola comentaram (inclusive os professores) que ele foi morto em um tiroteio entre policiais e traficantes, ele era um dos traficantes mortos. Esse caso foi extremo, um trapaceiro da escola que se tornou um traficante. Mas nem todo trapaceiro da escola vai se tornar um ladrão, traficante, etc. Eu trapaceei em uma prova e não fiz nada disso. A trapaça na escola pode ter, na minha opinião, uma consequência de escolhas ruins na vida, pessoas que não conseguem diferenciar o que é certo e errado, mas também pode ser realizada por pessoas sufocadas pelo sistema de educação, que sabem que estão erradas, mas ainda assim o fazem.


These days both in higher and lower levels, people are so addicted to cheating that I wonder if they even bother to read.

Even the little pupils I teach, you see them writing things on their palm just to pass exam or test. Whenever I catch people in that category, I know how to handle them very well because I don't tolerate what I hate.

Cheating can have in my opinion a consequence of bad choices in life.

I agree with you on this. When one becomes addicted to cheating, reading becomes difficult and it is indeed difficult to see one who doesn't read becoming successful in life unless he or she is born with a silver spoon.


it is crazy... i think also it there is also a lack of self steem in some cases. Students just got the test and start to look at one side and another in despair... sometimes they know the answer but they want to double check if they are correct...sad


Very sad indeed. Low self-esteem is also part of it as you said.


In case of cheating in school I feel our education system is not so interesting and that easily demotivate a student to learn and its mostly focus on memorizing power of a student. I feel that every student has a latent but because of lack of proper guidelines they are unable to figure it out.
To be honest I feel sometimes teachers also unable to give the proper guideline to the student which can also be a reason of cheating in school.


Correct! Totally agreed! Teachers need to listen more...the result of an exam is also a meter to see how the classes are going... if the whole class is cheating, there is something wrong. You can't blame the students and the way you teach is correct! Teachers bragging that only 20% of the students pass in their class is a joke too lol. I used to have a teacher in university that said that the normal result of a test should follow a gaussian distribution, where you have two tails in different extremities and most of the students in the center, if you achieve that you are doing good...


Hehe... It's funny how some lecturers expect students to cram something they themselves are unable to memorize. It's so unfair but it seems that noone is doing anything about it. I guess all educational systems are like that.


sure sure you can find that all around the world... It needs to start with the government, however, the government only changes public schools. Private schools are more difficult to change it. Each school has an objective (in theory) so what is the objective of the school... and we customers need to choose the best school that fits our children. And for me the best school is the one that makes kids prepared for the world, not the one that promises that your kid will memorize a physics formula, but why that formula is important and why you don't need to memorize it. I exited school with lots of memorized things, but for what? what is the meaning of all this stuff?


Cheating can mostly be found in public schools because those students don´t actually care, and in other ways, some teachers are not doing their duty well with them. It´s such a pity the school cheater was killed and tagged a drug dealer, so pathetic. Cheating is everywhere and those in it are ready to do anything to achieve their aims.


yep sad stories behind some school cheaters!!


Caramba... Que triste o desfecho do seu aluno. Infelizmente não é tão raro assim algo desse tipo acontecer no Brasil.


No mundo de escola pública com ctz … so na minha escola ja ouvi outros exemplos de alunos envolvidos no tráfico!


Just woke up O.O and saw this. Hmmmm whether the teacher doing that kind of test I can't say it's wrong of them. It's their class so in a way it is their choice to have their test like this. It may not be the best way but it's still their old school way of teaching. We have to just stick with it and suck it up that's how I feel. If it was too easy, then the education I think wouldn't be worth it maybe they went thru the samee thing so making everyoen suffer what they had to do :P.

As for that guy that got killed, that's unfortunate and I think that's an extreme case. I think anybody can make a bad choice and it doesn't necessarily mean they had to cheat in school to end up like that. Even the best of people can make poor choices due to some factor like maybe lack of money, peer pressure etc. I'm sure everyone has made a bad decision in their life just not everyone will have to face death like he did~

I just woke up so im not sure if im blabbing garbage apologizies if i am xD


One think is doing a difficult test … test is made as a diagnosis to measure your learning level! Memorizing isnt learning!


o.o hmmm i dont think their intent was for u to memorize but if it was then thats horrible and I will agree with you :P. i think thats information they want u to know by heart but i could be wrong. did he/she tell u to memorize tho?
