Ink drawing series #4 - The wielder of the flaming sword
The Flaming Sword is an artifact that many yearned to possess, but no one knew where it was located. After years of adventures and searching, following clues, legends, and tales, on a remote mountain, there it was, the Flaming Sword, which grants its wielder the power of fire and all that it represents, becoming the element itself and achieving its great destructive power. There are three other elemental artifacts, but of those, there is no record whatsoever. It is known by logic that the first one to find the Flaming Sword, which was the only one with clues and riddles of where it could be found, would have an important advantage in obtaining the other three, since by having the power of fire, they can destroy and reach places they couldn't reach before. Of the other three, it is only known that they are: a spear that controls the wind, a trident that controls water, and a hammer that controls earth. Already possessing one of these would make you considered a deity in certain cultures, a God of fire wielding a sword covered in flames, almost biblical, and this individual was the first to find it, preparing to search for the rest of the artifacts, as the ambition for power is greater in those who already have it. I hope you like it.
La espada llameante es un artefacto que muchos anhelaban tener pero nadie sabia donde se encontraba, tras años de aventuras y busqueda, siguiendo pistas, leyendas y cuentos, en una montaña remota alli estaba clavada la espada llameante que otorga a su portador el poder del fuego y todo lo que este representa conviriendose en el elemento en si y consiguiendo su gran poder destructivo, existen otros 3 artefactos elementales pero de esos no existe registro alguno, se sabe por logica que el primero que encontrara la espada llameante que era la unica con pistas y acertijos de donde podria encontrarse tendria una ventaja importante en conseguir los otros 3 ya que al tener el poder del fuego puede destruir y llegar a lugares a los que antes no podria llegar, de los otros 3 solo se conoce que son, una lanza que controla el viento, un tridente que controla el agua y un martillo que controla la tierra, ya poseer uno de estos te considerarian una deidad en ciertas culturas, un Dios del fuego portando una espada cubierta en llamas, casi biblico y este individuo fue el primero en encontrarla disponiendose a buscar el resto de los artefactos pues la ambicion de poder es mas grande en aquellos que ya tienen. espero les guste.