Facing Our Demon
Many of us started the year 2023 with something but in the long run, we decided to let go of it and concentrate on something else because we failed once or twice and were tired of repeating the same thing and going in circles.
Many have refused to try out something or new things because they are afraid of failing and what people would say if they fail. We are afraid of stepping out of our comfort zone because we think we will be bashed if we try out something new out of our comfort zone and fail.
We are afraid of seeing ourselves fail, we are afraid of hearing people talk about our failures or see us fail and we are afraid of what the world thinks about us as such, we have refused to step out in our full glory, we have refused to try out new things, we have refused to let loose of our wings and fly as far as we want, as far as where the wind can take us to and where we can reach.
As we match into the next year, let's be prepared to take the bull by the horns, let's be ready to run as far as our legs can carry us even if it means stopping at intervals to rest our legs but we should be ready to carry on with the race. Be ready to leave your comfort zone, be ready to fly high to wherever the winds take you.
Be ready to fail, get up, dust ourselves, and continue the journey, be ready to stretch as far as we can because there is no harm in doing that, let's go for something different, go for something complicated, and challenge ourselves, face our demons, and overcome them.