Gnarly News #20



Welcome back, everyone! You know how it goes, you're about to get stoked with what's happening in Gnarnia!

...and don't forget to drop in our Discord channel by clicking on the banner bellow 👇

Gnars are a new way to fund extreme athletes

We prefer a world where kids aren't sold energy drinks by their heroes. So as a community of action sports enthusiasts, we've formed a DAO to rethink how extreme athletes get sponsored.

Gnars are NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain

Based on Nouns open source and CC0 artwork, they're stored fully on-chain with no external dependencies. Each one gets you a DAO vote and memberships are available at auction, forever.

Gnars are dedicated to supporting the artistry of extreme athletes

News and Updates

That’s Gnarly Continues to Deliver

We’ve got a couple updates to That’s Gnarly this week. Most importantly, the introduction of user submitted initiatives! Do you have an organization, charity, or other initiative you’d like to support with portions of your revenue as a creator on the platform? Well now anyone can submit an organization to be included as an option for creators to send a percentage of their revenue to. In addition to initiatives, there have been overhauls to the creator and visionary profile pages. Head over to your profile and check it out!

GnARs Going Global?

Remember those giant skateable noggles? Imagine something like that but anywhere, anytime, all powered by augmented reality on your phone. Sounds pretty cool right? Read more about the idea in the thread below. What kind of objects would you make nounish? Pop in the discord and drop some ideas!

NFT Fest Throwback

A recording of the panel discussion with a bunch of amazingly nounish people including Gami and Benbodhi has been published for those of us who couldn’t make it to NFT Fest. Check it out on YouTube below.

Gnarving Coming Soon

Here’s your weekly reminder that the gnarving is sneaking up on us and will be here in no time! The gnarving is when the duration of each auction doubles, and this time the auction duration is going to increase from 40 to 80 minutes. At the time of this writing, there are 168 auctions left. And don’t forget, the next gnarving will also mark the beginning of auction extensions and the end of sniping! Interested in learning more about how our auctions work? Head over to


We have lots of exciting proposal ideas constantly in the works. Please take a look and give feedback in the discord forum!


  • That's Gnarly Gas Costs + Gas refund for Gami & Rocketman + Gnarly Trivia Prizes

This proposal is requesting 1.7 ETH to cover Thats Gnarly gas fees for 1 month moving forward, refund Gami + Rocketman for gas costs they have incurred for past drops, and fill the Gnarly Trivia Prize Pool for the next month.

Discord Thread | Proposal


  • Sponsor Rickyday Surftrip in Indonesia to make Gnars Surf Content

This proposal is seeking funding for the production of content and management of meetups as Ricky travels Indonesia. He’ll be visiting three different islands and proliferating Gnars to the surfers he meets along the way, and hiring a filmmaker to produce content for him.

Discord Thread | Proposal

  • Small funding for Gnars Jam Session Retweet Pickers

This proposal is requesting to reimburse The Noun Square for the past 10 retweet picker prizes on the Gnars Jam Sessions, and to fund the next 10 weeks prizes as well.


  • Onboarding Elisa Eisenlohr (Paraglider) into Gnars Community

This proposal is requesting 1 Gnar to onboard paraglider Elisa Eisenlohr into the Gnars community.

Discord Thread | Proposal

  • Gnars NFT's for ETHDenver

This proposal is to distribute the Gnars NFTs for the ETHDenver event. This was already approved in a previous proposal, but the transaction was not included. Therefore this is just to distribute the NFTs as previously approved.

Discord Thread | Proposal,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

Community Highlights

Bob Burnquist’s Debut on That’s Gnarly

The legend himself has submitted his first clip to That’s Gnarly. Check it out here and show some support! Not only has he posted his first clip, his organization Instituto Skate Cuida is now available as an initiative for creators to support,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

Quest for Stoken Testing

Play the game and earn prizes! Check out the full article here.

ETHDenver Event

ETHDenver is coming up at the end of the month. If you’re going to be in Denver for the event, be sure to get in touch with Pin Pusher and Vlad. The event details can be found in the poster below

Gnars Jam Sessions Podcast

Be sure to tune in every Thursday night at 8:00pm EST to catch the Jam Session live in action! Don’t stress if you can’t make it, all episodes will be published as a podcast for you to stream at your convenience.

Daily Drop at Gnar O’ Clock!

Every day on That’s Gnarly a new open edition drops at Gnar O’ Clock (9:30pm EST / 2:30am UTC) and hosts a live show on The Noun Square!

SkateHive and the Gnars Shredding Report

Check out the latest Gnars Shredding Report published on SkateHive! If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out SkateHive and SurfHive, where you can publish content and get paid for it!,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

Banner Artist

This week’s newsletter banner was created by Ilustradora. Check her out on twitter!

That’s Gnarly Highlights

Here are the top 3 submissions from this past week along with a personal favorite.

In Other Nouns

Did you know there are quite a few other nounish newsletters? Take a peek at our favorites at

This is the kind of infrastructure we love to see. Anything that enables trustless operations is a huge benefit to the DAO and likely to be adopted by other DAOs too!

This past week was the 1-year anniversary of the formation of Nouncil. What a year it’s been!

A Prop House round for Prop House rounds.. can you tell nouners like Prop House?

Did you mint The Wizard’s hat yet? No? Then head to immediately.

Tom Sachs has entered the game. And with a legendary entrance at that.

Welcome UNouns to the nouniverse!

You can now vote in on-chain proposals and Prop House rounds on Agora.

What nounish products would you like to see?

Nouns 🤝 Loot

9GAG CEO is now exploring the nouniverse as well.. who will be the next big name to purchase a Noun?

That’s all for this week! Keep proliferating and stay Gnarly ⌐◨-◨ 🤘


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