

It's a few minutes to the end of the year 2023, I know you feel underachieved but don't let it tell on your face, making it look like you own all the problems in the world because you don't.

You don't own all the problems in the world, smile, dance it is a privilege being alive to be alive to see this day so smile because you don't own all the problems.

Dance, scream, jump, clap, worship, shout do whatever it takes to make you happy and be grateful for the months of the year 2023.


Smile, laugh, cry, you don't own all the problems in the world, remember you are not the only one going through challenges, and struggles in this world, a lot and thousands of people are going through different things daily.

Go to the hospitals, go to the prisons, and you will see that you have got a thousand and one reasons to be happy and to smile because God has been faithful to you.

We have every reason to shout, if we can, scream if we can, jump if we can just to thank God for the preservation and sustenance of life.

Smile, because God has got your back, don't have doubt, He's working things at your back, and He will do it, just be rest assured, that He will.

Don't let the struggles of the year 2023, steal your smile, you should smile, it looks good on you, and makes you more beautiful, smile like it's no man's business, God is working behind the scenes. The new year will bring good tidings
