Němý Medvěd Microbrewery, Mělník
I’m trailing behind with my Wandering Brazil series. If I were to publish another #beersaturday post from that trip, I’d skip several chapters and be forced to take you to the famous Sugarloaf in Rio. So, I had no choice but to hit the road and find a nearby craft microbrewery. The Beer Show must go on! Let’s take a break from the Brazilian rainy season—here’s a bit of Czech winter, although yesterday’s weather felt more like mid-March than February 1.
S brazilskými články jsem trochu pozadu, a už je tady další #beersaturday. Protože se mi nechtělo znova přeskakovat kapitoly až někam na slavnou Cukrovou homoli v Riu, obětoval jsem se a vyrazil do jednoho nedalekého minipivovárku. Takže z rozpálené Brazílie, byť tedy v období dešťů, do zimního Česka. I když počasí bylo včera spíš jako někdy v půlce března.
Mělník is a small dowry town about 30 kilometers north of Prague—one of the few Bohemian towns that Czech kings dedicated to their wives. This suggests that Mělník was once more important, partly due to its strategic position above the confluence of the two largest Czech rivers, the Vltava and the Elbe (as captured in the first photo), and partly because its fertile soil supports grapevine cultivation even this far north. You can actually spot the vineyards in my pictures. That hill in the background is Říp, the mythical “mountain” of the Czechs. If Říp caught your attention, feel free to check out my older posts mapping the trail to the hill and to the nearest microbrewery:
Mělník je královské věnné městečko kousek od Prahy. Českému publiku ho asi není moc třeba představovat. Je na soutoku Vltavy a Labe, a je z něj vidět na "horu" Říp. Proč tomu kopečku v dálce říkáme hora, tak úplně netuším. T. říká, že vypadá přesně tak, jako když dáte malému dítěti pastelky a necháte ho nakreslit kopec, jen je menší. No, a že se tu už dlouhá staletí pěstuje vinná réva, asi víte taky. Kdyby vás zajímala cesta na Říp, kde jste asi všichni beztak byli, nebo do nejbližšího minipivovaru pod Řípem, kde jste pro změnu pravděpodobně nebyli, odkazy jsou výše.
As a historical town, Mělník has a small central square with picturesque—or often just historizing—townhouses. I was under the impression that the town had already been charted for Worldmappin; I’ve even seen several posts from there, yet there are no pins. I hadn’t planned on taking you around and duplicating someone else’s posts. However, since there aren’t any pins yet, here are at least some photos of the townhouses, just snapshots not really intended for publication.
V Mělníce najdete klasické centrum s historickými nebo historizujícími domy. Měl jsem za to, že o Mělníku už tu bylo napsáno několik článků, a že budou připnuté do Worldmappin, ale zdá se, že jsem se spletl. Původně jsem článek pro Worldmappin psát nechtěl, je zbytečné duplikovat obsah a publikovat už napsané, nicméně tady je alespoň pár fotek od boku.
Globalization can be amusing. For instance, this low-end Chinese restaurant is housed in a historical building that used to be part of the Mělník chateau, hence its name, Chateau House Restaurant. I wish I could see the face of a medieval Bohemian queen, learning that her dowry now consists of a town with a Chinese bistro right next to her chambers.
Čínské bistro Zámecký dům mě pobavilo. Královna, která by na zámku zrovna pobývala, by jistě ocenila, že si může nechat donést nějakou tamní specialitu.
Anyway, let’s roam the main square a bit—the fancy building is the town hall. This square hosts well-known wine festivities at the end of summer, although local wines can hardly match those from regions more suited to vineyards. Still, we often drink “burčák,” semi-fermented wine juice, instead of proper wine at these events, so it doesn’t matter much.
Ještě nakoukneme na náměstí Míru, hlavní mělnické náměstí s radnicí, kde se konávají mělnická vinobraní. Nemyslím, že by vína z Mělníka mohla konkurovat těm z vinné révě příznivějších regionů, ale já jsem spíš na silná červená. Na vinobraních se ale stejně pije hlavně burčák, takže to moc nevadí.
In addition to the post–World War II suburbs surrounding the old town—which I find rather dull—Mělník has several industrial landmarks, such as this printing press building.
V Mělníce je i pár průmyslových památek, ale já během krátké procházky vyfotil jen tuhle tiskárnu.
Let’s return to the main square, as it is time to quench our thirst. Němý Medvěd, or Dumb Bear, is just across the square from the town hall. The first thing you might notice is this Chef’s Ultimate Burger board—and it was “ultimate!”
A už je pomalu čas na ochutnávku. Němý medvěd má výčep a burger bar na náměstí Míru, víceméně naproti radnici. Cedule lákající na šéfův ultimátní burger si nejde nevšimnout.
We Czechs love combining outdoor activities paired with beer. Even in freezing weather, you always find cyclists in craft breweries. If there were too much snow, people would at least come skiing.
Cyklistika nebo túry a pivo, to u nás jde dohromady. Pro leckterého cizince je to ale prazvláštní kombinace.
The brewery offers a terrace and a patio, though both are closed in winter. Since Mělník is close to Prague and surrounded by cycling and tourist routes, the place gets crowded on sunny weekends from April to October. It was crowded when we arrived yesterday; about thirty Dynamo Dresden fan club members on a trip stopped by for a late lunch. No wonder; microbreweries like this one are generally among the best places to eat outside Prague, where many restaurants favor cheap over good cooking.
