Is SILENCE still golden in the world today?

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt -Abraham Lincoln

A lot of things have changed in the world today and you will agree with me that countless things are been done differently from the old ways. The effects of the changes are different and while some things changed in good ways, others turned out to be bad.

Human relationship with one another is something that has changed a lot, the world has become congested and difficult to live in. For the sake of survival, a lot of people do not care about how their actions have negatively affected their fellow humans.

There was a time when humans lived with less hate for one another because it would be a lie to say that the world was once a peaceful place. During the time of less hate, silence was golden. It was a time when people define silence as something unique, although it is still golden to some extent today but it is not what it use to be anymore.



I have a little knowledge about the old days even though I didn't experience them and I learned that people who talk less were regarded as wise ones. It is very understandable to think of them that way because when you talk less, there are high chances of you speaking reasonable things. After all, being quiet gives you the chance to think properly before speaking. This is not the case for everyone, some people are quiet and still spit rubbish.

Silence is feared in those days because it is hard to know the mind of a silent person, so people thread with caution when dealing with a silent person but that's not the case anymore.


Growing up, I was taught to be silent among elders. My mom has this way of silencing me with her eyes whenever elders are talking and I want to interfere. I got to understand that in the midst of those who know more than you do, it is best to be quiet and talk only when called up to do so.

She many times stopped me from trying to make people see things from my point of view. I learned that it is better to be quiet than to speak among people who wouldn't accept you whether you are right or wrong.

Silence is a virtue to her, I believe it was one of the lessons she learned when she was young as well but does the world still see silence as a virtue?

Today in the world, being silent can make people rub dirt on your face. This generation sees silence as a sign of weakness and other unbelievable things.

  • A lot of bully victims in the world are silent people in nature, they are people who choose not to talk or interfere with things that are of no importance to them.
    I was one of them, I was so quiet that I got the nickname, baby. I wasn't dumb but I speak less and listen more, that has always been my way of learning more but being quiet didn't pay off. I became some bully target and I had to become the talking type just to scare bullies off while in school.

  • Being silent means pride in the world today. I have heard this countless times and I wonder why people think quiet people are proud. It is not a must to talk always and when you don't, people think you are forming or trying to class yourself.

  • Being quiet today makes people leave you out of many things that might end up affecting us since we weren't put into consideration while they were making that decision. It is happening everywhere, at church, among friends, and even in the family. It gets to a stage when people start deciding on your behalf at their benefit.


People no longer see silence as golden or a virtue anymore. Today everyone wants to be heard and people even go the extra mile to get their voice heard. For some it is important while some people just want to speak rubbish, people will go at crazy length just to get attention.

I still try to be as silent as possible but not in some situations. Speaking up to condemn things that are not meant to be doesn't make you a lousy person so speaking only when required is still a legacy for me. I have learned to be able to switch between being silent and talking depending on the environment I find myself.

Despite the side effects that come with being silent today, I still think it is golden to an extent, and not speaking up when or where necessary can be worse. Allowing yourself to be trampled on by others just because of your silent nature might not end well always.

I hope you enjoyed reading through it, feel free to share in the comment section if you think silence is still golden in the present day world.

Posted using Neoxian City


A proverb of my arts says: the word is silver but silence is golden.

I love silence and I seek it.
Silent people inspire me fear because they are the ones who usually never do it at random when they speak.

Also when you don't know what to say it's the best time to shut up... there are people who talk to talk and wasting words is equivalent to wasting time.

Nice post! Thanks for sharing your thoughts🤗


Uh huh. Silence is better than a lot of banter. I like to observe. It's how I learn!!! Hehehe


some people are quiet and still spit rubbish.

😂😂😂 This is funny to me and that is the truth oo

I got to understand that in the midst of those who know more than you do, it is best to be quiet and talk only when called up to do so.

This is something I practice too and I felt on top of the world when my friend's fiance used me as an example to his fiance to emulate me. You won't see me interfering to others discussion unless they ask for my opinion.

I am also this shy type that I don't jump into any talk except my input is sought for and once I have said my mind, I leave.

It's always good to be silent and reason whatever you want to say in your mind first and don't act as if you know it all when speaking; it is only people that will judge if what you are saying is right or wrong.

I came through #dreemport


A lot of people don't understand the power of silent.

It gives you the privilege to think and not speak rubbish when contributing to a discussion.


There are some cases that requires being silent for one to have peace of mind wheras some cases requires that we speak up and get things sorted out. Personally, being silent in some issues had caused me pains in the past...but I still apply it when needed but speak out when need be as well 👍


There are times when we really need to speak up and times when we have to be silent. Being able to identity the difference between both time is a blessing.


I am a quiet person by nature. I pick my battles carefully too. In other words I don't say too much, especially in public, about things that don't or won't have an impact on my life. I have been accused more than once of being mentally challenged because I am quiet. Oh well. I am still quiet.



Posted via Veews


That's the thing, people now see people who are quiet as something else.

I glad you still choose to be the quiet type despite how people feel about you.


Everyone has opinions and you can't please everyone either so I choose to do what I want. Took me a very long time in my life to learn that.
Enjoy your day😀
