Sacrifice for the greater good

To every greater good we enjoy today, someone or something might have sacrificed their time, effort, or even their very life so the coming generation will benefit from such good, that is just the way the world is, nothing good comes easy and when it seems easy, it becomes too good to be true.


The same can be said about the advancements we have in technology, particularly in the medical field, our ancestors operated in what is known as the trial and error method to cure their ailments, and though it worked for a few, it also led to the death of many, which resulted in scientist going for a perceived lesser sacrificial lamb, the lamb literally representing the rats and common Guinea pigs now used for testing the efficacy of manufactured drugs before trial on human, rather than lost more human life through this process, they felt animals are lower than man so it doesn't matter
how many are used and sacrificed through this testing.

My take on this matter, I don't think there is an exact right or wrong accusation to this, though the animals are lower than us, think about it this way, they still have their families and have unique ways of communicating, even though we don't understand them, and they probably also feel the loss of their kind just as was do.


For the sake of humanity to survive sickness and other health issues, trials are important, and if I'm in the position to choose between the animals or my fellow human, I would definitely not choose the same kind as me and would go for the lower kind, the animals in this case, yes, they might feel too, but it is a necessary sacrifice that needs to be done, so far we have the power of choice than them, and also high ranked, this gives us the advantage over them, to save the human race, as long as we don't make them go extinct, we are only exhibiting our natural course of power, the same thing we do on the food chain.

This action isn't something that can be averted, and I don't think there is a better way these trials can be carried, as these test on animals use their reaction, body size, and biological makeup are all considered to match with the dosage that can be used to treat humans, and there are so many diseases that are yet to a cure and others more tht needs improving, rather than focusing on changing the current way things are being done, we should focus more on the benefits derived for the survival of mankind because animals themselves also benefit from this research, they also get sick, need a cure, and are even the primary career of certain diseases or virus that has caused an epidemic in the past, putting the world on lockdown, so this factor isn't a right or wrong answer but all for the greater good of every living creature and that is what matters.

Thank you for reading❤❤



Just don't confuse fully developed humans with hybrids / fucking animals like yourselves, ass talking nutshits


This is a hard decision, but then, instead of choosing humans, its better for animals to be used for such type of experiments


There has never been alternatives and will never be.

And am happy like you said, animals also benefit from this experiments


Exactly, till when there are better options, this remains


Sure sis. Happy new week as we anticipate celebrating untitled.gif
