A Friend In Need | TWIN: Bloodless Trek



"How long will they be in that cave?" Myke asked.

"Probably not for long..." Tyle scratched his head. "They have to find the troll!"

"Not to mention warriors are never this boring."

"Yeah, and - oh! sorry sir..."

As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted - the festival had begun.

It was lavish, with all manner of food and drink free for everyone. Serje and Sylla were the talk of the community. No one had ever decided to stay, you see. Nevertheless strong, competent warriors. Well, one warrior and one scribe. But competent all the same.

The pair was saluted, hugged, kissed. All eyes were on them and all talk was of them. People toasted, dancers frolicked, and performers sang. The cavern reverberated with the echoes of revelry - and Sylla hated every moment of it.

"They love us!" Serje slurred his words. "Lighten up a little!"

"Yeah? And what about when we suddenly disappear? Will they love us then?"

"No... But we will be gone by then anyway!"

Sylla gave him a death stare which Serje drunkenly ignored. She hated it when he was the one having fun. "If these people entrust us with our secrets, and we abandon them afterward... I'm not doing that, Serje."

Serje pierced his lips but nodded. "We could... stay here..."

Sylla chuckled, caressing his cheek. "Go. Have your fun. I'm gonna try to gather some information."

Serje kissed her hand then turned to the waiting mob ready to carry him off somewhere. Sylla stood there nursing the god-awful drink they claimed was alcohol, unsure how Serje enjoyed it, contemplating their next move.

They could stay. Why not? But would they accept them back after they left? She somehow doubted that. These people, while appearing joyful and accepting now, would turn on them with unmatched ferocity. Sylla was sure of that much. You don't survive in this climate with these conditions while being soft. She would like to stay here, however, isolated from the world and its wicked ways. But reality tends to be a cruel mistress.

She tried another sip of the drink, grimaced, then tossed the remainder.

"That bad?"

Sylla turned to see N'Zim. The old man had been their chaperone the past week, attending to their every need with stark efficiency. Sylla had grown to like the man, even respect him. She always felt like he knew more than what he was letting on.

"My partner doesn't seem to think so." She pointed towards Serje. The man was crowd surfing now, trying, and failing, to sing the native's songs.

"I take it he is the more revelrous one?"

Sylla huffed. "You would be surprised."

N'Zim got closer. "Madam Sylla. I would extend an invitation to you in my tent. I have... something to discuss with you."

Sylla raised an eyebrow, he wasn't trying to seduce her, was he? Surely not. What a childish notion that was. Why would he ask for a private audience right now, however? She was sure she could defend herself against him, but physical strength was hardly the only danger.

Regardless, she trusted this man. For some strange reason, she felt safe with him. So Sylla threw caution out the window and nodded.

N'Zim's tent was like every other. The underground was where the homes differentiated from one another. He offered her tea, she politely declined.

"I overheard your last conversation with your Serje."

That was another thing she liked about him, he was curt and to the point. "Did you, now? And?" No use skimming around the topic. He heard - he heard. Why did he insist on talking with her?

"As an accepted outsider I will agree with your fears. Should you earn their trust, only to leave them, that would not bold well for your future even outside this place. These people might appear isolated, but their reach is larger than you could imagine."

Interesting. "I... would like to live her. Truly. Just... not now."

N'Zim considered. "I understand. Tell me. Why do you seek the Ice Troll?"

"Serje seeks it for the money. I... think it could be used for its medicinal properties."

"I've never heard of such uses. Care to elaborate, madam?"

"Not sure I can. Why these questions N'Zim?"

The old man sighed. "There is a way you could set out on your search, while still remaining on good terms with the tribe."


"If you had a... guide. A sanctioned expedition, let's say."

"A guide for what?"

"It could be anything the tribe requires. Providing a service, proving your worth, while at the same time seeking your actual quarry."

Very interesting. "You would provide this service for us? Why?"

"I think I have the measure of you. You wouldn't bring my people to harm. And I like helping people in need."

"What of the aftermath?" Sylla leaned forward. "What about when we leave?"

N'Zim held up his hand. "There are ways. But let's not put the cart before the horse, eh?"

Sylla took in a deep breath. This was what she was waiting for. She didn't think it possible - that someone from the tribe would help them in such a way. It was almost too good to be true...

She narrowed her eyes at N'Zim. "What now?"

"Now." N'Zim stood. "We talk with the Chief."



🔴 Read the TWIN Anthology; a collection of unrelated stories with the same cast of characters.

🔵 Obligatory shout-out to the 🍕PIZZA🍕 gang, 🤙 gang. 🤙

Cover image source.

I hope you are having a fantastic day! And if not, don't threat! The sun always rises.
