Queen of the sea and forests - Original artwork.
Hello alien and hive friends, today I come to show you a drawing I made with the mechanical pencil of a girl who ended up becoming a queen, I didn't intend to do something like that but the drawings I do usually have some will of their own and I feel that they ask me to be certain characters, this girl asked me to be a queen when she was just going to be a girl holding herself with a branch to pose for a photo and proclaimed herself queen of the seas and forests, with her fixed gaze and her shining crown reigns over all beings with much mercy and benevolence as well as with tenacity and ferocity, I hope you like it.
Hola amigos de alien y hive, hoy vengo a mostrarles un dibujo que hice con el portaminas de una chica que termino convirtiendose en una reina, no tenia la intension de hacer algo asi pero los dibujos que hago suelen tener algo de voluntad propia y siento que me piden ser ciertos personajes, esta chica me pidio ser una reina cuando solo iba a ser una chica sosteniendose con una rama para posar para una foto y se proclamo reina de los mares y los bosques, con su mirada fija y su corona reluciente reina sobre todos los seres con mucha misericordia y benevolencia al igual que con tenacidad y ferocidad, espero les guste.
@gooze Beautiful work, congratulations
Damn, what a beautiful piece