6th of wands, Inner journey to self realisation (ENG/ESP)


6th of wands (Español a continuación)

The Lubanko tarot. By E.Lubanko

Aloha family!!

Long time not writing here, I just came back to Berlin from Barcelona, and as much as I wanted to connect with the community, I had to settle down and organise many things that were left behind during the summer.

A little update of our living situation; after being in Mexico we went back to Berlin, I left my room at a shared apartment in Berlin to move with Mazin at the county side. We lived together before, but as an artist I need so much space to create, and finding a room for myself seemed to be the best idea… the problem was that I kept travelling, and it didn’t make sense to continue paying the high prices in the§ city.
Then I went to Barcelona for about two months and I came back to Berlin not so long ago. I’ve been organising projects, work, the small apartment… and the ball got a little too big in too little time.

Many times I wonder what could I write about, when I am so busy in my daily life and I don’t even have time to do the work I have to.
Then I had an idea… what if I share the struggles and conclusions that I’ve got from my own experience? maybe you can relate, maybe we can grow on this together.

I have to admit that every week of my life differs a lot from the past one, I constantly observe my mood, my thoughts and those things that happen around me. Because of this constant observation and analysis, I get fast outcomes of the problem that bothered me the past week.

Last week started with me sitting and painting again, the self judgment came shamelessly, like always, as If those thoughts were hidden inside my painting tubes looking forward to set free and invade my mind. Well, it is by far not the poor oil tube's fault.

The story comes from before, if I haven’t posted on Instagram for at least a month is not because I don’t have content, no. It is because the next post was about introducing a project that I wanted to talk about for so long… and it’s way too big for me at the moment.

The idea for this project came from an interaction with Mazin, and the outcome of it was supposed to make me HAPPY. To inspire me to do what I love and to encourage me to paint.
Well I made it become the absolute opposite, I arbitrarily put a project on my back that is giving me way more pressure than intention.
I will introduce this project another time, it’s part of my healing process to leave it how it is now.

The outcome of this frustrating experience has been very growthful. The reason why is…making myself busy with another challenging skill to learn (and make it my business) it seems that I forgot what my job is, which is to tattoo. I got so used to what I do in my daily life that I forgot how difficult it was for me to be where I am now.
I don’t praise myself for the pieces I do, for the incredible connection I have with my clients, for the ability to bring the tattoo experience to another level, that is, making a conscious ritual and rite of passage for the person that decides to get the tattoo exchange.

All of this, it took my years and years of research and constant learning about the practices, energies, channelling, etc.
Is when I realised that me and all of us should be aware of our own success and if you are a creative, never stop learning mind like I am, don’t give yourself arbitrary goals to push yourself for unreachable instant goals, to give yourself excuses for self-criticism. But be aware of what you have achieved, and aim for more for fun and pure joy.

I don’t know how do you guys feel with this sharing, is it just me who act this way? :'D
Let, me know in the comments below if you’ve ever felt involved in an experience like this and realised the importance of self awareness.

I get multiple conclusions from this experience, but one of the most important ones is to learn to observe the situation through the whole picture, don’t observe the small day by day worries, but the big message that is being sent. In this case, life is to be lived with joy, and growth can be done without suffering.

With this being said, I have to admit that those who are around us are able to see us in different eyes, and I’m so grateful for the consistency and patience of those who are very close to me, always being a gentle reminder of the value that one has. :P Thank you Mazin, Eva, Dana and of course, Mama.

Let me know if you have enjoyed reading this and if you like to read more experiences like this, I have plenty :P

You can follow my art on Instagram: Llunasoul.ink

PS: Yesterday working with the tarot cards at a ceremony I got this confirmation:
6th of wands.
Success after a rough haul. Being recognised for our efforts. The victory lap. Allowing the self to accept and acknowledge one’s successes.


Love and peace,


Aloha family!

Mucho tiempo sin escribir por aquí, acabo de regresar a Berlín desde Barcelona, y por más que quería conectarme con la comunidad, tenía que asentarme y organizar muchas cosas que se quedaron atrás durante el verano.

Una pequeña actualización de nuestra situación de vida; después de estar en México volvimos a Berlín, dejé mi habitación en un piso compartido en Berlín para mudarme con Mazin al lado del condado. Antes vivíamos juntos, pero como artista necesito mucho espacio para crear, y encontrar una habitación para mí sola parecía la mejor idea... el problema era que seguía viajando, y no tenía sentido seguir pagando los altos precios de la ciudad.
Entonces me fui a Barcelona durante unos dos meses y volví a Berlín no hace mucho. He estado organizando proyectos, trabajo, el pequeño apartamento... y la bola se hizo demasiado grande en muy poco tiempo.

Muchas veces me pregunto sobre qué podría escribir, cuando estoy tan ocupada en mi vida diaria y ni siquiera tengo tiempo para hacer el trabajo que tengo que hacer.
Entonces se me ocurrió una idea... ¿y si comparto las luchas y conclusiones que he sacado de mi propia experiencia? tal vez te sientas identificad@, tal vez podamos crecer junt@s en esto.

Tengo que admitir que cada semana de mi vida difiere mucho de la anterior, observo constantemente mi estado de ánimo, mis pensamientos y las cosas que suceden a mi alrededor. Debido a esta constante observación y análisis, obtengo resultados rápidos del problema que me molestó la semana pasada.

