Ladies of Hive #159: My favorite passions and Party of the year

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☃️La Vida Misma es Mi Fuente de inspiración y sus colores mi Arte



Hello Ladies, I hope you are having a nice day, we are weeks away from the beginning of the month of December, a month to celebrate with family, share joys and relive memories.

We continue to share stories, capturing in our blog new content sharing our passions.

This week's weekly contest questions sound great to me so today I present my entry to both questions.

1️⃣ What are you most passionate about in life?
2️⃣ What is your favorite holiday of the year and why?

☃️This week's questions by: @saffisara



Lhe pages of my diary are the ideal canvas to capture the art that is in my heart

☃️1️⃣ What are you most passionate about in life?

To value my qualities, to realize how special I am, after spending a dark time where I felt lost without dreams, without passion, without the desire to achieve my dreams, I lacked any interest in my life, I did not realize all the art that was hidden in my being.

Once I overcame all those fears that tormented me, I found that flame called passion in me, that drive that was always there for me, my joy and my satisfaction, the meaning of my life.

I found an attraction in reading that gives me peace, then the pages of my diaries became the canvases to describe what my heart dictates, that art to design stories, characters, the poems of my soul, my passion to write.

My life became my source of inspiration, those dark times the basis of my first stories, I discovered my courage, I began to believe in myself.

That flame called passion gave meaning to life revived my dreams, I deciphered what I really want to be, a writer.

That's the direction I want to go, I know what I want and where I want to go, I no longer feel lost.

I love to tell stories, to create worlds, to give life to my characters, the doubt did not let me see the flame of passion, I decided to drown it, to give steps to my dreams, to believe in myself.



☃️2️⃣ What is your favorite holiday of the year and why?

I'm the type of person who is just celebrating the new year when I'm already thinking about Christmas, the Christmas holidays are my favorite holidays of the year.

It is a special time because these holidays represent the meeting with family and friends, celebrations and gifts.

I love Christmas, this year I have plans to get together with friends I haven't seen in a while, I'm excited about the upcoming holidays.

Every year I celebrate these dates with the same joy, thanks to these holidays I have the most beautiful memories of my childhood, the time with my cousins, the dinner with my deceased grandparents, memories that are special.

I have several reasons on my list to take these holidays as my favorite of the year, one of them is that it is the only month of the year in which I share with all my family since the beginning of December we are organizing dinners, exchanges, so far that tradition continues among us despite the times of crisis in the country..

For me Christmas is synonymous with family, joy, hallaca, happiness, nostalgia, it is my favorite holiday of the year.

thank you very much, Ladies!

☃️This week's questions by: @saffisara

☃️ORIGINAL CONTENT OF @graciel-chan
☃️Translator: DeepL
☃️Imagen de portada editada en Canva
☃️Separadores: Canva, fondo Remove.big


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Hola @graciel-chan, disfruté tu publicación, en ambas respuestas.
La vida misma, es el mayor regalo que nos otorgan desde el momento que llegamos a esta existencia. Así mismo, no hay nada más valioso, que encontrarse y reencontrarse con su yo interior. Eso reconforta y fortalece. Estoy muy feliz que las sombras se hayan disipado. Pero en ocasiones, es después de ellas que llega el renacer introspectivo.
Definitivamente coincido contigo, mi fecha favorita es la Navidad y todo lo que ella representa.
Salud y bienestar 🤗✨


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Christmas holiday is the season of love.
It is also my best holiday.
