Self-Driven Cars: A Luxury We Can't Afford...Yet

Look around you today, isn't it amazing seeing all the helpful inventions that have made life more easy and comfortable, as a woman for instance, starting right from my kitchen, I have cooking appliances that have made cooking easy and faster, I once traveled to the village and had a glimpse of what living in the past felt like, having to use fire woods to cook my meal, without any other option, the hectic process of igniting the fire and then manually fanning it to stay alive before the cooking starts, not forgetting the stench of smoke that covers me from head to toes after cooking, which means compulsory taking a shower after, the worst part is that the smell hardly comes off your hair easily, what I'm trying to say is no matter how people appreciate the way things are done in the past, I feel the way it is now is better as it is more easy and preferable, but is it to all things now made easy?


What about Self Driven Cars

The pursuit of comfort in the era has made us go to the extreme to provide such comfort, I've never physically seen a self-driving car, only in movies, and I think there is a very good reason for that, living in a country as mine is one of them, being the adventurous person that I am, if opportune, I will want to have the experience of being driven in a self-driven car, but only in a country where it has been tested and compatible to drive with, because I know for sure it can't function here in my country, so buying it if I can afford it is totally pointless, because it won't be functional to me here, and there are many reasons for that, from our bad roads, bad drivers and not so rule abiding citizen, as these cars have been designed to work in a saner country, the possibility of an accident will be high here and for sure I'm not ready to risk my life all in the name of adventure or fun,


Who is to blame when accidents happen? Of course, it will be the owner of the vehicle, whether the car is self-driven or not, you are liable for all its expenses, be it either maintenance or in the case of accidents. The only time the manufacturers should be liable will only be in the case where a contract or guarantee has been signed especially for any malfunction on the part of the car, which isn't impossible, these cars are run by programs that are susceptible to bugs, hackers, etc aside that the owner takes the full blame, because it is impossible to fine a robot or detain one, it is even laughable to try to arrest a bot.

No doubt, these cars are made with good intentions, to have a luxury comfort even in transit, but above all, when in transit is one of the riskiest situations, because the road is used by not just you alone, and there is a possibility of a crazy driver or even a learner out there that would always slip, and the human mind surpasses any program assigned to the self-driven car, from my experience living In third-world countries, the option of driving myself, and staying alert remain number one, until when we are advanced enough to accommodate this invention.

Image 1
Image 2 is mine.

Thank you for reading.❤❤


For now, they seem like they might seem risky to us but, I want to believe that, in making these vehicles, the manufacturers already considered all of the factors that could go wrong and then built into the system a way of averting or minimizing them.

But I agree with you, that for now, that type of invention is not a Nigerian material. We know how it is😂


Yes, I'm sure they would, but Nigeria no follow at all😅


A self driven car is the last thing on every Nigerian mind because of what our roads look like. It would be a complete disaster with the car having to move on the same road with danfo and their crazy drivers.


It's not even possible, anybody that gets it here is just for decoration purpose😅


It's not even possible, anybody that gets it here is just for decoration purpose😅


Omo, truth be told, i can never buy a self driven car o
not in Nigeria, and not outside Nigeria


Truth to be told I can't buy a self-driving car because despite the fact that they can be convenience they can also be risky which I can't afford at all. We are driving normal car that we operate by ourselves we gets into an accident not to talk about self-driven car.


Exactly, no vehicle is above the accident whether self-driven or not


Exactly, no vehicle is above the accident whether self-driven or not