La semana pasada comencé a sentarme y a pintar de nuevo, el autojuicio llegó descaradamente, como siempre, como si esos pensamientos estuvieran escondidos dentro de mis tubos de pintura buscando liberarse e invadir mi mente. Bueno, no es ni mucho menos culpa del pobre tubo de óleo.

La historia viene de antes, si no he posteado en Instagram durante al menos un mes no es porque no tenga contenido, no. Es porque el siguiente post era para presentar un proyecto del que quería hablar desde hace tanto tiempo... y que me viene demasiado grande en este momento.

La idea de este proyecto surgió de una interacción con Mazin, y el resultado del mismo debía hacerme FELIZ. Que me inspirara a hacer lo que me gusta y me animara a pintar.
Pues bien, hice que se convirtiera en todo lo contrario, me puse arbitrariamente un proyecto en la espalda que me está dando mucha más presión que intención.
Ya presentaré este proyecto en otro momento, es parte de mi proceso de curación dejarlo como está ahora.

El resultado de esta frustrante experiencia ha sido de mucho crecimiento. La razón es que... al ocuparme de otra habilidad desafiante para aprender (y hacerla mi negocio) parece que olvidé cuál es mi trabajo, que es tatuar. Me acostumbré tanto a lo que hago en mi vida diaria que olvidé lo difícil que fue para mí estar donde estoy ahora.
No me alabo por las piezas que hago, por la increíble conexión que tengo con mis clientes, por la capacidad de llevar la experiencia del tatuaje a otro nivel, es decir, hacer un ritual consciente y un rito de paso para la persona que decide hacerse el intercambio de tatuajes.

Todo esto, me llevó años y años de investigación y aprendizaje constante sobre las prácticas, las energías, la canalización, etc.
Es cuando me di cuenta que yo y todos nosotros debemos ser conscientes de nuestro propio éxito y si eres una mente creativa, nunca dejes de aprender como yo, no te pongas metas arbitrarias para presionarte por objetivos instantáneos inalcanzables, para darte excusas de autocrítica. Pero sé consciente de lo que has conseguido, y apunta a más por diversión y pura alegría.

No sé cómo os sentís vosotros con este intercambio, ¿soy yo la único que actúa así? :'D
Dejadme saber en los comentarios de abajo si alguna vez os habéis sentido envueltos en una experiencia como esta y os habéis dado cuenta de la importancia de la autoconciencia.

Yo saco múltiples conclusiones de esta experiencia, pero una de las más importantes es aprender a observar la situación a través del cuadro completo, no observar las pequeñas preocupaciones del día a día, sino el gran mensaje que se está enviando. En este caso, la vida hay que vivirla con alegría, y el crecimiento puede hacerse sin sufrimiento.

Dicho esto, tengo que admitir que los que nos rodean son capaces de vernos con otros ojos, y estoy muy agradecida por la constancia y la paciencia de los que están muy cerca de mí, siendo siempre un suave recordatorio del valor que uno tiene :P Gracias Mazin, Eva, Dana y por supuesto, mamá.

Hazme saber si has disfrutado leyendo esto y si te gusta leer más experiencias como esta, tengo muchas :P

Puedes seguir mi arte en Instagram: Llunasoul.ink

PD: Ayer trabajando con las cartas del tarot en una ceremonia obtuve esta confirmación:
6º de bastos.
Éxito después de un duro recorrido. Ser reconocidos por nuestro esfuerzo. La vuelta de la victoria. Permitirse a ink mismo aceptar y reconocer los propios éxitos.

Y tú eres el mío.gif

Y tú eres el mío 2.gif


Let me know if you have enjoyed reading this and if you like to read more experiences like this, I have plenty :P

I have and I'm here to let you know 😀 It's not every day you can read posts like this and also reflect on what has been written here.

I'm here to encourage you to write more often, even though I know time is what we have less and the cause of stopping us from doing more. However, I think little by little, you can still find a few minutes a day to share something. We could use good and genuine posts like yours 🙂

We have a lot of communities, I'm sure you can find a few you like. I'm not sure what you're willing or want to share, but based on your profile, you could share the tattoos you're working on daily as we have a Tattoos community. Or you can use daily Blog, to share whatever happened to you during the day and feel like you want to put it on paper.

If you want to share the struggles and conclusions that you’ve got from your own experience, we have Self Improvement community and I'm sure we could all learn from your experience.

I'm not sure how familiar you are with how Hive works, but here's a guide I put together to help you learn about how communities work and why you should use them -> Communities Explained - Newbie Guide.

Once you posted your post in the right community, you can then cross post it to OCD community. Here's a guide about cross posting.

So please make time and keep sharing what you feel like sharing and good luck with your projects :)


Oh Erika thank you so much for your comment and your guidance, I'll definitely make good use of your advice and go through the communities you've mentioned, plus I will have a look at your posts about it. I really appreciate your advice!


You're welcome, I'm happy to know it may help :)


Hey Lluna, Love this post. Self doubt and self sabotage are something I sometimes struggle with. It can just be something as silly as my ego monkey mind telling me I cant do something or that I should not. I'm still an infant in this process, but I'm training myself to follow the joy - get back to my heart whenever my ego takes over. And I'm really glad you have your rainbow after a period of rain. 🌈


Yes!! Exactly, it can be hard sometimes, but once we can identify that there's a voice that talks nonsense, this is the first step to guide ourselves to kind thoughts. Thank you for sharing dear 🙏🏽


Thanks for sharing your experiences. Berlin is a great place to hang out if you are an artist. I dont know if it is now more expensive than it used to be. I lived in Marzahn before in the student dorms! !LOL
