Request from a friend - dragon ball characters on a wielding mask
Hello friends, today I come to show you a request that a friend made me several days ago, this friend is a welder who is a Dragon Ball fan and since he knows that I draw, he asked me to draw something related to Dragon Ball on his welding mask and I chose Majin Vegeta for the first part. Below I describe how I did it.
Hola amigos, hoy vengo a msotrarles un pedido que me hizo un amigo hace varios dias, este amigo es un soldador fanatico de dragon ball y como sabe que yo dibujo, me pidio que le dibujara en la mascara de soldar algo referente a dragon ball y elegi para la primera parte a majin vegeta. abajo les describo como lo hice.
- Mask without any base, it should be noted that I do not have any material that is suitable for drawing on plastic so I had to come up with ideas to be able to make this drawing.
- Mascara sin ninguna base, cabe destacar que no poseo ningun material que sea para dibujar en plastico asi que tuve que idearmelas para poder hacer este dibujo.
- First I was thinking about how to make the drawing stand out on the mask using the materials that I already have or that I mostly have, for this I did had to buy a light gray acrilyc paint for the base and to be able to draw on it.
- Primero estuve pensando en como hacer para que el dibujo resaltara en la mascara utilizando los materiales que ya tengo o que tengo en su mayoria, para este si tuve que comprar una pintura al frio color gris claro para la base y poder dibujar sobre ella.
- Once the base was dry, I started to make the sketch with the pencil and then outline the entire contour with ink.
- una vez seca la base, me dispuse a hacer el boceto con el lapiz para luego delinearlo con tinta todo el contorno.
- At this point I colored his hair with yellow and orange alcohol-based markers for some shadows and also made details on his skin with the brush tip pen.
- en este punto le coloree el cabello con los marcadores a base de alcohol color amarillo y naranja para un poco las sombras y tambien le hice detalles en la piel con el boligrafo de punta de brocha.
- once the hair was colored, I started to color the suit blue with darker details for the shadow, I still didn't know whether to leave the background that color or remove the paint and leave the mask with its natural color.
- una vez dibujado el cabello, pase a colorear el traje de color azul con detalles mas oscuros para la sombra, aun no sabia si dejar el fondo de ese color o quitarle la pintura y dejar la mascara con su color natural.
- At this point I didn't know whether to color the skin or leave it with a light color, in the end I decided to color it with the cream marker that I have and it ended up being a good result.
- para este punto no sabia si colorearle la piel o dejarlo con el color claro, al final decidi colorearlo con el marcador color crema que tengo y termino por ser un buen resultado.
- This is the finished work, I decided to remove the painting around it and leave it with the natural color of the mask, this is the first drawing of several that I will do on this mask, wait tomorrow, perhaps, another drawing in another part of the mask ,I hope you like it.
- ya este es el trabajo terminado, decidi quitarle la pintura del alrededor y dejarlo con el color natural de la mascara, este es el primer dibujo de varios que hare en esta mascara, esperen mañana, quiza, otro dibujo en otra parte de la mascara,e spero les guste.