Be Happy, Choose to be happy
This year, be intentional about making yourself happy, nobody will make you happy if you refuse to make yourself happy.
Nobody can make you happy better than you can make yourself because nobody is in charge of your happiness except you so make a conscious effort to choose happiness as one of your goal setting and a priority because life will happen.
Life will happen even when you expected it and when you least expected it, it will throw at you lemons most times rotten lemons that can not be used to make lemonade, but that doesn't mean you should let it steal your happiness because it doesn't deserve and isn't with stealing your happiness.
Pick happiness over the challenges, the troubles, and the struggles of life, the truth is, most of the challenges we are going to be faced with this year are challenges we all have passed through but the thing is we never thought we would face it again it never expected it but challenges of life will always present itself as long as we are alive, it is our choice to choose to remain happy even when these things present itself.
Life will always do what it wants to do to us, but it is in our control to choose how we wish to react to what it throws at us and how we wish to solve the problems it throws at us but in all, choosing happiness is the best thing we can do for ourselves because the struggle is real and the journey hasn't come to an end.
The road to our success has bumps and potholes, and we have to pass through those things to get to our destination, every road has a sign, traffic light, bumps, and potholes and how you choose to see life during those waits or stop will determine your perspective of life but during the wait choose to remain happy it will help you see life from another perspective.