Surviving the salty rice mishap: A Humorous Tale of Culinary Misfortune


Have you ever had a cooking disaster that left you in tears or, in my case, with a growling stomach? Well, let me share with you a hilarious incident from my teenage years.Brace yourself for a tale filled with laughter and a valuable lessons.

Growing up, I had an aversion to cooking. It seemed like an insurmountable task, and I always found ways to avoid it. No matter how many times my mom asked for my help in the kitchen, I would come up with excuses or miraculously fall ill. However, there came a fateful day when I couldn't escape the responsibility any longer. Little did I know, it would turn into a valuable lesson and a memorable experience.

In my teenage years, despite my persistent resistance, my mom's patience finally paid off. She handed me a simple task - to cook rice and warm the leftover stew. It was a defining moment for me, as it was my first time taking charge of a meal. Determined to prove myself, I abandoned my excuses and embraced the challenge head-on.


The First Attempt...
Arriving home early that day, I swiftly changed into my casual attire and made my way to the kitchen. With a sense of curiosity mixed with anxiety, I started the process of cooking what I believed to be rice 🫕. In what felt like a short span of 45 minutes, I proudly announced my success to my mom. Little did I know that there was an unexpected twist awaiting me.

The Salt Mishap...
As my mom inspected the rice in the pot, her face contorted into confusion. Something was clearly amiss. Wanting to impress her, I confidently assured her that I had added just a little salt. However, when she tasted it, the realisation hit us both like a train. The rice was incredibly salty 🥴, almost inedible. Panic set in as I desperately tried to think of a way to salvage the situation.

The Chemistry Experiment💡...
In a desperate attempt to rectify my mistake, I suggested adding more water to the rice and sieving it to remove the excess salt. I drew inspiration from a separation method in chemistry, 🤞hoping it could miraculously solve the dilemma. Unfortunately, my mom's furious reaction shattered my hopes. She berated me for my lack of remorse and deemed my solution silly.

My punishment was fittingly severe. My mother declared that I would not be allowed to eat anything else until I had finished every last grain of that salty rice. Though initially undeterred and foolishly lacking remorse, reality soon set in the next day.

As I consumed the remaining portion of the salt-laden rice, my stomach rebelled against the onslaught of sodium 🤢. While at school I found myself desperately seeking relief from the constant purging, even draining the school's water supply to quench my thirst. With no other choice, I made the reluctant decision to return home.

Along the way, fate played yet another cruel joke on me. Just as I was about to escape this culinary nightmare, I bumped into a boy I had been crushing on for ages 😱🤦. However, my discomfort and the unyielding pressure in my gut meant that I had to suppress the urge to release a potentially hazardous fart because it might come running down.

In an unfortunate twist of fate, I succumbed to the bodily pressure at the most inopportune moment - right after he expressed his desire to spend time together. Mortified, I hastily excused myself, leaving him both bewildered and (likely) scarred for life.

Finally arriving home, I made a beeline for the restroom to tend to my stomach's rebellion. Enquired by my concerned mother, 🤧 I simply claimed I needed to use the facilities and left her none the wiser about my culinary catastrophe.

Lessons and conclusion...
Reflecting back on this hilarious yet oh-so-unfortunate experience, I can't help but appreciate the valuable lesson it taught me. Cooking is an essential life skill that should be embraced rather than avoided. Its mishaps can even provide us with anecdotes that bring laughter to our future selves.

So, dear readers, let my mishap serve as a reminder that even the simplest of tasks can go awry if not approached with care. Embrace your culinary adventures, learn from your mistakes, and remember that sometimes laughter is the best response to a kitchen disaster 😂. Bon appétit, and may your cooking endeavours be ever prosperous and salt-free! 🤸

Image source:Photo by PNW Production

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I could relate to that punishment 😃😃 my mum has done something similar to my sister when she also made mistake of adding too much salt, she was made to finish the food all alone.

But you know sometimes we make mistakes, yet consistent practice makes perfection. We shouldn't let our past failures get to us or hold us down.


Learning from mistakes is what makes even better.


Oops! So you added a little rice into the salt😂. Nigerian moms and that punishment can never get old😂


😂 for every mistake you would get a well deserving purnishment.


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Hahaha, mom is funny. But, I think it's a good experience for us to learn from it.


So, after everything, your mom didn't notice the effect on you? I think, the way she handled you is the best way to treat your fuckup. Lolz. Next time, take irrelevant and unnecessary excuses.


Seriously, I think she cared about its effect on me, she just wanted me learn a good lesson faster rather than whipping me.


I dislikes whipping. I do prefer this kind of punishment. One can easily learn from it.
