Deliciosas canasticas de pollo guisado. /🍴Delicious chicken stew canasticas.
Hello dear hive community, I have the pleasure today to share a delicious recipe that I prepared, on the occasion of pampering my children I prepared some canasticas de pollo guisado, which was a few pieces of chicken that I cooked for lunch and I had a little bit left where I decided to crumble it; then prepare a dough to prepare some tasty canasticas, it is a very easy preparation so I invite you to see all my recipe without saying more let's cook.

Pollo, tomate, cebolla, perejil, cebollín, ají, onoto, curry, sal,1 huevo,1 taza de harina de trigo,1 cucharada de mantequilla, sal, azúcar, aceite.
Chicken, tomato, onion, parsley, chives, chili, onoto, curry, salt, 1 egg, 1 cup wheat flour, 1 tablespoon butter, salt, sugar, oil.

Para comenzar así fue que prepare el pollo guisado, primero tome las piezas de pollo las lave muy bien y pase acortar finamente todos los aliños el tomate, cebolla, cebollín, perejil, ají y reserve.
To begin with, I prepared the chicken stew, first I took the chicken pieces, washed them very well and then finely chopped all the seasonings: tomato, onion, chives, parsley, chili and set aside.

Segundo paso pase a calentar una olla con un poquito de aceite y puse a sofreír el aliño.
Second step, heat a pot with a little bit of oil and fry the dressing.

Tercer paso agregué las piezas de pollo en la olla y le añadí 1 taza de agua.
Third step I added the chicken pieces to the pot and added 1 cup of water.

Cuarto paso, pase a condimentar el pollo, con una pizca de sal, curry y onoto luego tape para que se cocinara hasta ponerse salsoso.
Fourth step, season the chicken with a pinch of salt, curry and onoto then cover to cook until it becomes saucy.

Quinto paso, preparación de la masa primero en un bol añadí 1 taza de harina de trigo seguido de una pizca de sal y azúcar, mas 1 cucharada de mantequilla, luego removí todo para incorporar.
Fifth step, preparation of the dough first in a bowl I added 1 cup of wheat flour followed by a pinch of salt and sugar, plus 1 tablespoon of butter, then I stirred everything to incorporate.

Sexto paso, agregue 1 huevo y mezcle todo para que la harina agarrara humedad.
Sixth step, add 1 egg and mix everything so that the flour gets moisture.

Séptimo paso, después de remover le añadí un poquito de agua para empezar a amasar.
Seventh step, after stirring I added a little water to start kneading.

Octavo paso comencé a amasar por unos 5 min hasta tener una masa suave deje reposar por unos 20 min.
Eighth step I started to knead for about 5 minutes until I had a smooth dough and let it rest for about 20 minutes.

Noveno paso, pasé a estirar la masa en un mesón y extendí en una ponquera buscando la forma de canastas, y aparte desmenucé el pollo que tenía reservado.
Ninth step, I stretched the dough on a counter and spread it on a punch bowl looking for the shape of baskets, and separately I shredded the chicken that I had reserved.

Decimo paso, luego de estirar la masa pase a rellenar con pollo, luego hice pequeñas tiras y se las coloque encima de la masa para formas unas pequeñas canasticas.
Tenth step, after stretching the dough, I filled it with chicken, then I made small strips and placed them on top of the dough to form small baskets.

Por último, metí en el horno por 15 min a fuego muy bajito, al tener 10 min le añadí mantequilla por encima y volví a meter en el horno hasta que se doraran un poco.
Finally, I put them in the oven for 15 minutes at very low heat, after 10 minutes I added butter on top and put them back in the oven until they browned a little.

Deliciosas canasticas de pollo guisado. /🍴Delicious chicken stew canasticas.

I say goodbye dear community of hive sharing this delicious recipe perfect for sharing with family or just a delicious treat to eat a delicious pásapalos, as you could appreciate is a very easy recipe to prepare I hope you like it if I extend more my friend see you another time.

Fotos tomadas desde teléfono Alcatel idol. / Photos taken from Alcatel idol phone.
Separadores y ediciones hechas en Canva. / Separators and editions made in Canva.

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