Monomad: The Importance of Nature to Our Society and The Environment



Greetings everyone, there are lots of great contributions and good impacts here in our Society and in the Environment. Nature gives us wonderful views and this will be a great gift to all of us here in the environment. Today, as part of my #monomad post, I will share my simple own point of views about the good impact to have a healthy and wonderful environment and Nature. Also, I will share my own opinions and point of views about the bad impact if the Nature becomes weak. Mother Nature is already with us starting with our ancestors, elders and prehistoric people. Nature is already live and arose.

What are the Natures Includes?

Natures are includes by the Following;

  • Different kinds of trees
  • Flowers
  • Fungi and Mushrooms
  • Big stones
  • Rivers and other bodies of Water
  • Mountains
  • Plains
  • Volcanoes

These are some owned by Natures. All of this are existing here in on Earth and it gives a great contributions to our society and also in the Environment. There are lots of sectors today conducting good activities that can help to our environment just like cleaning the coastal areas, rivers and also in Public Places. This will help to preserved the cleanliness of the environment. This is a simple good act to the environment but it gives a big good impact to Mother Nature.




Some of the wonderful things that Nature gave to us are the different kinds of flowers. There are lots of different kinds of flowers can be seen in lots of places either wild or ornamental plants. Some of it produces lots of attractive flowers because of its wonderful colors, styles and forms. Aside of that, there are some of it contains a good characteristics the way it leaves in the midst of The Nature and forestry environment. Aside of can beautify the environment, there are also some plants that can beautify our lawn and backyard also because of its flowers.



Trees are also very important in Nature. It gives a cool and relaxing views because of its shades, aside of that it keeps and hold the place and can avoided the dry land eroded. There are lots of trees we can found in different places around the World and it gives a shelter to all wild animals like birds. Dry fallen branches comes from the trees are also very helpful, here in our place dry branches are used for firewoods like cooking foods, dishes and boiling water. In Infrastructural activities, lumbers came from the trees are very important like building foundation of houses. But cutting old trees used for constructing houses must be replace and planted another one.


Mushrooms and other kinds of fungi also depends on Nature. Here in our Country, there are lots of Fungi and Mushrooms can be seen and found in here. Only few mushrooms can be eaten, mushroom grows and depends on the environment and it lives on a rotten and withered boilogical things. Rotten branches, dry grass and big stones are some of the best spot were lots of mushroom grows.

Nature gives us a great and wonderful views and it helps balance the ecosystem and sheltered animal wild life.

There are few Natural calamities always happen on each place and most popular calamities are Floods. That is why it is really important to take care of our environment.

It is not to late to do this good and helpful activities to our Mother Nature, even in a simpliest way it gives a good result to our environment. Even cleaning the surroundings and removing trash on Canals, rivers, coastal areas or in sewage systems are very helpful and important.

Thank you for visiting and reading my post, have a nice day everyone.

Time Photo Captured:10:00 AM
Captured By:Huwaweii Phone
Location:Manticao, Misamis Oriental
Type of Photo:Monomad B&W
Date:January 12, 2025

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