Pivovar má i terasu a zahrádku, které jsou v létě zavřené. V sezoně to tu o víkendech žije, a plno bylo i včera. Potkali jsme totiž zájezd fanclubu Dynama Dresden. Na cizince narazíte v minipivovarech v regionech hodně často, a není divu, taky je každému doporučuju. Obvykle se tam najíte o poznání lépe než jinde v okolí. Když už někdo vaří poctivé pivo, dá si obvykle záležet i na tom, co vám k němu naservíruje.
The interior is a renovated historical building blended with beer-related details, and it’s observed by this dumb bear. Rumor has it that if you dare to dine and dash, this cute teddy comes to life and deals with you. I didn’t have the guts to try!
A tady je ten němý medvěd. Kdyby se někdo pokusil odejít bez placení, ožije a vyřídí si to s ním. Prý. Já to tedy raději nezkoušel.
Oh, and the Chef’s Ultimate Burger! Here it is. If you’re into bears, try another local specialty—the Daddy Grizzly Burger with 600 g of meat (over 1.3 lbs). Great for people who haven’t eaten in, say, three days.
Jo, a tady je ten šéfův ultimátní burger. Kdybyste byli jó hladoví, můžete si dát daddy grizzly burger, ten má 600 gramů masa.
The Beer
Brtník 12° - Bohemian Pilsner
Bohemian Pilsner is naturally a flagship of every Czech brewery. Brtník is a modern-style lager, rich in Saaz hops flavors, with a noticeable bitterness and a dense character. The malty tones are well-balanced, becoming a bit more prominent in the aftertaste, where they merge with a herbal bitterness. A proper beer—just the way I like it. For those less fond of bitter lagers, however, the other Bohemian Pilsners on tap might be a better option.
Bizon 12° - APA
I appreciate experimenting with multiple hop varieties and several malts, including wheat malt. Bizon offers a complex profile with a pronounced citric bitterness dominated by red grapefruit notes. It has a heavy fruit body and a moderately intensive aftertaste. Neither the bitterness nor the acidity is overwhelming, and the flavor lingers pleasantly. I could imagine drinking this one on a frisky evening someplace in the mountains.
Kňour 12° - Dark Bohemian Lager
While many dark lagers tend to be sweet, this one goes a different direction. It has a creamy body with dark roasted tones and hints of coffee, while the aftertaste allows a touch of sweetness to shine alongside a subtle chocolate-like aroma. It might stray a bit from the typical description of this style, but it is a well-brewed beer.
Vídeň 11° - Vienna Lager
Vienna-style lagers can be a great option for those who find Bohemian lagers too intense. This beer respects the style by opening with sweet caramel tones, followed by a moderately bitter body and a pleasant aftertaste where the two dominant flavors merge. It isn’t an outstanding beer by any means, but it works well as a digestif.
This is my #BeerSaturday challenge post, and I would like to invite @curamax to participate. I am sure there are some local brews he would find refreshing :) Write a post in any language about beer with at least 3 pictures. It does not have to be published on Saturday. Check the rules published by @detlev ;)
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wo very nice place, I like beer I drink one bottle before I sleep The food look's delicious I love fries and burger super yummy enjoy your day have a nice day every one.
Feel free to join the #beerstaturday then :)
Really nice ones... indeed!
The burger though 😨😲🤯 Massive! Would probably need an entire day walking to destroy that thing (+ beers).
Well, we walked about 25 kilometers that day :))
Still, they offer the Grizzly Daddy burger of 600g for those who starved for like three days :))
This is funny - in Czech language it looks (and maybe even sounds) like the slang word for Chinese people in English: CHINK - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chink
It would be pronounced like "cheenska" in English, except that last A would be pronounced long, like in "far" or "car".
Amazing bohemian pilsner!!! I am salivating!!! All the experience of drinking a beer in a nice environment makes some difference ! And this old stone made place is awesome for that 😬
I love my beer with an experience ;) And well-deserved ;)
Man your post made me thirsty and hungry at the same time 😁. I do have a plan to visit a place mid if this week, hopefully I'll be able to join this week's #beersaturday.
Here’s another beautiful thing about #beersaturday. You can join anytime :))
Hi, @godfish,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
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Sounds like you really like your beers 🍻.
Don’t blame you with those nice IPAs. They are really high in alcohol %. Fast buzzz! 😵💫
Nice place and city photos.
Laughing about the face of the queen seeing the Chinese restaurant 🤣
There was not a single IPA, and none of the beers was strong in terms of alcohol content.
I am glad you liked the post though ;)
Oh! Ok.
Explain to me what’s this then?
I got it wrong 🤣
American Pale Ale = APA
India Pale Ale = IPA
These are very different beer styles brewed from different hop varieties, and different malts.
There's actually a Red IPA on the list, "Ježíšek", New England IPA (or NEIPA), and even Brut IPA, but I did not sample these, only the four beers I mentioned in the post ;)
Got it dude… cheers 🍻!
Cheers! :)
I loved your post
I'd stop spamming, and started actually engaging if I were you.
🥺Wow dear this place is really beautiful to be honest the view is a blast
It was more about beer, but thanks :)
Welcome dear 😊
Hi, @godfish,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Esa hamburguesa 🍔 espectacular🎉 gracias por el paseo @godfish bendiciones 🙏
Well, it was more about beer ;)
la verdad q lo que gusto mas fue esos lugares hermosos y esa hamburguesa con mas de medio kilo de carne🤤 y es que yo bebo ningun tipo de licor😇
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