Opening 12 Packs on Rising Star Game 20/06/24 *3Short Video


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Opening 12 Packs Rising Star

Tremendous opening of envelopes, don't miss it, I got from epics to means of transport that have waves of fans that come to improve my stats that are already improving day by day.

Among the cards that have fallen to me is the special e season that is necessary to make the special mission to have a chance to win the other special cards of instruments.

I hope you enjoy this short video in 3short format for the convenience of the viewer and not having to waste time with long and cumbersome intros, 1:20 min of pure luck and envelopes in this video.

If you are interested in starting in the game @risingstargame I leave you my referral link and I am at your disposal in the comments for any questions on its operation.

Translated with (free version)

Tremenda apertura de sobres, no te la pierdas, me han tocado desde épicas hasta medios de transporte que tienen oleadas de fans que vienen a mejorar mis estadísticas que ya van mejorando día a día.

Entre las cartas que me han caído esta la especial e temporada que es necesaria para hacer la misión especial para poder tener oportunidad de ganar las demás cartas especiales de instrumentos.

Espero disfrutes este video corto en formato 3short para mayor comodidad de l espectador y no tener que perder tiempo con intros largas y engorrosas, 1:20 min de pura suerte y sobres en este vídeo.

Si te interesa iniciar en el juego de @risingstargame te dejo mi link de referido y estoy a tus ordenes en los comentarios por cualquier duda en su funcionamiento.




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Please follow @adaezeinchrist because she organized a gathering for widows and less privileged individuals, providing them with food and clothes in Nigeria

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3.996 NEOXAG


Wow brother I really liked the variety you got, especially the special e season card. The short format really made it engaging I think. Can't wait to try my luck too in this game

0.029 NEOXAG