The Art Of Guiding With Compassion.

Looking out for the people around me is one of the things I love to do because I believe that's one of our purposes on earth. God was concerned after creating Adam, he knew the world would be a boring place for just one person to roam in and created Eve to be his companion.

To my understanding, we aren't here just for ourselves and it's a huge blessing when we can fulfil that part of our purpose in life. One of God's commandments says "Love your neighbour as yourself" and one of the ways to go about it is by guiding the people around us when they aren't doing what's right; not what we think is not right but what is truly not right because I have seen cases where people try to impose their beliefs on people in form of guidance.


As a teenager, I have had so many life experiences huge enough to guide even my peers and I don't hesitate to do so when necessary. There was a time I had to squat at a family friend's place for about two years just because of some family financial challenges.

Within two weeks of staying there, I noticed that the second child of the family gambled a lot. I didn't even know sports gambling existed at that age and I got to know about it from this boy because he was kind of obsessed with it.

Immediately I noticed, I spoke to him about it and didn't stop at just that time. Whenever I see him holding bet tickets, I always warn him against it and he started hiding.

He wasn't as smart as me so I always caught him and didn't desist from warning him. Getting his parents involved wouldn't end nicely and I didn't want my presence to be a problem in the house so I just kept everything happening to myself. With every day that passed, this boy's addiction increased and I knew it would ruin him but since he wasn't listening, there wasn't much I could do.

One evening, his dad told me that he was suspecting something and he wanted me to verify it for me. He sent me to the boy's coaching centre to check if he had registered for Jamb.

He brought home some slips but they didn't look authentic so I set out the next day to visit the coaching center and the truth was revealed. His dad's suspicion was right and I was shocked to the bone. This boy didn't just skip jamb registration, he hadn't been attending classes.

I felt terrible and didn't know how to break the news to the old man. On my way back home, I met the boy roaming around and asked him what happened to the Jamb registration fee. He started giving different explanations and I knew he had gambled with the money, I made up my mind not to get involved with him in any way even though we shared the same bedroom.

He pleaded that I hid the secret and I promised not to tell his dad about it. We arrived home together and I patiently waited for him to settle inside his room before breaking the news to his dad.

The man was heartbroken and hell was let loose that day. I felt bad because the old man was struggling to give them a better life but he was misusing the opportunity many kids including myself wish they had.

The event ended whatever relationship I had with the boy and he kept grudges with me until I left the place. We didn't speak for a while and about four years later, he finally made it into the university. I was surprised to see his call, he apologized for everything that happened between us and I was happy he is now a changed person.

Sometimes, a lot of people feel inconvenienced when we insist on guiding them to do what's right and until they get ridiculed on that wrong path, they won't learn their lessons.

They choose to learn the hard ways and it's best to let them get burnt so they can learn what's right.

Posted using Neoxian City


And the fun thing is that the gambling they are engage in, is ending up ruining their life. God will continue to you.
Never stopped doing your good deed

Thanks for sharing this bro.


A lot of youths are addicted to this thing and it's tearing their financial life apart but somehow, it gives them hope.

Talking against it makes you their enemies.


People don't like to be told the truth, even when they know that they are shitting the bed. They won't listen. They will turn you into an enemy. However, when they have passed through fire, the ones that still have some sense left in them would work toward setting things right.

The story you shared is a very sad one. Imagine being a parent who works all day long, but the person you are trying to give a better life is only interested in going to ruins. That must be a very painful thing to realize.

Betting is eating deep into the finances of young folks. Some people use their last money to bet while some even go as far as borrowing money to use and bet. It doesn't always end well for them.


The truth is indeed bitter and it hurts. A lot of people are not ready to admit their mistakes and automatically make you an enemy when you speak against their bad acts.

I felt bad because the old man was trying everything he could. The boy eventually learned his lesson the hard way.


Yay! 🤗
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That’s it for people who fails to listen to corrections, they will always learn the hard. Thank God he’s now a changed person.


Gambling has made many young people especially the male miserable, some have committed suicide because they couldn't get back the money they used in gambling. It is a pity.
It's good you opened up to the dad so your conscience is at peace



You see, there's one rule in life apart from the don't advice people in love. The next one is never to advise people who bet. Once they've had a taste of it, their life is never the same.

I am glad you said the truth and didn't cover up for him when his Dad asked. And that may have what had changed him.
