RE: Best way to buy HBD without KYC


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Hey there! Hmmm, I always feel a bit lost when reading stuff like this, however it excites me that I basically followed! I must be learning something PHEW!

Another intriguing write up... A few things strike me though. For those of us who aren't crypto savvy, getting fiat into the ecosystem in the first place is very hard. I use coinbase, because I am not currently competent enough to risk using something that isn't highly regulated (and costly!). Sadly, this absolutely goes against my principles.

I have no idea how to properly educate myself on that, as reputable people aren't exactly giving up their secrets on how to lie to the government (Duh!) 🤣. I have sharp eyes, I'll figure it out eventually, like you do.

I know crypto is a bridge to humans making the world better. Building things that don't deplete our value but add to it, collectively. Or, the stars in my eyes say so... 😅

Also, you talk about getting the 20% interest rate,

Your bHBD has now been bridged to native HBD

Unpair the funds? I've finally figured out how to buy bHIVE/bHBD and set it to a farm (OxNifty helped a lot, thanks Nifty!) yet, I still have many questions before I dump a few hundred Hive into it (I know I want to haha). Why not advocate for farming, HEM "not financial advice" on the topic, I mean? 20% is wonderful, 36% is even nicer!

I'm so bullish for Hive in 2023, it's a bizarre and exciting feeling 😁

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes that is my biggest question too. How to get fiat into the "ecosystem" without the KYC?
I too use Coinbase because it is the only place I did the KYC.
I don't know what country you are in, but here in the good old USA "Big Brother is Watching" !LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


getting fiat into the ecosystem in the first place is very hard.

I'll just say that where there's a will there's a way.

But let me add this...

Not wanting to do KYC isn't only about lying to the government.

Being Australian, I don't really worry about my government taking advantage of me in the same way that someone living under a more autocratic system might.

I choose to live in a city, take advantage of public infrastructure/services such as the health system and pay my share of tax for the greater good of the society I choose to take advantage of.

For me personally (and maybe you too living in another first world country), having this non-KYC option is simply about not putting total trust into corporations who don't have my best interests at heart.

And ensuring there are always private, open alternatives for everyone - No matter who you are, where you are or what you believe in.

Why not advocate for farming, HEM "not financial advice" on the topic, I mean? 20% is wonderful, 36% is even nicer!

Just keep in mind that putting native HBD into savings and earning 20% for doing so, has zero 3rd party risk.

It's all a tradeoff between security and earning higher yields :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


how to buy bHIVE/bHBD and set it to a farm? Where can I read how to do this?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
