One of my failed work in the journey of crochet. Flower petals crochet not accomplished

Goodevening everyone in thus lovely comunity. I know most of you have slept and some are still awake.
Its been an amzing already as we are already halve way to the weekend.
So i want to tell you all about this little failed crochet work of mine.

On this very occassion, i said to myself that i want to do a petals rose. So i attempted the crochet project and it didn't quite go as planned. Despite following the pattern, my stitches were uneven, and the tension was off. As I worked, the project became increasingly misshapen. I tried to salvage it, but ultimately, I had to accept defeat.

So these is the project abd the steps that i took.i actually wanted the petals to be flat and round a bit like that of a red petals flower but rather it went on a curved way.

So i stared by doing a single long chain and along the line i decided to joing it together to create a circle inside.

From there i created andother sets of circles at the outer layers of the first circles.

From the second circles i startd doing a double ceouchet inside each of the circles. From there i did the second round and it became like this. I couod not continued becase it was not giving me what i wanted.

But i dont want to give up because giving up is never in my dictionary.
Please i need your words of encouragement.

Goodnight all and rest well.


Greetings I understand you perfectly there are times when we want to master something and we do not get it, I recommend you to look for a video about knitting in magic ring, usually these flowers are knitted in a ring that is then adjusted.
Keep trying and I hope this is not an obstacle to move forward.


Keep trying, one day you will get it right, never let this be an obstacle to you, there are are creative people you can also learn from here as well.


Well, to me. I won’t say it is “all that bad”.

If you follow the pattern. Then it will kinda depends on how you tighten your grip. But if you attach a crochet flower to can make it work when gumming both.

Anyways. It is all a process of learning.

You did well, be proud. You will do better next time.


It can only get better when you practice more. Don't give up .
