If You Want A Clean Soul And Spirit Always Sanitize Your Contact List.


Every day, make it a routine to clean up your contacts and chats, just as you clean up dirt and unwanted things from your house.


The aim of this is to eliminate people who are wasting your time or are no longer relevant to you. Remove people who all they do is to clutter your phones with useless chats and messages that are not useful to you. When you delete these irrelevant people, you create more space for the relevant ones.

Those who mess up your mind by sending you useless messages and dirty images that do not add meaning to your life should be eliminated from your contact list. People who only remember and call you when they are in need and stranded should no longer have a space in your contact list.

And in your life, avoid those who the only thing they are good in talking about is just gossips and things that are not worthy of listening. People like this will keep wasting your time everyday, and if you do not avoid them early, you start becoming and behaving like them.

You cannot detoxify your soul and spirit if you do not first sanitise the kind of people you come in contact with. And this detoxification starts from cleaning your contact list, because that is the easiest means were people can assess your spirit with dirty things.

The kind of contacts you keep can either construct or destruct your life. Carefully clean up you contacts to avoid your soul and spirit being toxified.


Wow I never knew not sanitizing my contact list wi cause an effect to my soul and body
