The Cycle of Life: Caring for Our Aging Parents


A common prayer I believe is common amongst African parents Is that "May they reap the fruits of their womb" meaning, may the children they bear and sacrificed so much to raise become responsible adults who would also care for them in their old age, because as they age, there comes a time when they aren't as strong and active as they were and no longer engage in jobs or businesses they did to earn an income, except for the few that have investments that earn them impassive income, even at that, as old age comes so does the body and brain activity deteriorate
, I recently watched a short video on YouTube where a grandma couldn't even remember her name, it felt emotional, yet adorable to see how we humans become babies all over again when we age, and see her being surrounded by her families, husband, children, grandchildren, I felt at ease knowing she had all the love and care she needed at this moment of her life.


You never know how much parents sacrificed for you until you become a parent yourself, and I must say, training a child, even from an infant stage is not an easy task at all, it took me to become a parent myself, right from experiencing childbirth, to raising them now, they are still little, on would be device in two months, while the other is 3, during these few years of experience, although I had respect, my parents, before but these experience has increased that love and respect that I can't even measure, the reason I don't joke with caring and being there for them as much as I can, though they are not so aged yet, but it is already a stamped responsibility for me to take care of them.


Some might argue that they didn't choose to be born and trained by their parent, it was their choice, so a forced responsibility of reciprocating that care shouldn't be a burden on them, rather it should be a matter of choice. While others give the excuses of being too busy with their jobs and other various businesses, and hardly have the time to take care of their aged parent and would rather take them to the homes for the elderly and have them taken care of by total strangers they pay. In my opinion, I wouldn't consider this option a bad option if and only if there is assurance that the so called stranger is doing his or her job the right way, and also we as children her to show face every once in a while to continue Oi easing that bond/relationship as a family as it is also possible that staying away from work to have the time to care of your parent without having enough finances could also leave you and them frustrated, so long you make sure to never stay away completely, then it's fine.

For me, I know I would always be physically present.

*All images used in this post are mine.

Thank you for reading.❤❤

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I can't even imagine anyone abandoning their aged parents. It is a responsibility that we must carry out considering what our parents sacrificed for us to be where we are.
Thanks for this beautiful piece.

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